Saturday, May 31, 2008

Apologies for the length but important stuff from Peter Hitchens.

Will Europe's spoilt children put us to shame by saying No to the EU empire? [By PETER HITCHENS] Last updated at 10:12 PM on 24th May 2008To the secret horror of the real rulers of Europe, one tiny country is letting its people vote on whether it should give up its independence for ever. The other 26 members of the Franco-German Empire have meekly agreed to accept their new status as provinces. But Ireland, which fought so hard to break away from Britain less than a century ago, is obliged by its cunningly-drawn constitution to put the issue to a referendum. The Irish government hates this but must allow it. It is hopeless, of course. Even if the Irish do as they have done before over the Nice Treaty and chuck the wretched thing out when they go to the polls on June 12, they will be made to vote again and again until they give in.

Since the 2001 Nice rebellion, the rules of referendums in Ireland have changed, making it far harder for the No side. That is the nature of 'democracy' in the EU. You can vote for anything you like, but it will always be difficult to oppose them - and in any case the result won't count unless the authorities agree with you. Yet it is also wonderfully gallant, and a bitter reminder to the passive, wilfully ignorant people of Britain - who have never really thought about the EU, who dumbly allowed themselves to be bamboozled into voting for it the one time they had a real chance to escape - that resistance is both possible and thinkable. And how enjoyable it is that the one challenge to Europe's most dishonest and greedy seizure of power should be happening in Ireland, the spoiled child of Brussels, soothed with flattery and sprayed with subsidies. For the EU, like every other continental great power in history, knew all too well how to play on the old rivalry and hostility between our two amazingly different islands. What joy there has been in EU headquarters to have one Englishspeaking country that happily embraces the Euro, that flies the Euro flag with enthusiasm, scraps miles for kilometres on its signposts and generally lies back and enjoys being ravished by the new superpower. What a contrast with the sullen, slow and grudging acquiescence of Britain. What fun to annoy London by favouring Dublin. What a good wheeze to make former Irish Premier John Bruton the EU ambassador to Washington, so emphasising in a dozen different ways the diminished and altered status of the UK.

Millionaire Declan Ganley is leading the 'No' campaign And how altered it is. Crossing our country's only land frontier has always been an odd experience. There were never any fences between our bit of Ireland and the other, and there still aren't. But there are quiet differences which symbolise the current state of relations. You need to know what to look for to be sure you have crossed. Now it is strange in a new way. I can recall when there were still rusting Customs barriers on the platform of Newry station, and the way everything was much poorer and greyer in the South, from the rougher roads to the hopeless public telephones. It was also much more Roman Catholic. Now you can tell you are in the Republic because of the fat and wealthy look of the countryside, planted thickly with showy houses, and the new motorways filled with cars - each with European-style number plates, deliberately unlike the UK's. To the north of Dublin, smart trains serve enormous new commuter suburbs of overpriced box homes, with hardly a church in sight. The old greyness is almost gone. And of course you must use the European Union's occupation money, the euro. The capital itself has been transformed almost as completely as Moscow, with the same feeling that somebody has exploded an enormous money-bomb just overhead, raining down glass-fronted office blocks, mobile phones and cocktails on a grateful populace. Old brown bars have been replaced with funky nightclubs throbbing with blondes. You can still see the ghost of a distinctly British city beneath the change, but Dublin is now emphatically European in style, right down to its excellent trams. Most Irish people believe their new prosperity has come from Europe. They are partly right, though much has also come from Ireland's very low business taxes. Doubters will point out that it is hard to work out a balance between forfeiting £150billion in lost fisheries and gaining nearly £50billion in subsidies for new roads. But the roads, and the flashy new wealth, are easier to see than the vanished fishing fleets. As a result, the EU has a kind of cargo cult status here. It is the source of great gifts from above, and the idea that Ireland might be better off out of it (which it would be) is never spoken out loud even by those who believe it.

