Sunday, September 30, 2007


I had an interesting discussion last night on the topic of malice. It was my contention that this is something which cannot be present in any born again believer.
Christians commit all sorts of outrages; they backslide; they sin and they are drawn away from God by all manner of worldly inducements but to display malice is surely to supply evidence that God's Holy Spirit is not dwelling in them.

Malice actively desires ill will onto a fellow human being. It is not an over zealous desire for justice or even retribution - neither of which should really be present in a Christian when they have been personally wronged - but it is an outworking of spite.

Am I wrong? Is there Scriptural warrant for my statement? - I have certainly never heard it preached and I can think of no text to back my view - but it seems right.

Malice is something so awful that I cannot see any possibility of The Holy Spirit being able to reside in its company. It is the very worst of all human failings.

Lord, may it never be found in me.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Define socialism.

One definition of a socialist: Somebody who isn't sure that he can spend your money better than you can but insists on being allowed to try - even after countless failures.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Belgium yesterday - UK tomorrow.

I know so many Muslims whom I like and there are even a few I admire. Muslims as people and individuals; Muslims who are devout and socially-minded are worthy of our respect. So many are excellent citizens BUT Islamisation is a different kettle of fish. It truly frightens me. It comes from the extremists and jihadists and draws amazing levels of support from the secular left. Their logic defeats me.
I STRONGLY advise you to follow the link below to see what has been happening in Belgium.

Worried yet?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

I do not suppose so many of my readers are too well versed in quantum physics - no more am I - but I was fascinated to read this comment from M. Asher:-
"... in an observed system the observer interacts. That spells the end of science... it pricks the bubble of the whole rationalist myth."
This Blog has on many occasions tried to demonstrate the many failures of theoretical and hypothetical science - particularly when used to further agendas, belief systems and political objectives - as opposed to the certainties and indeed absolutes of operational science.
"Science is rational ergo Christianity is not." simply will not do any longer. It is fundamentally weak as an argument and arrogantly demands to be allowed to win any debate "because it is scientific".
Sorry Dawkins, you will have to think again.

I do not know.

There is a rather cynical view that Labour wants uncontrolled immigration into the UK as it sees the potential of expanding its base of voters in the same manner that Mexicans and Puerto Ricans have learned to vote unerringly for the democratic party in the USA.
It is an incredibly cynical view. That does not make it wrong and in the absence of any logical explanation of their actions, it may well be the most likely explanation at the present time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


For those who are inclined to believe the doom-mongers over global warming and how current rates of climate change [if true] are man-made rather than part of a natural cycle, may I remind them, not only of the 'ice age' faithfully promised over several decades, but also of good old CFCs in aerosol cans. Remember them? - They were going to destroy the ozone layer in the 80s and early 90s?
We had a solid decade of warnings about that. The ozone layer was disappearing because we used deodorants - and people actually believed it!We were all going to cook and die of skin cancer.
Funny how after headlines for all those years, about 3 years ago I spotted a tiny 4 line column in one newspaper which stated that the ozone layer HAD CLOSED UP.
How many people were told this? How many know even now that it was all just a scare? How many still believe the outmoded propaganda? [OR possibly, of course, the cutting back was indeed a major triumph. I wonder why that 'success' was not trumpeted from the rooftops?]

The ozone layer thins and thickens periodically. Fact.
Global Warming has all the hallmarks of previous scares made by scientists and governments with an axe to grind.
When you 'cry wolf'....... One day we shall get a warning which is for real and most of us will ignore it!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pope 1 - Politically Correct 0.

Pope Benedict took a real slamming on this Blog for anti protestant remarks made some months ago. Just to prove that I am prepared to be fair and evenhanded, Benedict XVI needs praise for his defence of Christians oppressed by Islam.
He points out that by law, they are second class citizens in many Muslim countries and deplores the fact that Christian converts often face a death sentence. Well done Benedict!

Shame on you politically correct hypocrites who reject Christianity yet cosy up to Islam as if your very life depended on it - even when the attitudes displayed in that religion are so contrary to your own views!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Weep for Jordon.

