Thursday, June 30, 2011

EU NOT To BeTrusted - AND are They Going To Cost YOU Money!


We have all been told ad nauseam how close the world came to World War Three/ Nuclear War with The Cuban Missile Crisis - yet it has taken the recent series Korea: The Forgotten War, In Colour to bring me to a realisation how that was in fact the closest the world has ever been to hurling nuclear weapons around. 
Caused purely by Communist N.Korea's invasion of the South - once the North started to lose - the Communist Chinese entered the conflict directly and Stalin supplied weaponry and 'advisors'.
President Truman based at least 26 nuclear weapons on Okinawa with full authorisation for their use in time of need.
How close communists have come to causing horror beyond the outer reaches of our belief - and on more than one occasion.
Today, even the 'rogue states' are unlikely to use these dreadful weapons knowing what the consequences will be.
What we have to fear today is terrorists with smuggling abilities getting hold of these cursed things.
How I wish they could be uninvented but they can't and so we must live with them as best we can.
Do remember though that their only usage in history was by one state which had them against another which did not!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Joys From Euro-Judges.

Sad Obituary.

A farewell to Elena Bonner who, along with her husband, Andrei Sakharov stood proudly against Soviet Communism.
Elena passed away last week in Boston.

Thwarting Those of A Unitarian Theology.

Who is 'The Alpha and The Omega'? - A simple question and the answer is revealed in BOTH the first and final chapters of The Revelation Of St John.
(Please note the differences in the two chapters. How may this be explained, I wonder?)

Mirror Image.

Romans 1: 20.
'For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.'

Support marriage? - Whatever next?

At least ten MPs have lent support to a Commons amendment which would allow husbands and wives to share income tax allowances – a reform that would benefit the couples by up to nearly £1,500. (Mail.)
Support marriage? Surely these evil people should be removed from The Commons then hung, drawn and quartered pour encourager les autres!

The Adversarial System's Weaknesses Highlighted In Bellfield's Trial.

Well. I have been part of The Adversarial System and can perhaps speak with some authority on this topic. In Magistrates' Court what this effectively means at a guilty plea, is that the CPS lawyer gives a basic outline of the case and then sits down - seldom to be heard from again.
Whereupon, the defence solicitor launches into a vigorous, heavy-handed and often verbose campaign to gain a reduced sentence whilst the CPS remain rather detached and slightly aloof, thus creating a large imbalance in the proceedings.
In a trial, the situation becomes even more out of kilter as the defence launches scything attacks on every prosecution witness whereas the prosecution tends to ask straightforward questions of defence witnesses.
The prosecutorial tirades and trickery may be occasionally seen in Crown Court but are virtually unknown in summary proceedings.
As somebody who has much respect for the former system - when it has been eroded and undermined to the current extent, with sad hand on heart, I must say that perhaps a form of inquisitorial system in front of a jury or Bench of Magistrates, of course, may have to be the way forward.
Still. We get no say on such matters - Le Code Napoléon under the euphemistic title of Corpus Juris, is the avowed aim of Brussels so we shall probably have little say in the matter.
Nonetheless, The Adversarial System is about who has the better case.
An Inquisitorial System Is About 'Finding Truth.'

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Two Oxymorons.

British Justice.
British Democracy.

How To Recognise A Cult.

Cults masquerade as Christian Churches and fool many. A simple glance at their 'theology' usually reveals the deception. Here are just a few:
The Unification Church (Moonies.)
Jehovah's Witnesses.
Children of God.

They all share in a disastrous belief - that Jesus was not God The Son. Indeed, few are the cults who do believe that Jesus was God The Son.

So. How do I spot one?
They frequently have a 'charismatic' leader whose word is more important than the Bible OR
More cleverly, they have a leadership which misinterprets The Word of God.
They 'add to' The Word of God.
They 'take away from' The Word of God.
They do not permit 'thought' but engage 'in mind control'.
They ask you to hand over your money - NO - I do not mean tithing!
They deny the Trinity.
They possess their own literature which is considered equal to Scripture.
They order your life.