A current poster for the 'No' campaign harks back to Ireland's turbulent historyThat will change because the cash has already stopped. Ireland is now a net contributor to the EU by most calculations, and certainly will be once great slabs of 'peace money' - the cross-border pay-off for giving in to the IRA - have run out, as they soon will. Ireland is also suffering from the same raging increase in the cost of living as Britain. When I apologised to a Dublin cafe owner for paying for my €10 breakfast with a €50 note, worth almost £40, he said: 'Don't worry. Inflation's so bad that's becoming the most common note in use.' But right now the pro-EU consensus is as bad as it was in Britain 30 years ago. Every major political party is united in favour of the Lisbon Treaty (formerly known as the Constitution). There are various rather noble but tiny organisations producing clever anti-EU posters. The best shows three unhelpful EU monkeys - 'They won't see you, they won't hear you, they won't speak for you'. The fiercest pictures the 1916 independence proclamation made during the Easter Rising, which is Ireland's combined Trafalgar, Dunkirk and Battle of Britain. It points out uncomfortably that: 'People died for your freedom. Don't throw it away.' Another, aiming lower, simply warns: 'It'll cost you.' These are hopelessly outnumberedby the bland and smiley Yes placards that decorate every Dublin street in their hundreds. With impeccable logic, Sinn Fein ('Ourselves Alone') is the only remotely significant party prepared to say No. Which would mean a pretty unbalanced battle if it weren't for the slightly mysterious multimillionaire, Declan Ganley, who has flung his great energy and wealth behind a one-man No campaign that has obviously infuriated the Dublin establishment. I watched Mr Ganley debating with the spokesmen of the two main parties, Fine Gael and Fianna Fail. They didn't have a chance. Most people don't have a clue what the Lisbon Treaty is about so Mr Ganley, who does have a clue, tells them in fierce, forceful English that the government is lying. And when I say English, I mean English. Mr Ganley was born deep in Galway but he speaks in the unromantic accent of Watford, where his parents emigrated to find work in the hard times. I'm not sure this helps him, but he insists it signifies nothing. Time and again, Irish unemployment forced him to live and work in England, until he made his fortune trading aluminium in the collapsing Soviet Union. Now he sells communications equipment to the US National Guard. Last week a pro-EU Dublin newspaper tried to suggest there was something bad about this, trumpeting portentously that Mr Ganley's Libertas group has ' military links'. This sort of stuff is easier than taking him on. EU documents are notoriously tangled, but I think time will prove him right and Lisbon will leave Ireland even more powerless, isolated and vulnerable than it will leave Britain. Like us, Dublin will lose its permanent member on the Commission and, with its tiny voting strength, this is a much graver loss than it will be to Britain. The new powers of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg could one day be used to override Ireland's unique laws. Nobody really knows how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms could be interpreted. And Ireland's crucial 12.5 per cent tax rate on company profits (compared with Britain's 28 per cent) could be vulnerable to new rules on 'distortion of competition'. Ireland was told in the past that its fishing and sugar industries were safe from the EU, and then saw both devastated anyway. Ganley's rhetoric is tough and he takes meetings by storm. In the debate I watched, the chairman couldn't stop him, and when Ganley decided his Sinn Fein ally on the panel wasn't up to much, he simply took over, leaving the man opening and closing his mouth silently like a fish. His rhetoric has a directness you don't often find in crabwise Irish politics. For example, he has described the Common Agricultural Policy as 'a weapon of mass destruction'. He declared that 'after Lisbon there will be nothing left of our benefits from the EU except a piece of dental floss'. His sharpest opponent, Fine Gael's Michael Creed, meanly suggested Ganley was 'the West Wing of British Euroscepticism', a sly attack that may do damage since any link with British conservatism is poison here. The Fianna Fail government simply denies all Ganley's claims. But what does it know? You sense that many of these people simply take the EU on trust, regarding it as an unstoppable natural force, and enjoy the prospect of having more power and less responsibility. I watched the Deputy Prime Minister, Mary Coughlan, floundering helplessly as she revealed her own ignorance of the thing she was defending. She claimed that the bigger EU countries still each had two Commissioners, which hasn't been so for years. Even so, the pro-EU politicians have fear on their side. They often speak of how Ireland will lose the 'goodwill' - that is, the special favour it has been shown - if it votes No. And there has been talk of 'reaping the whirlwind' if one small country falls out of step with the other 26. The best riposte to that, surprisingly enough, came from Killian Forde, a bright and witty Dublin councillor who is a prominent member of Sinn Fein. I didn't want to like him, regarding his party as a front organisation for the IRA. But he talks intelligent, patriotic sense. I asked him why people who had fought so hard for independence, and gone to war over the wording of a treaty, now seemed ready to give that same independence away again and leave a far more important treaty unread. He says people don't realise how much the EU menaces their liberties because it has crept up on them. 'They started on the soft stuff and only now are they getting to the sovereignty issues.' He points out sarcastically that the mainstream parties all go on about how much the EU has done for equality. 'Why could we not have done that ourselves if we wanted it? Were we so stupid and backward that we needed the enlightened Europeans to tell us what to do?' Forde also suspects that many Irish leaders have deliberately courted the EU to annoy Britain and rejects the idea that Ireland should be grateful for what it has got. What about the future? 'If it doesn't work out and we end up as an economic backwater on the edge of Europe, our children are not going to thank me for voting Yes.' I don't know how this vote will go. The polls say that the Yes campaign is winning, but they said the same thing at this stage in the campaign over the Nice treaty and that went the other way. Declan Ganley's intervention has upset a lot of calculations, and as another No campaigner said to me: 'When all the fat-cat politicians are agreed on something, surely you'd think that people would smell a rat?' Well, I hope they do because if Ireland votes No it will hurl a small but dangerous spanner into the whirling, roaring innards of the European project, possibly causing an uncontrolled explosion of bile, rage and frustration that will not make it any easier to persuade Ireland to do as it is told. What concessions can the EU bosses give that will make a difference? In reality, none. Can they abandon the treaty? Not without abandoning the whole scheme for 'ever greater union'. Can they allow others to do the same? I don't think so. It would be pleasing to think that the courageous, resourceful and determined Irish people, whose unembarrassed love of their country puts us to shame, could unhorse the mighty European empire, as they once humbled ours. But, since the last thing the No campaigners need is a British voice on their side, I wouldn't dream of saying so.