Weep for Jordon Lyon whose tragic death is the direct, attributable result of politically correct rulemongers.
Two police support officers in Wigan stood by and watched him drown. "It was the rules, you see."
Police are no longer trained to swim and lifesave and have orders not to risk their own lives. This absurdity applies as much to real police officers as to the 'support' officers in this case who had "acted correctly."
Police senior authorities have endorsed their actions - or rather lack of them.
This is 'Health & Safety' in our brave new world where the simple exercise of common sense by public servants is no longer acceptable. Everything has been codified - as the mighty recorded word must take precedence over all things.
Once something is down on paper, it becomes 'gospel truth'. Every government or council employee has to leave a paper trail - in case of litigation. It matters not that it was probably written after the fact and is an exercise of the purest fiction, once it is on paper it is virtually beyond challenge.
On behalf of our sick and pathetic society, I should like to apologise to the Lyon family.
Seldom have I felt so angry and embittered.

Taxation is not charity.

Taxation is an abomination - certainly at the iniquitous levels at which it is levelled today.
Sadly, many Christians have fallen for the propaganda that 'it is our duty to support high tax levels which can then be used to help others'. [It is designed to play games with our conscience.]
If this were indeed the case, it would be hard to argue against the point, but it is a pure charade; a sleight of hand.
Such a tiny proportion of our taxes is actually used on worthy projects that politicians can still announce to us the 'need' to raise taxes to help the needy. Do not fall for this.
If it sounds that I am being selfish - that is the intention from the high taxation bods. "Immoral; uncaring; uncharitable."
It is morally wrong that taxation should be used to help the wanton and the feckless.
BUT Christians must be charitable. We must give freely to the weak and the needy. It is our duty to help the genuinely poor. We must support charities but must also demonstrate wisdom in those which we choose. [There are a number of charities I refuse to help on principle as they are political or anti-Christian fronts.]
"By this love ye have for one another shall all men know ye are my disciples." Give freely and generously.
"When did we see you hungry, Lord......?" Matthew 25.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Al Gore caught out.

Al Gore claimed in his propaganda film "An Inconvenient Truth" that 9 of the 10 hottest years on record occurred after 1995. According to NASA's most recent data, the ten hottest years on record in the U.S., beginning with the hottest year, are: 1934, 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, 1953, 1990, 1938 and 1939. Not only is 1998 not the "hottest on record" as claimed in this "documentary," but only 4 of the "hottest years on record" occurred after 1995. Furthermore, according to the U.S. National Climate Data Center, the world in 2006 was only 0.03 degrees Celsius warmer than in 2001 -- which is statistically insignificant.
So was it: A] A deliberate deceit or B] The very shoddiest of research ?
This is what our government planned [and maybe has already accomplished] to send into all our schools!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our quangocracy and what it means.

I would wager that well in excess of 50% of voters have not got the first idea what a quango is. Probably many fewer than that figure could tell the meaning of the initials - [Quasi Autonomous Non Governmental Organisation] - and only a tiny fraction of those would have the slightest grasp of what that means and how they operate.
Put simply, the government identifies an area of perceived need, eg} within Health.
It then takes its political cronies and places them into all the senior positions. It pours taxpayers' money in and asks few questions about how this is spent.
There is an understanding that bureaucracy will be rife to justify high - and largely non-functioning - employment levels. It is a hidden way of trimming employment figures and quangos are all most alert to the dictates which arrive from Brussels almost on an hourly basis which can then be implemented to the Nth degree.
Last year this sleight of hand cost taxpayers £170 BILLION of largely unaccountable funds.
Quangos have multiplied under Labour and their tentacles run deep.
The value of the monies spent which may be seen as necessary at best, or vaguely useful at worst is unfathomable. The figure could possibly be slashed by 50% and the country would not notice the difference.
Enough money for quangos; enough for prosecuting foreign wars and enough to waste £137 million pounds per day on EU membership and the government wants to RAISE taxes?
How about making substantial savings in these 3 areas, CUTTING taxation and seeing public services thrive?
That would be my alternative.

***LearnDirect is an educational quango. It pours £500k per year of taxpayers' money into the appalling Jeremy Kyle Show on daytime TV.

29/09/07. Publicity nipped this in the bud and the £500k has been saved and will now be directed into some equally appalling money hole.
See what I mean?


Friday, September 21, 2007

Sense finally at the NUS.

"The right of Christian Unions to restrict leadership posts to Christians has been recognised in new guidance issued by the National Union of Students (NUS) together with the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF)."
NOT before time!


