Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Petrol is cheap: the oil companies done good!

Melanie Phillips.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Apparently this ancient song upsets humanists - fine!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
The politics of envy backfires.
Do I think that they should be persecuted by the rabid left? - Absolutely not!
Would I like to see them paying more in tax? - No!
I am being purely pragmatic here. The super rich only pay taxes as volunteers. If they regard a level as fair (probably one pitched much lower than you and I might consider fair) their money, businesses and entrepreneurship remain in the UK.
When that is not the case, they simply remove their assets - and never more easily than in the computer age - and then ALL their funding is lost to us.
The left rant and rave at this as they embark on some wild pontificating against the wealthy. They do not care what the consequences are which result from ultra high taxation - they 'just know' that this is how it has to be!
Consider Micky Caine:
'Sir Michael Caine has joined the growing revolt over the new coalition's plans to hike taxes, insisting it will encourage the wealthy and top companies to quit Britain.

Sir Michael, a tax exile for eight years in the 70s after income tax hit 82 per cent - claimed major increases would encourage people to leave the country like he did.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1282203/Now-Michael-Caine-joins-tax-revolt-Camerons-celebrity-backer-warns-exodus-crippling-hikes.html#ixzz0pIaheU29
Unhappily, too many funerals today are shallow, depressing, man-centred and have no hope to offer.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tragically accurate.

'Any fool can give money to the poor,' he told Mr Brown. 'The question is whether money gives them freedom.'
But freedom was the last thing that interested Mr Brown. He wanted the poor dependent on the government and voting Labour.
Set them free and they might, horror of horrors, turn Conservative.
PLEASE, do read the rest of this article!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1282045/HARRIET-SERGEANT-Time-smash-broken-system.html#ixzz0pCsK3ifl
Quixote move over!

(3rd June - none working AND all the 8 or so windmills on Bagmoor near Scunthorpe I passed this morning not working either!)
Carrot & stick.

Text of a letter I sent out widely yesterday.

I expect that knowledgeable Christians will have been as disgusted as I was to see that 'Europe Day' was celebrated earlier this month, at of all places, Westminster Abbey! Sadly, Europe was not being celebrated at all - it was the ever rancid EU.
Disgusting as it may sound to those who recognise the evil which permeates that toxic organisation - from its bottom to its lofty and overweening top - the matter was compounded by celebrating the 60 years since Schuman's wolf-in-sheep's-clothing-Declaration set this vile body in motion.
That a place of Christian worship should have been so desecrated in order to celebrate: lies; deceits; tyranny; human self-aggrandisement; imperialism; greed; the antithesis of democracy; impoverishment of our people; corruption and a subservient mentality, is nothing less than a total abomination - besides which, the EU does Christianity no favours, quite the contrary.
No doubt, the kindly-minded but nonetheless, terminally naive, will make unverifiable claims for the EU's mythical 'peacemaking abilities'; it being 'a catalyst for fraternity' and 'a body outside of which it is impossible for any independent nation to survive'.
If prayer is to be directed towards this foul leviathan - then it should be for its extinction - or at very least - some form of exorcism to wrest us from its satanic claws.
Church of England - SHAME ON YOU!
The Rotherham Advertiser published it!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What? - Good News From Iran?

Maryam Rustampoor and Marzieh Esmaeilabad left Iran last Saturday – with a warning from the courts that they would be 'dealt with severely' if they were ever involved in Christian activities in Iran again.'
3 claims - or maybe promises.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Blind cave fish.

Heard that scientists have 'created' life? - Not at all!

Evidence News 04/10 – 26th May 2010AD
£33 billion a year and all based on 'junk' science!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
How can justice be achieved?

It was the first death in Britain in which the Director of Public Prosecution’s new rules on assisted suicide have been used to decide that there should be no criminal charges.'
The real problem in such cases for me is in the deciding whether or not the assistance given 'was an act of love'. Just how do you do that?
In a linked but decidedly different situation, with the now universal and generally spurious claims by wrongdoers of 'I was abused as a child', the outsider is given the near impossible task of establishing truth.
I often suggest solutions to social problems. Not in these cases, I am afraid.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sniff, sniff - hayfever is a good thing?
Hmm. Would like to believe but it is experts again!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1280728/Allergies-slash-risk-cancer-They-help-boost-immune-say-experts.html#ixzz0ooqfoFBf
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Brown's worth.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sporting aesthetics.