How many signatories?

"In all the acres of coverage of 'climate change', here's something you won't have read. Last week, Dr Arthur Robinson, of the University of Oregon, announced to a packed Washington Press Conference that 31,000 scientists had signed an online petition challenging the conventional wisdom that man-made C02 emissions were causing 'global warming'.

He said he was aware that critics would claim this list was phoney, but said signatories had been carefully vetted and at least 9,000 had PhDs.
This went largely unreported on either side of the Atlantic.
Any dissent from the great global warming scam, however valid, is dismissed as heresy."



"80 percent of legislation affecting business comes from EU", says Commissioner.

The Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy has said that "over 80 percent of all legislation affecting the business community is adopted by majority voting at EU level." The former Irish Finance Minister made the admission at a Yes campaign rally in Dublin.

Maybe you never normally cast a thought in the direction of the EU but ask yourself the tough question:

"Am I happy with such a situation?"


Ian Duncan-Smith.

The tories have been attacked reasonably regularly on this Blog - but will get the plaudits whenever praise is due.

Ian Duncan-Smith has campaigned for the rather 'quirky notion' that large amounts of children throughout the country without fathers is deleterious to society.

'His comments follow a recent Government move to let doctors provide women with fertility treatment without considering the child's need for a father.
Mr Duncan Smith, MP for Chingford and Woodford Green, last week tabled an amendment to block the measure. But he was defeated by 292 votes to 217. '

Once again, we must ask the question, just WHO made up the bulk of the 292?
Which party came second?

I have said it before, genuine Christians really cannot vote for Labour or Lib Dems.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Free to defame.

In February, The Sunday Times made an appalling claim that Nigel Farage was paying his son with EU funds to do nothing.

It took 3 months for the apology to be printed and took up a mere fraction of the space used on the original story.

I wonder how many people saw the story but not the retraction therefore, and
still believe this calumny to be true?

PHOTO: Jonathan Arnott - left. Nigel Farage MEP - right.

Isaiah 5:20.

King James Bible "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

The Scriptures make it very clear which things are right and which are wrong.

Make yourself a list of all the cases where politicians and the 'great and the good' are telling us that X is right or Y is wrong and this completely contradicts God's Word.

Now, all you have to do is to identify which political parties are most likely to embrace the majority of these horrors.

In Mark's Gospel Jesus tells us that 'blasphemy against the Holy Spirit' is 'the [only] unpardonable sin'.
Some have asked what this means but Jesus explains clearly. Seeing The Holy Spirit in Jesus the pharisees had recognised Him as being 'Beelzebub' thus reversing good and evil.
Look again at this rather pointed verse from Isaiah against such a backcloth.

The Bishop of Rochester - what a guy!

'The collapse of Christianity has wrecked British society, a leading Church of England bishop declared yesterday.
It has destroyed family life and left the country defenceless against the rise of radical Islam in a moral and spiritual vacuum.
In a lacerating attack on liberal values, the Right Reverend Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester, said the country was mired in a doctrine of 'endless self-indulgence' that had brought an explosion in public violence and binge-drinking.
In a blow to Gordon Brown, he mocked the 'scramblings and scratchings' of politicians who try to cast new British values such as respect and tolerance.
The Pakistani-born bishop dated the downfall of Christianity from the 'social and sexual revolution' of the 1960s.
He said Church leaders had capitulated to Marxist revolutionary thinking and quoted an academic who blames the loss of 'faith and piety among women' for the steep decline in Christian worship.
Dr Nazir-Ali said the ' newfangled and insecurely founded' doctrine of multiculturalism has left immigrant communities 'segregated, living parallel lives'.
Christian values of human dignity, equality and freedom could be lost as the way is left open for the advance of brands of Islam that do not respect Western values. '


Social services.

For once, I must speak up for our hard-pressed social services who have come under unfair criticism for not saving the 50 youngsters murdered by family members in this country every year.
The problem for them is that there are just so many families where a child might be killed, it is virtually impossible to see just where the enormous potential for disaster will turn into practice.

This is what happens when the underclass is out of control.
This is a direct result of our fractured family, anti Christian, hedonistic, value-free, no-fear-of-consequences, politically correct society.
I know that a great many social workers believe themselves to be on some 'great marxist crusade' - but in general terms this situation is not their fault. Specific cases - maybe.