Thursday, September 20, 2007


In Edmonton, Ontario, it takes about 60 minutes to process a criminal and the officers are quickly back on the street.
In Edmonton, North London, it takes an average of 606 minutes - that's over ten hours!
Yet one more reason why we are being swamped by crime.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Manmade global warming = poor science.

The numbers of dissenting voices are growing. The global warming bandwagon is slowly, gradually and inexorably losing the argument.
Dennis Avery and Fred Singer have analysed the work of more than 500 scientists.
Their conclusion is simple, if global warming is taking place then it is part of the natural cycle of the earth.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cultural revisionism.

I studied the Aztecs and Incas when I was at university and for many years I fell for the heavily overplayed propaganda of 'conquistador greed and imperialism.'
Like all the best lies and deceits, the stories of conquistador brutality seldom include their vehement desire to spread the Christian faith which has always been downplayed by historians with a leftwing axe to grind unless they have made out that the Christian element was equally brutal. There are indeed some cases which lend a limited justification to this slant.
So desperate are they to attack faith and empire that they conveniently fail to show the naked evil practised by the peoples who were displaced - or at least, they minimise it.
Some years before the arrival of Cortez to Tenochtitlan - now Mexico City - the Aztec Emperor Montezuma the 1st had overseen a 5 day blood-fest in which 86,000 people were sacrificed by having their still beating hearts wrenched from their bodies by cutting with flint knives.
These historians and anthropologists are quick to absolve the Aztecs of their barbarity and yes, cannibalism, justifying these horrors as 'being their way' so they can portray the Christian destruction and replacement of this evil as a negative; a cultural disaster. They were a brutal power who viciously subjugated all non Aztec tribes whom they utilised as 'sacrifice fodder'.
Incredible double standards.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Why aren't you feeling sufficiently guilty?

Even the Puritans at their most zealous and excitable could hardly match the fascism of the politically correct in bossing people about. Indeed, perhaps we have to go as far back as the pharisees who persecuted Jesus to find anybody quite as bad.
Feel guilty! Get guilty NOW!
Do you eat food? - You are destroying the planet. Do you heat your house? - Ditto. Do you have to own a car? -Ditto. Do you dare to take a foreign holiday? - Ditto. Do you use supermarkets or eat meat? How dare you be less green than the fictitious norm? Are you white? Are you male? Are you heterosexual? Are you Christian? Do you want to think for yourself instead of kowtowing to the liberal thought police? Do you want to improve your living space? Does islamification of the West trouble you? - It just goes on and on interminably.
Did you once tell an Irish joke? - RACIST!

Do you feel pride because our nation was the first to abolish slavery or do you more correctly feel guilt for what had happened before?
We must not yield to these freedom-destroying morons - not a single jot! Argue; protest; complain; write to the press; go on phone-ins. we cannot allow these people another inch. [ Sorry. I meant 2.54 centimetres.]

And all of this before we even consider the health fascists.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Little science - much guesswork.

Mr Daniels says in the Yorkshire Post what I have always thought and have not quite had sufficient knowledge or ability to express. Although his organisation is a wretched one, you cannot gainsay the main points which are well made.

Psychiatry a "wholly unscientific charade"