Useful advice on tattoos?

'This is a question many Christians struggle with. I believe tattooing falls into the category of "disputable matters" where the Bible is not clear. But wait a minute, you might be thinking. The Bible says in Leviticus 19:28, "Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the Lord." (NLT) How much clearer can that be?
It's important, however, to look at the verse in context. This passage in Leviticus, including the surrounding text, is specifically dealing with the pagan religious rituals of the people living around the Israelites. God’s desire is to set his people apart from other cultures. The focus here is prohibiting worldly, heathen worship and witchcraft. God forbids his holy people to engage in idolatrous, pagan worship and sorcery which imitates the heathens. He does this out of protection, because he knows this will lead them away from the one true God.'
LINK: http://christianity.about.com/od/faqhelpdesk/f/tattoochristian.htm
Friday, May 21, 2010
Another exclusive from MITK!


Thursday, May 20, 2010
MITK returns.

In the noble metropolis, there are around 100 deaths per week.
There are 150 births!
Please ponder these figures. On the surface, they are extremely worrying for this over-populated nation but there are certainly other levels to fathom.
Marie Stopes.

I may be wrong but I suspect that naming abortion clinics after her would have sickened this lady to the very core.
Now these so-and-sos are advertising their Eichmann-style services:
An advert offering abortion services will be shown for the first time on British television next week.
Marie Stopes International, a charity that carries out about 65,000 terminations a year at its British clinics, said that it wanted to encourage people to speak more openly about abortion, and reach the widest possible audience with information about its services. [The Times.]
THEY ARE LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH! The last thing they want is more openness.
If that is their desire, then let them insist that no woman nor girl will ever be allowed an abortion until they have seen 'The Silent Scream' or similar.
If you have not viewed this short film, let me tell you that it shows what happens with an abortion at varying stages and shows how truly gut-wrenching it really is. It was made by an abortionist who finally recognised the evil he was performing.
It is now a touch old fashioned but I always show it to pupils as a vital part of my sex education course - although as it so gruelling, I always insist on a parental permission slip signed in advance to allow the film's viewing to each individual.
This film is banned in most secondary schools as "It is too graphic."
BUT. If an abortion is too terrible to see - then surely it is too terrible to perform.
The failings of the euro.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Let's ordain shoplifters.

No. Before you reject the idea out of hand - just consider. Why are they shoplifters in the first place? - Clearly, it is because that is the way that God made them.
Obviously, they must not be excluded from bishoprics; they must not be victims of discrimination; they must not be regarded as lesser Christians and after all, 'sin' is such an outmoded concept - God has evidently moved on from such ancient thinking.
But, hmm. I wonder where this idea could best be tested?
Monday, May 17, 2010
More long spoons needed?

Anyway, I note from a well known scurrilous, but perforce, well-researched journal, that he has two convictions for intent to supply, and possession of, heroin.
For reasons I am unable to discover, he was also recently 'fined' £600k by his oil firm, Regal. So what has all of this to do with the price of fish, you may well ask?
This is the party so 'hot on honesty and integrity', eh?' Not only does it crassly see the election of Griffin as an MEP in the North West but takes a paltry, countrywide, 17,000 votes each at a cost of just £6 of Frank's cash.
(See postings June 5th 2009 & March 13th 2010.)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My favourite hymn - first two verses.
Lovingkindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.

On the mount of crucifixion
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.
Mum died four and a half hours after this posting.
Cameron? Principles? - Ha!

The leader of Mr Clegg’s negotiating team, new Scottish Secretary Danny Alexander, said his Conservative counterparts, led by William Hague and George Osborne, produced a list of Mr Cameron’s manifesto pledges and invited the Lib Dems to strike them out.
And Mr Cameron’s controversial policy guru Steve Hilton was reportedly delighted that the coalition had enabled Mr Cameron to ‘bury the Tory Right-wing’.
"Cameron is an unrepentant leftie!"
Come on UKIP! Fill that right of centre void!
A non tory centre right would attract most tory voters and many who, on principle, would never vote conservative under any circumstances!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election/article-1278779/Tories-ditched-policies-fast-listed-Cameron-wanted-bury-party-Right-say-Lib-Dems.html#ixzz0o3iqcU00
So, who is surprised?