"Lead exposure during childhood is associated with brain shrinkage and violent criminal behaviour, research has shown.
Scientists based the conclusion on two US studies of families from a poor area of Cincinnati where many houses were old and contaminated with lead."
Never has there been less lead around us; never has there been more youth crime.

When are PEOPLE ever going to be blamed for crime rates?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who could be without one?

The lurid thriller designed to be given to non-Christians! [ My Minister's wife said it should be made into a film!]

E Mail if you want to order a copy for £9-99 inc: free postage.


John Prescott wants his "political achievements put on record", so I have listed them below.

Moray Firth.

Michael Duffy.

Michael Duffy, writing in the Sydney Morning Herald, 3 May 2008 points out that according to the British Met Office's Hadley Centre and America's National Climatic Data Centre, global average temperatures have not risen since 2002.
Duffy writes: "Hadley expresses temperature changes in terms of deviations from the 1961 to 1990 average. In 2002 the rounded global temperature for land and sea was 0.46 above that average. In the next five years it was: 0.46, 0.43, 0.48, 0.42, and 0.40.
The figures for the Date Centre are calculated slightly differently, but they too show no trend over the period in question." Duffy goes on to comment: "Whatever the recent figures might signify, it's disturbing that they haven't received more publicity. If the trend had been different - if warming had accelerated, say - you can bet it would have been reported everywhere. But because the figures since 2002 might raise doubts about the orthodoxy, there has been a great silence.

Most of those involved in public discussion of global warming simply ignored what was happening to the temperature record.

The media have continued to interpret any minor weather event as 'proof' of global warming. Political leaders have continued to crank up the panic."

Many thanks to Creation Research for pointing out these facts which are so uncomfortable for those who sold out to what has all the appearances of a deceit.

Chimp DNA LESS than 98% same as humans.

'While many evolutionists proclaim that human DNA is 98% identical to chimpanzee DNA, few would lie by idly and allow themselves to receive a transplant using chimpanzee organs. As a matter of fact, American doctors tried using chimp organs in the 1960s, but in all cases the organs were totally unsuitable. The claim of 98% similarity between chimpanzees and humans is not only deceptive and misleading, but also scientifically incorrect. Today, scientists are finding more and more differences in DNA from humans and chimps. For instance, a 2002 research study proved that human DNA was at least 5% different from chimpanzees—and that number probably will continue to grow as we learn all of the details about human DNA (Britten, 2002).'

Do remember 2 facts:

1} We share 50% of our DNA with a banana but who tries to make a big deal of that?
2} (AND rather more seriously}, If DNA is only 2% off, the one from the other, this represents something between 30,000 and 50,000 differences. In terms of evolutionary steps it is beyond credibility in terms of the mathematics alone.


Arrogance thy name is Brook.

Barry Brook a climatologist of the University of Adelaide states, writing in an article in The Australian, 30 April 2008, states that: "Global warming
sceptics, creationists and intelligent designers are 'trolls' - an Internet jargon term defined by Brook as 'people who intentionally post false or controversial messages to gain attention or foment a conflicting style of debate.'
Brook advises people not to 'feed trolls by engaging them on their terms'.
He claims they can be overcome by 'good science - evidence and ideas ...'

I am always suspicious if somebody moots an idea and then says that no opposition may be tolerated. In the moral sphere it is possibly more understandable than in the scientific, eg] Murdering infants - what is there to debate?

If your science however, cannot stand the scrutiny of public debate, then clearly, however much you huff and puff and try to stifle the voices of dissenters, there will always be a doubt about the validity of what you postulate.

We return once again - in a marginally different guise - to the refusal of Dawkins, Jones, Attenborough et al to debate their failed evolutionary hypothesis. [Mustn't give credibility to 'these people' - it makes them seem respectable.]

Mackay, Wieland, Sarfati and many more scientists of repute are just itching to take on people like this ignorant oaf in proper, televised debate.

I have often made the point that anybody truly convinced in their factual base would want to debate the science in public. How sweet to be able to humiliate the opposition whom you so actively despise. But apparently this does not motivate them. I wonder why that is? - It certainly ain't nobility!

He truly is RUNNING SCARED and this tactic is oh so transparent.

Iraqi Christians.

For somebody who is ardently opposed to most forms of immigration, I must give a warm plaudit to Christian churches in Sweden who are behind plans to bring many of the Iraqi, persecuted Christians to a place of safety.
These folks TRULY are in fear of their lives.


Media bias.

"The Christian Broadcasting Council (CBC) has voiced concern over the media’s portrayal of Christians and pro-life campaigners following recent coverage of their views on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill."
I have long campaigned on this Blog over the media's sustained portrayal of Christians as loonies, hypocrites and simpletons.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The EU is evil; simply evil.

