Monday, September 24, 2007

Weep for Jordon.

Weep for Jordon Lyon whose tragic death is the direct, attributable result of politically correct rulemongers.
Two police support officers in Wigan stood by and watched him drown. "It was the rules, you see."
Police are no longer trained to swim and lifesave and have orders not to risk their own lives. This absurdity applies as much to real police officers as to the 'support' officers in this case who had "acted correctly."
Police senior authorities have endorsed their actions - or rather lack of them.
This is 'Health & Safety' in our brave new world where the simple exercise of common sense by public servants is no longer acceptable. Everything has been codified - as the mighty recorded word must take precedence over all things.
Once something is down on paper, it becomes 'gospel truth'. Every government or council employee has to leave a paper trail - in case of litigation. It matters not that it was probably written after the fact and is an exercise of the purest fiction, once it is on paper it is virtually beyond challenge.
On behalf of our sick and pathetic society, I should like to apologise to the Lyon family.
Seldom have I felt so angry and embittered.

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