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Want proof that Comprehensives have failed?
Surely, Letter of the Week in the Yorks post!

Return of an old friend from a secret investigation.

In certain ethnic communities, it is a well documented fact that marriage to cousins is extremely common. This depleted gene pool is naturally resulting in a great many births of children with disabilities and physical defects.
THEY HAVE NOW GROWN UP! In addition this practice is draining money from other social service budgets. Funny how I have never seen this problem exposed in the media. It is occasionally mentioned but to my knowledge, has never been subjected to any thorough, political investigation in the political arena either.
MITK has been unable to unearth exact figures but recognises that this phenomenon has become a significant part of the increase.
Marriage to cousins? - This currently legal, but nonetheless unsavoury process, must now be forbidden by Law. The deleterious effects are becoming socially very significant. Ask the Crowned Heads of Europe if MITK is right or not!
I think I catch more than a whiff of political correctness in all of this!
Friday, May 14, 2010
'Imagine there's no heaven.'

Ecological problem in Galilee.

'The Sea of Galilee has for centuries provided a healthy living for hundreds of fishermen - the disciple Peter among them, according to the Bible.
But now an unprecedented fishing ban is being enforced on the Galilee because, says the Israeli government, chronic over-fishing has severely depleted stocks.'
Perhaps that meal of St Peter's fish that my family and I enjoyed about fourteen years ago in a kibbutz was partially responsible.
(As I recall - it was tasty but rather too boney.)
The euro.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What? - Something from The Daily Star on my Blog!?!?

More than 1,100 quangos spent the staggering sum – £3,640 for every household – in 2007/08, a £13bn hike on the previous year.
Now the Taxpayers’ Alliance has urged political leaders to help the UK’s ailing economy by cutting the number of groups, which include the Agricultural Wages Board, the National School of Government and the Health Protection Agency.
Alliance researcher Ben Farrugia said: “Politicians are talking about a ‘bonfire of the quangos’ but the terrible state of public finances means this must be more than just idle talk .”
Job losses.

Yes. I left the RSPB.

But the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has fallen prey to a savage attack from the 'bible' of rural England, Country Life.
In an editorial, the magazine has accused the RSPB of being 'obsessed' with protecting birds of prey at the expense of songbirds.
Sea eagles are being reintroduced
It also criticised the charity for failing to back struggling farmers and being fixated with subjects 'only distantly related to bird protection', such as global warming.
In the piece, headed 'What future for the RSPB?', Country Life said millions of sparrows and starlings had vanished from towns, and lapwings and cuckoos were increasingly rare in the country.
Yet, after successful reintroductions, the number of peregrines, red kites and marsh harriers were rising, it pointed out.'

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wild surmising passed off as science.

Gulping down food might have helped plant-eating dinosaurs grow into giants.
If they had stopped to chew, they would have run out of eating time, scientists say. But guzzling let them get food into their stomachs quickly.
This may explain why dinosaurs such as argentinosaurus, which weighed up to 100 tons, had long necks and tiny heads.
'Mights and mays, ifs and would'ves'. Oh dear. How pathetic!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1277498/Dinosaurs-grew-prehistoric-giants-gulped-food-chewing.html#ixzz0ni9MJrVx
Aggressive secularism - be warned!

Key speaker at the Call for Action at St Anne’s Cathedral on May 1, was Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali. He spoke of the different reasons for Christians being persecuted in many parts of the world, then warned about the impact on the UK of what he called the spread of aggressive secularism.
His comments came after a landmark legal judgement last week over the dismissal of a Christian counsellor.'
Release Int.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Spot on with the Lib Dems but ...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.
The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...

Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
Watch the film How the Gospel Transforms Lives Today Discover how Spring Harvest Host, Damilola Makinde, was inspired by the life-enhancin...