"Plans to eliminate Eurosceptics as an organised opposition within the European Parliament are expected to be agreed by a majority of lickspittle MEPs this summer.
The European Union assembly’s political establishment is pushing through changes that will silence dissidents by changing the rules allowing Euro-MPs to form political groupings.
Richard Corbett, a British Labour MEP, is leading the charge to cut the number of party political tendencies in the Parliament next year, a move that would dissolve UKIP’s pan-European Eurosceptic “Independence and Democracy” grouping.
Under the rule change, the largest and most pro-EU groups would tighten their grip on the Parliament’s political agenda and keep control of lavish funding.

What could I possibly say?


Dr Chapman, you are not PC making such claims. Well done!

The first Australian Astronaut and Geophysicist Dr Phil Chapman stated: "If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over." April 23, 2008,

Chapman claims the world cooled quickly between January 07 and January 08, by about 0.7C.
He said pictures from the US Solar andHeliospheric Observatory showed no spots on the sun and this failure for sunspot activity to not resume after hitting an 11-year lowin March 07, is raising fears that - far from warming - the globe is about to return to an Ice Age.
Chapman comments: "This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record and it puts us back where we were in 1930. If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over.
It is time to put aside the global warming dogma, at least to begin contingency planning about what to do if we are moving into another little ice age, similar to the one that lasted from 1100 to1850."
In recent weeks, articles by NASA's Roy Spencer and Bjorn Lomborg and an interview with the Institute of Public Affairs' Jennifer Marohasy have undermined that confident Anglosphere consensus.'s bestseller list has the three top books on climate by global warming /climate change sceptics: Spencer, Lomborg and Fred Singer.

INFO rooted out by Creation Research.


What socialism is NOT and has never been.

A recent apologist for socialism has claimed on Teletext Letters that 'socialism is not about state control' but rather about 'ownership by the people'.
Drôle. (They probably truly believe this.)
Any nation whose title is the "The People's Republic of ...." is always and inevitably guaranteed to be the worst form oligarchy!
I believe it was Margaret Thatcher who once summed up Marxism as 'poison' and socialism as 'poison - just administered at a slower rate.'
Our experiences in the UK of socialism have always produced greater state control and meddlesome interference in the lives of the populace. There have NEVER been profit-making industries to subsidise our taxes. In fact, has it not always been precisely the reverse

Socialism ALWAYS gives rise to centralised power, control, suppression of free speech (political correctness is a part of this) and in too many cases - a loss of democracy.
What is the real problem with socialism is that its adherents have an unshakeable belief in the benevolence of the philosophy in spite of more than a century of clear evidence that it does not - and in my view CANNOT - work.

Acquis commaunitaire.

Where did you ever get the idea that we could 'change the EU' to make it more palatable, more democratic, more UK-friendly?
Have you ever held the view that we can renegotiate our position within the group?
Have you ever thought that the EU is reformable? Has it been suggested that we could be 'part of the EU whilst keeping a part of ourselves outside it'?
Did you ever get the idea that the 'EU is just a bit of a pest - but with a bit of sorting it would be alright?
Did the same people who put these ideas into your head never tell you that acquis commaunitaire - the ratchet principle, if you prefer - simply NEVER permits backtracking. Once a power has been taken from a nation state, it may NEVER be returned.
These are the actions of a dictatorship - one which now puts well over 70% of the laws onto our statute books - not with parliamentary scrutiny, even. [What difference would it make, anyway? - They are unstoppable]
There is a parliamentary group called The European Scrutiny Committee which is totally toothless.
If never before, perhaps you now grasp what is being done to us. Two commissioners and less than 9% of the total MEPs in Brussels - The EU can do to our people WHATEVER it pleases, WHENEVER it pleases and our voting CANNOT stop it!
So, who lied and told you that the EU is 'controllable'? - The CONservatives, I'm afraid.
Labour and Lib Dems are marginally more honest - they at least keep a low profile.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It was widely known in the West that Yasser Arafat was someone who sexually abused children.
This odious terrorist; this is the man who sabotaged the possible peace agreement with Israel after having gained 90%+ of the concessions he claimed he wanted.
It was beyond satire when this egregious individual was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.
In certain ways he reminds me of Arthur Scargill - without the child abuse - whose actions were seemingly all about his personal objectives rather than to help mineworkers. It is difficult to see how any other conclusion could be drawn.
By the same token, one might ask just what Arafat achieved for Palestinians?


'A miracle' - the doc said so!

