Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Proposed EU Treaty.

The words of Labour's pusillanimous MEP, Richard Corbett:
The most controversial elements of the latter have been dropped. The proposed reform treaty will instead focus on modest adjustments to the existing EU system.
Simply untrue in all respects. The arguments are as to whether it is as little as 96% of the failed CONstitution which remains or whether it is as much as 98%.

The EU Commission admits the truth. Eleven leaders of EU nations, to my knowledge, have admitted it is virtually identical. Giscard D'Estaing has admitted it.
So what must we make of messrs Corbett & Brown?

Many Similar Warnings Have Been Ignored.

  Douglas Murray . Mass immigration is killing Europe – and the  political class  just don’t care. I warned nearly a decade ago that our Con...