Friday, September 14, 2007

Satan rocks.

Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin is noted as a satanist. He is an acknowledged admirer of Aleister Crowley to the extent he even bought his house, presumably in homage.
Christians really ought not to support the new tour of the re-formed Led Zep nor pay for the music. Where do the profits go?
Other musicians linked to satanism on the Internet rightly or wrongly, include:
Carlos Santana, Ozzy Osbourne, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Manson, Prince and Michael Jackson to name but a few.

I am not one of those Christians who attacks secular or even rock music for the sake of it, but lines should be drawn. Where lyrics are dubious, believers should not listen and where known bands or individuals have an anti-Christian stance, they should never receive our support - especially financially.
The 'meat sacrificed to idols' principle may help us to be discerning in Bible Studies. [1 Corinthians 8.]