The Poorest In Society To Be Hammered By Our So-Called Greens.

Sweden And China Links.

Saab thown lifeline by Chinese order for 600 cars.

'A Chinese company has provided a lifeline for Saab Automobile with a cut-price order for almost 600 cars and enough cash to pay the wages of its 3,800 workers this month and make some payment to suppliers.' (Telegraph.)

So. COMMUNIST China is bailing out The West, here there and everywhere. Add to this the way in which its grossly underpaid labour force is allowing the takeover of numerous capitalist businesses worldwide - with Sheffield heavily and specifically affected - and I believe we have a right to be deeply concerned.
MITK has discovered that Neill Tools - maker of all the great brands from Sheffield - is a case in point.
All their toolmaking equipment has been shipped out to China and the finished tools are then imported! All our expertise is being lost to a low wage economy which is undermining the state.
To add insult to injury, the new company has rid itself of many workers on £9+ per hour who work in what has now become a Sheffield import warehouse and has replaced them with a largely Polish workforce on minimum wage.

Olympic Tickets?

Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh Dear!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Think Tank!

China To Bail Out The Euro?

Good grief! It's worse than I thought.
Next, there will be humanitarian aid from Bangladesh!

This Has Long Been The Evidence Of My Eyes. Check The Url.

As we have been assailed by scientists over decades with horror stories about a 'direct link between being overweight and heart attacks' my eyes have been telling a rather different tale.
The people I know who have died from heart attacks have almost all tended to be thin and slight in build.
As I visit my anti-coag clinic on a regular basis, I must assume that a large majority of the people there are so because of heart problems - indeed the 'greyness' in so many faces offers more than a clue. The people to whom I refer are, by a huge majority, not overweight.
I suspect that 'the extra pounds' may well have an effect where diabetes is concerned but although 'carrying too much weight' might have some measurable effect on cardiac problems this is not of any great significance.

Age Of Criminal Responsibilty Too High?

As lefties, liberals and the generally feebleminded have persistently demanded a raising of the age for criminal responsibility to 14 - terrible crimes by the under 10s are on the increase.
It may have to be lowered to 8. In my view, beyond that we cannot go.

Did You Know ...?

 ... that when the Scriptures were not in accord with the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses - they 'retranslated' them until they were?
                           Meet the horrendous New World Translation!
They really are a cult - and should never be confused with Christian Churches!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our Wicked State.

'Away To The Tower?'

'Away To The Tower' used to be the terror-inducing call of Tudor monarchs - and what a fate awaited the victims.
I have now just about had enough of The Mail's Liz Jones so I shall make a similar and equally terrible call to the bosses at that newspaper.
'Away to The Guardian with her!'

No Justice For Milly.

I feel so heartbroken for the family of the butchered teenager, Milly Dowler. They are angry and embittered and not only have they lost a much-loved child but they have been denied basic justice at the same time as being 'put through the wringer' by a court system which permits defences to be so utterly destructive.
It was bad enough that Milly's father also had to endure extensive police investigations when seen as a possible suspect - but that may have been sadly  unavoidable.
No. The family are bitter and have called for the likes of Bellfield to be put down.
In a proper system bitterness is removed from the equation. Scripturally, society is supposed to execute retributive justice on such people whereas the individual is required to be forgiving.
In this case, the lack of justice - a comfortable lifestyle for this unrepentant ogre - can only leave a residue of spiritual negativity which should simply not be there in this family. Using a scriptural model, there would have been no need for the extreme bitterness that they will now endure for the rest of their lives. Bitterness and unforgiveness mar relationships with God - how difficult the system has made it for these people to adopt a Christian approach.
This being the case - the Dowlers have been ill-served on three major levels.
I could weep for our nation where a vociferous minority have won their undemocratic way - and the rest of us must all pay so that their 'finer feelings' are not offended.
At the end of Romeo and Juliet, the Prince cries "All are punished." With our feeble system - we could all shout the same!