From: Brian Daniels, national spokesperson, Citizens Commission on Human Rights, East Grinstead, Sussex.IT has been reported that experts have called for better funding for mental health services, and for urgency in addressing depression as a public health priority, according to research from the World Health Organisation.
In England alone, mental health received the biggest portion of the NHS budget in 2005-06.Out of an NHS budget of £80.1bn, spending on mental health amounted to £8.5bn. However, the results are not representative of the investment. The latest call from the experts for better funding proves the point. No results, but requests for more funds is representative of a failing industry. In addressing depression, the common method of treatment is anti-depressants, more commonly referred to as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs).The problem is these designer medical bullets are shrouded in controversy due to adverse drug reactions associated with them, such as violence, aggression and suicide.While medical drugs commonly treat, prevent or cure disease, or improve health, psychiatric drugs at best suppress symptoms, symptoms that return once the drugs wear off. Like illicit drugs, they provide no more than a temporary escape from life's problems.It is commonly thought that psychiatric disorders, like depression, are the same as medical diseases or illnesses. While mainstream physical medicine deals with diseases such as malaria, bronchitis and hepatitis that have exact, identifiable physical causes, psychiatry deals with "disorders", names given to undesirable feelings and behaviour for which no exact physical causes have been isolated.These mental disorders are frequently referred to as illnesses or diseases, but they are not the same thing. In fact, no mental diseases have ever been proven to medically exist. This difference sets psychiatry far apart from the usual practice of medicine.Leading psychiatric agencies, such as the World Psychiatric Association, admit that psychiatrists do not know the causes or cures for any mental disorder or what their treatments specifically do to the patient.They have only theories and conflicting opinions about their diagnoses and methods, and are lacking any scientific basis for these. As a past president of the World Psychiatric Association, Norman Sartorius, said: "The time when psychiatrists considered that they could cure the mentally-ill is gone. In the future, the mentally-ill have to learn to live with their illness."So, we have a mental health industry that receives massive government funding, but which does not cure its patients. Worse still, it exacerbates the perceived conditions where those receiving "treatment" become violent or aggressive, who "…have to learn to live with their illness," or even take their own lives. Psychiatry is a profit-driven industry. If it were ever to cure its patients, it would go out of business. It is time to find real solutions to people's problems, rather than pumping more money into the wholly unscientific charade that is psychiatry.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Join me.

I never cut off my nose to spite my face, so I shall not be abandoning those businesses which direct my telephone calls to heavily accented people in Uttar Pradesh or wherever and cause me untold hours of grief whenever I try to resolve a minor problem.
BUT before I offer any future firm my valuable business, it will not be before I have received assurances that my calls will be answered promptly in a language recognisable as being English.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Worth every penny?

Over-regulation costs Britain at least £26 billion per annum
The Common Agricultural Policy costs Britain at least £15.6 billion a year
Since 1973 the UK has made contributions to the EC budget of almost £213.6 billion gross or £66.3 billion net, by 2013 this figure will have increased to £299.8 billion gross, or £102.2 billion net
Britain's accumulated trade deficit with the other EU member states since we joined has risen to £359.5 billion
This year membership of the European Union will cost Britain £60.1 billion gross, or £50.6 billion net
That is the equivalent for every man, women and child in Britain of over £1,000 per year gross or £843 net That is: Gerard Batten, UKIP MEP and author of the paper, challenges the Government;"If the Government believes that membership of the EU is beneficial to Britain and that we should remain a member, then let it commission an independent and impartial cost/benefit analysis so that the supposed benefits can be proved and the findings openly debated."If Gordon Brown thinks that the UK should be signed-up to the revived EU Constitution, then he should be open with the British people and present us with the full costs of EU membership. It costs Britain more and more every year and we would be better off out."Robert Oulds, Director of the Bruges Group, said;"The cost per minute is an enormous sum, over the course of a year the figure is shocking. To put it into perspective just £1 billion will pay for 222,000 hip replacements, or 46,893 nurses, or 38,782 teachers, or 34,585 police officers."This money would be better spent in Britain for the benefit of the British people. Imagine what we could do in Britain with the money that we are using to support the EU and its integrationist policies. Let the British people decide if the price of EU membership is worth paying."Robert OuldsDirectorThe Bruges Group232 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street, London W1B 5TBUKTel: +44(0) 20 7287 4414Mobile: 07740 029787E-mail:

Please help.

If this Blog makes you angry. If it matches to some degree what your world view is and helps keep you informed, please send the address to other freedom-loving, non-leftists. Please check your address list.
If you are a 'real' Christian - that is, not of the liberal church persuasion, please send to fellow believers.
In fact, please send to anybody whom you think may be able to take the uncompromising style of this site.

Many thanks for your kindness in helping to publicise my efforts.

Satan rocks.

Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin is noted as a satanist. He is an acknowledged admirer of Aleister Crowley to the extent he even bought his house, presumably in homage.
Christians really ought not to support the new tour of the re-formed Led Zep nor pay for the music. Where do the profits go?
Other musicians linked to satanism on the Internet rightly or wrongly, include:
Carlos Santana, Ozzy Osbourne, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Manson, Prince and Michael Jackson to name but a few.

I am not one of those Christians who attacks secular or even rock music for the sake of it, but lines should be drawn. Where lyrics are dubious, believers should not listen and where known bands or individuals have an anti-Christian stance, they should never receive our support - especially financially.
The 'meat sacrificed to idols' principle may help us to be discerning in Bible Studies. [1 Corinthians 8.]