Heart specialist Kevin Eggleston said: 'There are things that as physicians and nurses we can't always explain. I think this is one of those cases.'
He said that a Mrs Thomas had had no pulse, no heartbeat nor brain activity after her admission to hospital. She had been found unconscious after suffering a heart attack at her home in West Virginia.
While at the Charleston Area Medical Centre she suffered two further heart attacks and was placed on a life support system.
About 25 family members and friends gathered inside the hospital waiting room. 'We just prayed and prayed and prayed,' said her son Tim, 36. 'And I came to the conclusion she wasn't going to make it.
'I was given confirmation from God to take her off the ventilator and my pastor said the same thing. I felt a sense of peace that I made the right decision. Her skin had already started hardening, her hands and toes were curling up. There was no life there.'
He said after he left the hospital he was called and told she had shown signs of life.
By the time he got to her hospital room, Mrs Thomas was alert and talking. 'She had already asked, "Where's my son?",' he said.
Dr Eggleston added: 'It's a miracle.'


No more bunting - far too dangerous!

No more bunting in Hatfield Broad Oak in Essex.
Local Health & Safety officials have done their worst!
Loonytunes award - receive ONE coconut!



Newcastle council step forward. If you contact me I shall send you your coconut as you have gained a Christianityisnotleftwing Loonytune award! Yeeeeeahhhh!!!
16 year old Max Twizzel has been given a £50 penalty for littering and threatened with court if he doesn't pay.
- A good job too! We do not want people who throw litter to go unpunished, do we?
[There is one very small problem however. He was releasing a balloon at a charity event.
It looks like balloon races - a minute spit in the ocean of our litter problems - are now a thing of the past.]

I despair.


‘Vote against us and the sisterhood will never let you forget it.’
Labour MPs were unofficially 'whipped' at the division lobbies according to the source below in the recent abortion vote.
Such rank sexism is always permitted so I fully believe the report below.
According to the same PC rule which unequivocally states that: "No non-white person may ever be classed as racist" - Section 2, paragraph 14, subsection 13/coven/harridans & hags, states: " No female may ever be viewed as sexist."
If you are prepared to butcher viable, living, human beings - what's wrong with a bit of good, honest manipulation; threats; anti-conscience; anti-democratic practices? - Once you soul has been sold - all these things must come so easily.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Loonytuneswatch number one!

A new, occasional feature on this Blog will be Loonytuneswatch.
The silly post of Children's Commissioner throws up our first candidate - Sir Al Aynsley Green who said:

"Increased use of police stop and search powers to catch knife thugs would 'antagonise' young people."

Award the loony a coconut!

Jail EVERY one!

'In 2006 some 1,226 under-18s were found guilty of carrying a blade yet only 72 were put behind bars. [ Work out THAT percentage! ]

The average sentence was 3.4 months, which because of early-release rules, meant that a typical offender spent just eight weeks in jail.'

Deterrence? - I think NOT!

EVERY offender should 'go down' - end of story. We see politicians wringing their hands pathetically and whining - but the answer is a minimum 12 month term for carrying and a further 4 years if brandished, used to threaten - even if not especially aggressively.

Why does it not happen? Judges and magistrates to blame? - Probably not. BLAME THEIR GUIDELINES!


The EU adds to world poverty.


Posted by SG on May 25, 2008 . [THANKYOU.]

The West’s hypocrisy is a major crime against Africa
Story by MUTUMA MATHIU Publication Date: 5/25/2008
Rich countries want to go to food heaven, but they don’t want to die.
The European Union, for example, would like Africa to regard it as a friend out to help it crawl out of endemic poverty, violence and death.
But the policies of the European Union, particularly in agriculture, can only be described as economics of mass destruction.
What do you think is the single biggest item in the EU budget? Defence? Environment? -
It is farm subsidies.
They take 40 per cent of the EU budget, the small matter of some 40 billion euros, or Sh4 trillion, a year.
They pay their farmers to produce mountains of butter and lakes of milk, as one BBC report put it, then dump the whole lot on the international market and make it very close to impossible for farmers in the poor countries to put a square meal on the table.
He is correct.

Article 87 of the Consolidated Treaty was blamed by Oxfam some four/five years ago for being behind the worsening conditions in many countries as this concentrated in ensuring that poorer nations could not export their produce to us if it was something already produced in the EU.
This meant that competition was lost, their nations remained poor and our consumers got 'subsidised' produce from within the EU which was more expensive than on world markets.
Add the EU's nonsensical bio-fuel policies into the equation and we are truly doing evil to the poorest in theworld.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bill Cosby.

'They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain't, Where you is, What he drive, Where he stay, Where he work, Who you be... And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk. Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what? And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? Or who is his father? People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong? People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something? Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up? Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all types of needles [piercing] going through her body? What part of Africa did this come from? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa . With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail. Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now. We have millionaire football players who cannot read. We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. We have to start holding each other to a higher standard. We cannot blame the white people any longer.' Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

Pop over to the UK Bill - It ain't no diffrunt heah, knowworrImean, innit?
Our underclass comes in a wide range of colours - with white as arguably the worst.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Grievous Bodily Shaw.