Gay, Celibate Bishops?

'The Church of England is set to approve the appointment of openly gay bishops, providing that they are celibate.' - Guardian.

Now this is a tricky one for evangelicals to deal with. Naturally,  I should be able to say 'christians' but where the extreme 'liberal wing' is concerned, pardon me for suggesting that taking a 'man knows better than God' view - they may not be classed as believers in any realistic sense at all. Furthermore, this is clearly 'a thin end of the wedge tactic'.
If a bishop has a close, non-sexual friendship with another man - what is that? - Might I suggest that proclaiming it as 'gay celibate' is most unhelpful. The reason for this is that it is lending support to a 'gay agenda' which has no place in the Church of God as is made abundantly clear throughout The Scriptures.
Why are true believers so appalled by the integration of homosexuality into God's Church? Homosexuality is roundly condemned in both testaments. That should be clear enough, shouldn't it? - No? Well then let us consider the 'institution of marriage'. Yet again, it is made most clear that this is the only place for sexual intercourse and in Mark 10 et al, it could not be made clearer that this is referring to between a man and a woman.
It becomes more profound when we consider the symbolic nature of matrimony - it mirrors the vital relationship between Christ The Bridegroom and His spouse - The Church. (It is most unwise to go against God's plan. Sodom and Gomorrah found this out to their cost and it is foolishness of the worst kind to assume that God will not judge the earth.)
Returning to the main issue here, those in the Church who feel inclined towards homosexuality have no option other than to accept that such an attitude is in fact, 'an inclination towards sin' and it must therefore not be presented in any way seen to be 'having an agenda'.
Celibate bishops who are inclined towards homosexuality SHOULD be appointed but equally if it be found that they are not adhering to this - these should be removed forthwith from their post - but heaven alone knows where this would take us where employment tribunals are concerned!
I ADMIRE those members of The Church who put their sexual orientation to one side in order to be obedient to God. RESPECT!

FF Arguing Sensibly Again - This Time In The Liverpool Echo.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Protect Elephants - Sign The Petition!

Target: European Union

Sponsored by: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
'Twenty years ago elephants were being wiped out by poachers. International outcry halted the trade in ivory and elephant herds started to recover. Now, elephants are in crisis once again. The ivory trade continues to flourish and seizures of illegal ivory are skyrocketing. Recently, stockpile sales to Japan and China sent a signal to poachers that it is open season on elephants. The lesson is crystal clear: Any legal ivory trade leads to illegal killing.
Join the fight to help free elephants from the threat of ivory poaching. Please sign the petition to urge the European Union to protect the world's remaining elephants by opposing any further international trade in ivory.' (Care UK.)

Penny Dropped? - I Doubt It!

UKIP realised years ago!


We are infested with magpies and pre-dating their abundance came the Jehovah's Witnesses. They  are still around and arrived on my doorstep yesterday, ignoring the bell and knocking on the door. (No, I don't mean the magpies.)
Purveying a false 'gospel' they tried to devalue Christ and received short shrift from me. Not quite as bad as that, they actually dared to claim to be Christians.

                             The Second Epistle of John.
1:7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who don't confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the Antichrist.
1:8 Watch yourselves, that we don't lose the things which we have accomplished,
but that we receive a full reward.
1:9 Whoever transgresses and doesn't remain in the teaching of Christ, doesn't have God.
1:10 If anyone comes to you, and doesn't bring this teaching, don't receive him into your house, and don't welcome him,
1:11 for he who welcomes him participates in his evil works.
PRAY for these desperate and lost individuals. Most of their foot soldiers actually mean well but the old saying has never been more appropriate: 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.' Their senior people can be extremely sinister.
Recommended book: '30 Years a Watchtower Slave: The Confessions of a Converted Jehovah's Witness.' by William J. Schnell.