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mr Justice Weatherup

In a landmark ruling, a judge in the Belfast High Court, Mr Justice Weatherup has stated that the 'harassment' provisions of the Northern Ireland sexual orientation regulations are not lawful.
This means Christians cannot be sued for expressing their opposition to homosexual practice.
Christian groups have long been fighting what was a very real threat to our freedom of belief.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Corrupt? - Surely not!

"The unions give the Labour Party money and the Labour Government gives the unions money and the unions give the Labour Party.......etc. Sometimes you learn something and you wonder why more people aren't outraged by it. Yesterday Gordon Brown announced that another £2.8m of taxpayers' money will go to the unions as part of the 'Union Modernisation Fund'.
This is on top of approximately £7m already given. According to CCHQ, one-third of the Fund has been used by unions like the Public and Commercial Services Union to improve internal communications. The PCSU is currently communicating with members about taking strike action.

The unions don't just get cash from the Labour Government. There has also been a softening of laws governing industrial action. All this is certainly keeping the unions sweet. The heavily-indebted Labour Party received £9m in direct donations from 'the brothers' last year plus a further £8m in affiliation fees.

In addition there is the indirect campaigning against the Tories, that the unions fund."


Cut abortion limit.

It was inevitable that the right-thinking British public would turn against uncontrolled abortion once they began to grasp what it really meant and a new poll indicates that some 70% of women want the abortion time limit reduced to 13 weeks - the EU average. Even more rightly want to see a 'cooling off' period added as well. Very laudable!
Now that women are finally aware that a foetus is clearly and demonstrably a human being - and not just a collection of cells - the abhorrent 24 week limit MUST be abandoned.
I would settle for a 13 week limit, then use the left's own thin-end-of-the-wedge tactics in attempting to reduce it further to 10 weeks.
Beyond that we may never be able to go - but Christians must try!


Photo: No wonder they do not want schoolchildren to see films such as 'The Silent Scream' - they might find out that photos like this one are the reality where late term abortions are concerned. Three thousand of the 200,000 abortions in this country each year could be represented by this image.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hypocrisy is alive and well.

Sir Trevor McDonald referred to the late Bernard Manning as a 'fat, white bastard' - well it's a free country - allegedly.
It was a racist remark by any standard but ignored by Ofcom. Frankly, that doesn't bother me a single jot.
We are far too over sensitive as we kowtow to the dictates of the PC movement.
What does trouble me is that effectively, Trinidad Trev - [a man I admire, incidentally] - has got away with it because hypocritically, black to white racism 'doesn't really matter' to the PC brigade.
Imagine if Bernard had reversed the comment to Trevor. The resultant row doesn't bear thinking about!


The Deobandi sect which is one of the most extreme and dangerous of all Islamic groups now runs some half of the mosques in the UK.
They also run a majority of the training establishments for religious teachers and leaders.

I wonder if you feel that successive governments and the liberal elite have served us well over many decades in allowing a declared enemy to settle in our very midst?


Monday, September 10, 2007

Released to kill.

In the first 33 years after the abolition of the death penalty in England and Wales the Home Office admitted that 71 [THAT IS SEVENTY ONE] released murderers killed again. [Perhaps you are old enough to remember the empty promise that the alternative to hanging would be that "Life would mean life." Piffle - and it was always going to be.]
The 71 is of course, only those we know about.
A senior, retired probation officer wrote a letter to the Mail some years ago and claimed that currently, the true figure is one such per fortnight. I do not have sufficient evidence to take sides here but it seems that there is a somewhat large discrepancy between the two positions and I am far more inclined to believe one rather than the other.
The abolitionists insisted on creating 'martyrs'; innocents executed. Let us review the 4 main ones used between the end of World War 2 and 1965:
1] Timothy Evans. Lived in same tenement as mass murderer Christie therefore 'assumed to be innocent' of murder of wife and daughter. Subject of a disgraceful whitewash in the film "10 Rillington Place" and a cause celebre for leading abolitionist Ludovic Kennedy.
The book "The Two Killers of Rillington Place" by Eddowes, a son ashamed of his own father's part in the Evans -is-a-martyr-conspiracy, is definitive in showing Evans' guilt. [Recommended - available on Amazon.]