" A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."
GB Shaw [ 1856 - 1950 ]

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lillian Ladele.

Lillian is an Islington registrar who is a Christian. Not wanting to 'marry' homosexual couples she has swapped shifts in the past and everybody was happy.
That wasn't enough for the PC nazis and leftie 'thought police'.

"All changed last December when the Government passed the Statistics and Registration Act, which made religious objections to civil partnerships invalid."

She is not permitted a conscience - MPs are permitted to 'have a conscience' when it comes to the murder of babies who are viable outside the womb.
Sodom and Gomorrah were never this bad.

Loss at Crewe.

So. Labour lost the by-election. Good.
I am not overdelighted that the tories won, but for once, I shall accept that with a good grace.

Youth custody.

It was announced yesterday that the UK jails more youngsters than any other country in Europe.
The numbers we send down are insignificant so there are two points here:
1] They 'forgot' to mention the differences in youth crime levels and
2] They 'forgot' - if they ever knew - that the more you are prepared to jail, the fewer you actually send.
I could also point out additionally perhaps, that as we have the largest incidence of family breakdown - encouraged by a morality-free government - the facts above are no great surprise.
Our politicians - all major parties - are too concerned with ensuring that people with 'alternative lifestyles' don't have their feelings hurt.


43% of households in Doncaster have no member working full time. [Figures from Sheffield Star.]
This clearly demonstrates why this country has had to import so much labour 'to do the jobs British people won't do.'

[I just cannot believe that lefties can keep a straight face on the many occasions they parrot this slogan!]
Has it never occurred to this incompetent government to attempt to get these 12,000 people back into work - or in many cases, perhaps I should have said, into work for the first time.

A local man was telling me last week of somebody in his mid 40s who has NEVER had a job. I would lay odds that, at nearly 57, without claiming any of my qualifications, I could be in work by the end of today in Donny.
Woy Jenkins: "In a civilised society, if anybody does not want to work, they should not have to."
Okay. we are looking VERY civilised.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Melanie ... again!

She continues to amaze. She IS from planet earth!

***** LINK:

Simply barking.

The European Court of Human Rights has agreed to hear a case to determine whether an Austrian chimpanzee called Matthew should be granted 'human rights'.
I despair. But at least it shows up what kind of ridiculous bodies we are dealing with.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Scum. Hitlerian vermin.

My harshest ever headline - and oh so deserved!
Last night, 304 amoral MPs - ignoring public revulsion towards late abortions as 'they always KNOW what is best for us', voted 'to carry on as normal' butchering babies capable of survival outside the womb and those approaching that stage.
If I say "millstones" and you do not understand the reference you low lifes at Westminster - there will come a time when you will!
These are largely the same people who look down on me for saying that we should execute the worst of murderers - so HYPOCRITES, too!
No. I am not angry. There is no word in the language to convey my present feelings.

No prizes for guessing which party provided the bulk of the 304 votes; no prizes for guessing which came second!

If Christ called the religious hypocrites "a brood of vipers" in Matthew 12, I cannot imagine the description for those who slaughter innocents and those "who frame mischief by statute" Psalm 94.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