I Derive Absolutely NO Pleasure For Having Been So Very Right.

A leader in the Guardian has argued: “Economically, socially and now politically, the status quo is unsustainable. Instead of postponing the inevitable Greek default, it would be far smarter to prepare for it.”

Ah, yes. That will be the same pro-EU Guardian - the same pro-euro Guardian, will it not?

Meanwhile ....
In the rather more sensible Le Figaro, Gérard Lafay, Jacques Sapir and Philippe Villin argue: “The time has come for European politicians to face reality: the euro is dying; it needs to be finished off quickly in order to save the Europeans. But it seems appropriate to do it all together in order to avoid a deadly ‘every man for himself’ scenario…For France, the benefits of [eurozone] exit will be immense.”

EU Arrest Warrants.

'British Student Andrew Symeou, extradited under the controversial European Arrest Warrant, has returned home after spending two years in Greece, with 10 months in jail, while awaiting trial. The court judged Symeou ‘not guilty’ after two and a half hours.'
UKIP has consistently warned of the dangers to justice and freedom of the egregious EWA - but who listens?

Sunday Telegraph /Evening Standard.

The Appalling Corbett Re-emerges.

As one of our all time worst of the worst MEPs, I was personally delighted to be present to see Richard Corbett losing his seat at the count at the last EU elections.
Of course some bureaucratic, well-paid post has always to be found for those of the 'faith' should they lose their seats but like some recurring ailment - he is back into the public eye.
I could say a lot more on the personal level but shall exercise some self-control.
Please read the url:

Friday, June 24, 2011

And They Call It 'Science'.

The journal Science has revealed an interesting point. If there is one thing that we all know as a fact about dinosaurs, it is that they were all cold-blooded.
'Not so' says Science!
Tooth enamel testing has revealed that many, if not all, were in fact, warm-blooded.
Let me pause a while and think about this. The scientists have been WRONG for all of these years. They have insisted that all of our children should be taught this as an absolute fact. But they were WRONG!
Why is it that on evolutionary issues, those of us who are somewhat dubious about many other claims made are not permitted to point out that they are and have often proved to be WRONG on a great many related matters?
A few short weeks ago, we would have been mocked, reviled, laughed at and humiliated if we had raised the tips of our noses above the parapets and stated that 'we interpret the evidence as being that dinosaurs were actually warm-blooded'.
How come you are only allowed to question provided that you remain within their arbitrary guidelines?
Have scientists never heard of 'thinking outside the box'?

Out With The Coconuts!

'A man accused of stealing a top brand of coat from a sports shop appeared in front of a judge wearing the item he had shoplifted. Stephen Kirkbride, 46, arrived in court wearing the £125 Craghopper waterproof, leaving witnesses in court speechless.' (Mail)
Naturally enough, I am obliged to award Mr Kirkbride his OWN, personal, legal and 100% above board, LoonyTunesWatch Coconut. Hooray!

Why Will Successive Governments Not Address The Issues?

'At least a third of migrant workers in England and Wales are not included in annual net migration figures, a report has showed.

Migrants who stay for less than a year are not counted in official estimates, but were ‘a significant part of the migrant workforce’ between mid-2004 and mid-2009.
The report, by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), found 97,000 short-term migrant workers came to England and Wales in the year to mid-2009, but were not included in the official 168,000 figure for those staying more than a year.'

BTW, the answer to the question in the title is: 'Because the EU won't let us and as we are so sold out to Brussels, we do not want the plebs knowing that fact!'
Read more:

So How Did It Evolve?

If we accept that 'natural selection' and 'survival of the fittest' both exist, which they surely do - even if this actually lends precious little help to the proponents of the evolutionary hypothesis - a question (just one?) is begged.
'From whence came parenthood?' If creatures are by nature 'selfish' - how come that this is sidelined where offspring are concerned? Surely there is something 'inbuilt' which could not have evolved!
If a 'what' did not 'build it in' then maybe it was a 'who'.

