Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Easy targets.

This government will 'get tough' with the 10% of asylum seekers who are genuine and forgets the 90%.
With motorists, it punishes disproportionately those whose vehicles are licenced, registered and easy to catch for doing 4mph over the limit as they click a speed camera.
[You only have to watch the appalling car chases on the Police Camera Action-type programmes to be gobsmacked that often these youths and young men do not even face custody.]
Perhaps the best example of this appalling injustice came when this atrocious government banned handguns - thus wrecking shooting as a sport.
Why was the ban imposed. Well. 4% of guncrime was committed with a legally held weapon.
Can't get the difficult 96% - let's nail the easy 4%, then. Incidentally., this bad legislation meant that some 25,000 weapons dropped off the radar according to one report.
At least guncrime will have dropped by 4% then? - Er, no. Actually it has doubled.


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