Monday, September 24, 2007

Taxation is not charity.

Taxation is an abomination - certainly at the iniquitous levels at which it is levelled today.
Sadly, many Christians have fallen for the propaganda that 'it is our duty to support high tax levels which can then be used to help others'. [It is designed to play games with our conscience.]
If this were indeed the case, it would be hard to argue against the point, but it is a pure charade; a sleight of hand.
Such a tiny proportion of our taxes is actually used on worthy projects that politicians can still announce to us the 'need' to raise taxes to help the needy. Do not fall for this.
If it sounds that I am being selfish - that is the intention from the high taxation bods. "Immoral; uncaring; uncharitable."
It is morally wrong that taxation should be used to help the wanton and the feckless.
BUT Christians must be charitable. We must give freely to the weak and the needy. It is our duty to help the genuinely poor. We must support charities but must also demonstrate wisdom in those which we choose. [There are a number of charities I refuse to help on principle as they are political or anti-Christian fronts.]
"By this love ye have for one another shall all men know ye are my disciples." Give freely and generously.
"When did we see you hungry, Lord......?" Matthew 25.

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