'Death Plans.'

As a declared 'don't know' on the issue of euthanasia, I would like to state my support for what has been reported today as it would remove so many cases from the realms of so-called 'need for euthanasia'.
It may not tackle the issue at its heart - but it has genuine merit.
Doctors could be told to draw up individual ‘death plans’ for terminally ill and elderly patients to ensure they end their days with dignity.
Read more:

Levi Bellfield.

The odious Levi Bellfield has been serving a life sentence which proffered virtually no hope of release because of the level of danger he poses to the public.
He has now additionally been found guilty of the murder of Milly Dowler.
From a purely sentencing point of view - SO WHAT?

Fascism Is Always Nasty - Irrespective Of Source.

We have already considered on this Blog the leftwing base of fascism - its roots actually beginning with the Italian National Syndicalists in the aftermath of World War One.

Yet - it is all too often portrayed as being of the right. To a limited extent that is true, nonetheless - part of the capitalist right - it certainly isn't!
For example, extreme tories are seldom anywhere near to being fascist and are never 'just a step away from being BNP' whose members tend to be taken largely from Labour voters.
Control freaks of any hue lurch mightily towards the fascist direction. Consider how naturally, the term 'health fascism' has entered the language to describe a certain type of overweening authoritarianism.
Fascism is actually extreme centralism with 'anti-many things' added. It favours a 'a beyond criticism', nationalist leadership which is authoritarian by nature.
Fascists tend to dislike a good 90% of things despised by the left. But do be careful - leftists will liberally and fancifully hurl the insult 'fascist' at anybody who dares to disagree with them.
The relatively new term 'liberal fascism' is well named as the authoritarian liberal left try to force and mould people into their ways of thinking via persecution and anti-democratic measures.
A dreadful, imperialistic philosophy - nearly as bad as socialism/marxism.

Parables 2: 6 - 8.

From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

7] He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;
8] He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.

More EU Corruption - That Headline Is Hardly News Any More.

Romanian daily Evenimentul Zilei reports the European Commission has halted a payment of €850m for 120 projects in Romania and will launch an investigation following allegations of corruption among local politicians. (Open Europe.)

Bye, Bye Catherine!

Baroness Ashton has not had an easy ride on this Blog - and rightly so. The EU's 'Foreign Minister' has been shocking.

Mole-In-The-Know reveals that plans are afoot for her to be sacked within the year.

Nice one MITK!

The Parable of The Talents.

As with all parables, the spiritual meaning is the most important. We must not waste our God-given, spiritual 'talents'.
It is frequently overlooked - and especially by those of a leftwing disposition - that the parable actually presents investment as being the norm - the natural order - wherein heavenly virtues are linked to earthly ones.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The EZ.

In Prospect Magazine, Wolfgang Münchau writes, “The eurozone is based on three pillars: loopholes, fudges and lies."

Hmm. Hotting up?

No Win - No Fee.

The evil created by 'No Win, No Fee lawyers' has been immeasurable.
They have turned us into 'a litigious society'.
And yet for some, these are the only path to getting justice.
There is a simple solution to this problem. Weeding out the 'vexatious' cases is not too difficult. If such lawyers lose a case under such circumstances  - the judge should fine the lawyers heavily. (Note how this links to the earlier post about 85% of immigration cases being unjustifiable.) Of course, the judges who are lawyers themselves should not be given too much discretion. Many fines should be mandatory!

Being In The EU Is Fun - And SO Cheap!

'Britain could be hit with losses of up to £366 billion from the collapse of the Greek economy, it has emerged. The warnings came as the Greek government last night won a vote of confidence in the Athens Parliament, clearing the way for a second bailout to go ahead. The crunch will come next week when the Greeks vote on a £25 billion austerity package demanded by the EU before they hand over any more cash.
The potential devastation of banks and other City institutions would be equal to 24 per cent of our annual national output, or £14,640 for every family in the UK.'
Read more:

Sex In A Marriage Isn't Optional For Christians!