2] Derek Bentley was executed for the murder of a Police Officer not having actually pulled the trigger. He was guilty in Law as a death was caused on an armed raid and morally guilty as he had bought the bullets for the gun. Police witnesses say he urged his partner to kill the officer who had arrested him. He shouted "Let him have it!" The abolitionists cleverly claimed that he was telling Craig to surrender the gun. The injustice was more in the fact that Craig could not hang as he was only 16 and he had pulled the trigger.
Unfair to Bentley? - Only arguably.

3] Ruth Ellis cold bloodedly butchered her lover in the street. She was pretty so many felt sorry for her. Unfair? - Only to ugly people who did not get as good a press.
4] James Hanratty, the A6 killer was put forward as innocent even after being identified by Valerie Storey, the woman he had raped over a sustained period and who had clearly identified him. He shot Michael Gregsten dead. He was the darling of the abolitionist left. The one 'innocent' nobody dared argue with - the subject of a silly campaign led by the even sillier Paul Foot.
For me it was quite exciting to learn, long before the public, that Wetherby Forensic Lab had proved his guilt through DNA from Miss Storey's clothing - I met somebody working there who told me what had happened some 2 years before this news was released.
[The BBC was exposed in the Daily Express in the 70s for having paid 'witnesses' to attest to Hanratty's false alibi that he was in Rhyl at the time of the murder. Good old Beeb!]

Four 'dodgy' executions - but only apparently. The case for actual martyrs is beyond extremely weak. The 71 dead that even the Home Office admits to are ALL real victims; what I call martyrs!

It is also worth noting that juries were more careful whom they convicted in those days - they had to be.

In order to maintain the 'innocents' cry, we have had a spate of spurious claims for 'doubtful convictions' since 1965 of which only one, the case of Stefan Kisko had any undisputed truth.

Having been part of the judicial system, I can say that those whose convictions are overturned as 'unsafe' are seldom innocent - it is just that the Law, rightly, bends over backwards to help a defendant so not a great deal can be read into such media-inspired hokum.
Photo: Timothy Evans, 1950.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Barry Smith.

For those who might be interested in the 'end times' conspiracy theories and who would prefer to read a more balanced view than that of David Icke, the New Zealander Barry Smith, is perhaps worth a look.
This New Zealand preacher who died in 2002, is nonetheless, still a controversial figure and although clearly wrong in a number of areas around the millennium, there remains
enough of quality in his work to be well worthy of a read.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Few westerners are au fait with the Islamic principle of taquiyya. This is a kind of situation ethics which permits Moslems to lie about their faith in order to save their lives.
There is considerable evidence that extremist Moslems have extrapolated from this and will lie - or dissimulate if you prefer - for the greater good of Islam or to maintain the honour of Islam.

It reminds me of the Jehovah's Witnesses' tactic of 'running'.
Now you know.


Friday, September 07, 2007

Royal Mail.

My aged mother recently received a card telling her that a letter awaited her which had been understamped by 6p. She was expected to pay - wait for it - £1-06p to receive the letter.
All I can say is, keep using the E Mails folks - they do not deserve our custom.

Too serious to be a joke.

What is the difference between God and atheistic scientists? -

God doesn't think He's a scientist!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Wrong again!

Darwin claimed that domestic selection in plants and animals was like natural selection and would lead to the evolution of new life forms.
If targeted selection has not even given a hint of this and there is not one whit of evidence of new genetic information either, we must conclude that he was wrong again!
To quote geologist and geneticist John Mackay; "All known cases of increased specialisation due to selection have only led to devolution and a reduction in genetic information from the original kind. Nothing has evolved."
Evolutionists must be very disappointed when their creed does not follow the predicted patterns.

All adaptation within any species remains within specified genetic parameters. There is NO evidence that species ever move beyond this.
One has only to look at Dawkins' response:
THAT VIDEO CLIP ON "FROG TO A PRINCE" Note how he [finally] answers a totally different question. *** A MUST to be seen. Click on screen at bottom of the page.
If Dawkins cannot answer the question asked.............

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Easy targets.