1 Corinthians 7.
3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer.

The Great Commission - Enacted!

'Basically, nothing like this has been done for quite some time. So it's time." Colin James with the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association speaks of their bold endeavor to bring the Gospel to over 1 million people living in Marseilles in southern France. The Palau Association will be holding their Marseille Provence Festival on the beaches of Plage du Prado from June 30 - July 2. The festival will be a large undertaking, but the opportunity is enormous as James elaborates on the situation, reports MNN.' (Christian Telegraph.)

The EU - A Major Danger.

I have previously warned on this Blog of the dangers we face in becoming an EU 'service economy' and not being able to supply, at least the majority of, our nation's food needs. Being reliant on the EU makes us ever more subservient and potentially open to blackmail. Do not think that this could not happen with such a self-serving, imperialistic body.
Andrew Marr recently spoke of London whose need for food was such that “the whole of the UK’s food production would be needed to feed the citizens of London”.
As the population of the capital is a little over 10 million, and the UK as a whole is nearing 60 million, this means about 75 per cent of our food will need to be imported.
This is seriously scary stuff AND by no means accidental!

Incidentally, my calculations from the above would suggest a figure of in excess of 80% - but then - I never was all that good at sums!

Feminism Is Not Cuddly - Nor Even Honest!

Somewhat unhappily yesterday, I was tuned to Radio 4 in the car and thus found myself listening to an interview by Jenni Murray with some 'feminist writer' or other.

My fists soon clenched as this redoubtable amazon proclaimed something on the lines of:
"I often ask women if they are feminists and a surprising number say that they aren't. So, I ask them if they think that they shouldn't be allowed to vote or should have a husband who 'owns them and could beat them with a stick'. They say they hadn't thought of that."
Just where do I start?
I'll just point out the reality. Today's feminists are not entirely as described to the terminally gullible.
They are usually loud; they seldom fight just causes'; are largely in favour of women 'cherrypicking' jobs; they are sold on killing the inconvenient unborn; they use 'special pleading'; they believe in 'positive discrimination' - right up to the point where it works against them; the same applies to 'quotas'; many are basically anti-male in ways which would be illegal if reversed and to cap it all - they are irredeemably leftwing!
If my description is less than a 100% perfect, I apologise but this writer's attempt was less than 5%!
Arguing by means of 'redefining as you go' is most unreasonable.

Only One Is Realistic.

UKIP has consistently warned about the dangers of the euro and in particular, has stated that 'it is simply not possible to conjoin differing economic performances under the umbrella of a single currency'. You cannot force people who have size 10 feet to wear size 7 shoes!

Economies must not be 'unequally yoked'.
ALL of our major parties + Greens have either endorsed our entry to the euro or taken a 'fence-sitting position' - of 'YES, but not yet.'
They were all wrong - and big style! UKIP was right - and big style!
As UKIP are the only party source of reality where the EU is concerned - perhaps we should not just be listening to them but also giving them our votes in all types of election.

Why Do So Many People Smell?

If you live on the streets or are seriously ill or indeed, old and feeble you may have a slight excuse for not keeping clean - and even then, social services can usually help out.
Why do such a hefty proportion of clearly healthy people in my local Lidls smell? They aren't dressed badly; they aren't apparently poverty-stricken; they aren't anything other than in their pristine prime - and yet - they pong!
It ain't just Lidls, either.
5/6 bars of basic soap for a quid can last the best part of a year. Is it access to water they lack?
If you are wearing designer clothes, Levi-Strauss jeans, Nike trainers etc - you can surely afford a 59p deodorant spray! (Perhaps I shouldn't have suggested that - they'll just spray it on top of the dried sweat!)
What did John Wesley say? - "Cleanliness is next to godliness!" - Spot on.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Guardian Remains As Bad As Ever!