This government will 'get tough' with the 10% of asylum seekers who are genuine and forgets the 90%.
With motorists, it punishes disproportionately those whose vehicles are licenced, registered and easy to catch for doing 4mph over the limit as they click a speed camera.
[You only have to watch the appalling car chases on the Police Camera Action-type programmes to be gobsmacked that often these youths and young men do not even face custody.]
Perhaps the best example of this appalling injustice came when this atrocious government banned handguns - thus wrecking shooting as a sport.
Why was the ban imposed. Well. 4% of guncrime was committed with a legally held weapon.
Can't get the difficult 96% - let's nail the easy 4%, then. Incidentally., this bad legislation meant that some 25,000 weapons dropped off the radar according to one report.
At least guncrime will have dropped by 4% then? - Er, no. Actually it has doubled.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

An opening to prayer in the liberal church....

"Dear Father/Mother, I need to tell you where you are going so very wrong; what you should be doing; what I would like you to be and what I want you to do...."

Fred Lemon

I saw Fred Lemon preach at the Baptist Church in Swallownest more than 25 years ago; a charismatic figure, this aging greengrocer had the most remarkable Christian testimony.
As an old lag and lifetime criminal, unsurprisingly he found his way into Dartmoor prison in the days when prisons were prisons. Quite suddenly, out of the blue, he physically met the Living Christ who came into his cell and was tremendously converted. Later he received a complete healing from a debilitating back condition and he became a much sought after preacher.
I remember him speaking of the heavy atmosphere which would overtake a prison whenever an execution was due and would remain in place until a considerable period afterwards.
I thought about this and wondered how the liberal left could possibly claim that the death penalty did not deter murder. [In a different posting I shall consider Home Office statistical evidence.]
It is simply impossible to believe that dangerous prisoners - perhaps the most likely of all human beings to butcher their fellow man - would not have responded to this prison atmosphere when subsequently released.
Deterrence? - Most assuredly.
[My personal estimate is that the abolition of the death penalty in 1964 has cost approximately fifteen thousand innocent lives.]

Monday, September 03, 2007

No go yo ga.

Congratulations are due in Taunton to the Minister of Silver St Baptist and the Reverend Tim Jones of the Anglican St James who have banned the 'yum yum yoga classes for kids' from the property of their respective churches.
Yoga is based on hindu worship and is totally inappropriate for those who are Christian.
The faith should never be watered-down, polluted or compromised.
Christians should deal lovingly with hindus but should not adopt or imitate parts of their religion.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Imperialism by stealth.

In 30 days from July, the EU passed 159 laws into the UK. [Just 561 from early May!]
Including: damaging our Civil Law [EC No 861/2007], fruit and veg pricing [EC 960/2007], immigration policing [EC 863/2007], statistical economic analysis [EC973/2007], system for calculating the price of pig carcasses [EC 846/2007], rules on examining vegetables [Directive 2007/49/EC].
Strewth! Can we do nothing for ourselves? Do we trust this wretched organisation to work in our best interests. History shows that is a resounding 'NO'.
Imperialism by stealth.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Proposed EU Treaty.

The words of Labour's pusillanimous MEP, Richard Corbett:
The most controversial elements of the latter have been dropped. The proposed reform treaty will instead focus on modest adjustments to the existing EU system.
Simply untrue in all respects. The arguments are as to whether it is as little as 96% of the failed CONstitution which remains or whether it is as much as 98%.

The EU Commission admits the truth. Eleven leaders of EU nations, to my knowledge, have admitted it is virtually identical. Giscard D'Estaing has admitted it.
So what must we make of messrs Corbett & Brown?

Ever more lies.

As a political animal who is essentially pro establishment and the status quo, it took me more than half a lifetime to recognise the true extent to which we are lied to from on high.
Certainly, I have long known that we are not permitted to be allowed to question the evolutionary hypothesis - unproven though it be - a fact only occasionally admitted by scientists. I cannot grasp why or how something unproven can be granted the status of 'honorary fact'. The media complacently accept this.
It is only over the last five or six years that I have managed to partially uncover the vastness of the secrecy and concealment which has been built into the European Union project. The media complacently accept this.
'Global Warming' may or may not be something more than cyclical climate change - but if this is the case, I wonder why irrefutable evidence has not been presented? It is one more thing which we must believe. When a society enters the 'must believe' phase you turn to the Marxist and Nazi ways of conning the gullible and re-examine them to see how they did it.
Propaganda is foisted upon us with regard to roadbuilding; slashing the Armed Forces to the bone; wars in foreign parts which are not our concern; immigration; crime; education; the benefits culture and so much more.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...