Algerian Persecution, Now?

Seven Algerian churches face closure this week after the governor of their province sent them written notice that they were operating "illegally.”  (Open Doors UK.)

Hi, Trev!

'The troubled Equality and Human Rights Commission has been criticised for overpaying staff. The National Audit Office found the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) had breached Government pay guidelines by £570,000.'
Read more:

The Happy Demise of The Euro? - May It Rot - and The EU With It!

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - 'The UK's treasury minister has - during a cut-and-thrust debate in parliament - admitted that London is preparing for a potential break-up of the eurozone.[He] made the controversial comments while under fire from Conservative Party MPs and opposition Labour Party members in Westminster on Monday (20 June) about the implications for the British economy if Greece goes bust.
The British parliament as seen across the river Thames. Hoban: 'I am not going to comment on whether the eurozone will remain intact' (He began by saying: "I am not going to engage in speculation on what might or might not happen ... Members will agree that it would not be appropriate for me to discuss the detail of those scenarios."
He then neglected on several occasions to make a positive statement of British confidence in the survival of the eurozone.'  (EU Observer.)
The first lovely step towards the collapse of this evil and anti-democratic structure!

How can you recognise design in science?

Prof Ed Neeland answers on design in the chemistry in living cells.'You’re out for a walk. Hey, a new house on your block! Very pretty. A man taps you on the shoulder and says “That house happened by itself.” You consider the bricks, windows, doors, ductwork, carpets, electrical/telephone wiring, plumbing, wallpaper, TV, and all the appliances. Is the man mad? Houses are designed by architects, and built by skilled trades workers!
I face a similar situation. I am a PhD synthetic chemist. My scientific colleagues tap me on the shoulder and say that a much more complex house happened by itself – the “simple” cell.
How complex is the cell? Science has shown that the cell is a factory which is filled with complex molecules, complex structures, an incredible computer programming code AND there are the machines. We have discovered molecular machines (flagella) which propel some cells, other machines (motor proteins) transport chemicals (using legs to move!) while still other machines search out and repair mistakes in the DNA strands. Imagine billions of little robots on your car. They repair rust spots, take away waste, maintain air pressure in the tires, and they even make and deliver fuel to the tank. That’s a rough idea of how machines work in a cell. And there is so much more to learn! [Creation Research.]
Check out: for a great video on the inner working of a cell.
You may not be too surprised to learn of the brickbats hurled at Ed Neeland by evolutionists who do not merely disagree but do not even think that he is entitled to interpret data in any way other than their own.
Anything stated draws attacks - the bulk of which are actually personal.
It is the way that anybody out of step is treated which, more than any other single factor, makes me suspect that the apoplectic agressor has a very weak case.
Bottom line. How many are prepared to enter into public debate with Ed? -
'Ah, well. Mustn't do that. It would be adding credibility to his case.' 
And there was silly me thinking that they're runnin' scared!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If It's Dead - Let's Bury It!

The front page of German magazine Der Spiegel depicts an obituary to the euro, with a picture of a euro coin on a coffin wrapped in a Greek flag. The article argues that it is “time for Plan B” as “the euro is becoming an ever greater threat to Europe's common future. The currency union chains together economies that are simply incompatible.”
(Open Europe.)
And what has this Blog always argued?

Charles - Not John, For Once.

'Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to that alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries it shall be done.'
Charles Wesley.

Will The Squandering Never End?

The NOTW has reported that that EU is spending almost £3m annually to run an office with 33 staff in Fiji.

Disgrace In The Lords.

'The Mail on Sunday noted that a cross-party alliance of peers formerly employed by the EU institutions has helped to inflict a series of defeats to the Government’s proposed EU “referendum lock” in the House of Lords.'


Summer Solstice Today.

Readers may be mightily relieved to hear that I shall not be out and about cavorting nakedly in celebration of the summer solstice, today.
And as for winter .... forget it!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...