If the average reader were to consider custodial sentencing in the post war period, some 50 years ago, they would be stunned to learn that the vast majority of shoplifters, thieves, flashers and people of violence would have been expecting a custodial sentence in their visit to the Magistrates’ Courts.
Persistent offenders had virtually no chance of escaping prison.
Younger criminals may have been given ’a last chance’ with a lesser disposal but would not have expected to escape a second visit to the Courts unscathed.
I need hardly remind you that prison was a much more disagreeable place in those days although paradoxically, the company you had to keep was probably preferable to that found in prisons currently.
Had you told any member of the public in 1951, the year of my birth, that use of custody would be reduced by in excess of 80% for such offences in the coming decades, they would have thrown their hands aloft and predicted an astronomical increase in crime rates.
Time has proved this point.
The atrocious crime levels today make the lives of too many decent citizens an absolute misery. It would be overstating the case however, to make a case that our present leniency is the single cause of this social catastrophe as the situation is far more complex. Even so, the almost universal absence of fear of justice amongst the criminal classes is the major factor, especially when you note that this ‘fear’ has been replaced for so many with simple contempt.
The days when even the worst of mothers felt the need to warn their offspring of the frightening consequences of their actions are long departed. This had for centuries been a useful mechanism which helped to instil the seeds of conscience into the most unlikely of individuals. It also was their first introduction to the expectations that society had of them.Today our schools are too often deprived of this first step and reducing disciplinary levels, in tandem with the ever increasing levels of poor parenting, an anti-authority bias in so many families and the perception that ‘taking your child’s side’ against teacher or police officer is supportive, all combine to blur the lines between right and wrong.
The Marxist ‘infection’ of our social and probation services is worrying in the extreme.
Several years ago, I was horrified when I saw the political drivel being hammered into the hapless students in one university when I examined their Sociology Degree courses in some detail.
Political correctness was not sufficient. A darwinian slant that made us all entirely ‘products of our environment’ on the one hand and being ‘victims of the class system’ on the other managed to remove all basic requirements on the individual to accept responsibility for his or her actions.
From such a background we recruit generations of social workers of various types.
This point was reinforced when a colleague happened to be present in the home of two teenagers, both subject to a court order for callously burgling a neighbour’s house, when their Probation Officer made a routine visit.
Sitting to one side, and ignored, he was horrified to overhear three quarters of an hour of ‘counselling’ which consisted entirely of telling them ‘not to be upset’ and ‘it wasn’t their fault’. Some may wonder why we have problems!
The desire of the so-called ‘permissive elements’ to remove the idea of ‘retribution’ from the system and to deride it by mischievously re-labelling it ‘vengeance’ has been especially damaging. When such people speak, they do so as if ‘rehabilitation’ is the only aim in sentencing procedures in our courts. The imposition of justice is much broader and must set the parameters of ‘right and wrong’.
Any disposal which does not follow the principle of ‘the punishment fitting the crime’ is deleterious to the nation. Any punishment received which is less than the offence warrants undermines the entire authority of the rule of law.
There is a modern assumption which underpins the whole of Community Punishments that the offender wants to become a useful if not valuable member of society. Their arrest was of course, the catalyst for this epiphany.
The idea ignores the extensive amounts of support the average 20 year old recidivist will have been receiving; initially in school and eventually through court orders. The idea that the majority want to ‘improve’ is simply erroneous.
If you have a lifestyle supported by state benefits, petty crime, black economy tax free odd jobs and minor drug dealing, why would you want to give it up?
All you can replace it with is low grade work which involves you in having to get up in the mornings, curtails your freedom and makes you ‘a fool’.
It is unhelpful that the same support systems want these people to have access to ‘good jobs’ - hardly fair to those who have worked hard academically to progress or those who have laboured in unskilled work and have struggled to make an honest living.
Living in a spiritually bankrupt society wherein the ‘liberal elite’ has decided to ‘abolish God’ and absolutes - aided and abetted by the Liberal Church - it is no great surprise that we have produced a hedonistic society where ‘rights’ are not matched by ‘responsibilities’.
We perhaps have entitlements to food, shelter, clean water, medicine and education but do we have the right to have TVs, computers, electronic goods, holidays etc?
It is my contention that we should work for the extras and this is an attitude that society as well as parents must take on board if any morality is to be re-established.
Gone are virtues such as ‘decency’ and ‘thrift’ only to be replaced with vague sentiments opposing assorted ‘...isms’ and embracing half-baked, wispy, green sound bites.
No. There is no incentive to abandon crime whatsoever. All persistent criminals recognise that the maximum sentence they can usually receive in a summary court, having pleaded guilty and having wisely admitted to some extra offences to be taken into account, is just sixteen weeks, less time spent on remand and with eight weeks automatically off for ’acceptable’ behaviour in prison. No astonishment then that ‘short prison sentences do not work’. They are not ‘short’, they are derisory.
Until offenders see that Community Punishments are truly rigorous and failure to complete them guarantees a substantial period in prison, they are doomed as a realistic alternative.
Of course there are always some who will benefit enormously from a Community Rehabilitation Order, a Community Punishment Order or even a Drug Treatment and Testing Order but let us not be fooled into thinking that these act as a panacea for the majority of hardened criminals.
Anybody who has perused a criminal record more than half an inch thick can be in little doubt.
The number of ‘last chances’ built into the system is horrendous.
The ‘message’ being sent out is that we are prepared to tolerate criminal behaviour - and such people need little prompting!
My first response to ASBOs was extremely positive but the predicted ‘backing off’ from prison becoming near automatic for breach has already begun and so they are likely soon to be as useless as any other toothless disposal.
Zero Tolerance from police is of little use if not backed up by the Courts.
Crime now blights the lives of millions and affects the lives of tens of millions even if, at its most trivial level, this only manifests itself as extra charges on insurance policies and a levy on supermarket goods to cover shoplifting losses.
Whatever happens we must recognise that we are in a war. It is about time we began to plan to win.

The politics of envy? - No thanks.

Okay, then. What essentially is the difference betweeen jealousy and envy, these most destructive of emotions? They are right up there with spite, malice, vindictiveness hatred and a vengeful spirit.
According to Georgetown University psychologist W. Gerrod Parrott, Ph.D., envy occurs when a person lacks another person's superior quality, achievement, or possession, and desires it--or wishes that the other person lacked it.
Jealousy, by contrast, occurs in the context of a close relationship when a person fears losing an important other to a rival--in particular, losing a relationship that is important to one's sense of self.
The trouble is that all of these feelings are intensely damaging to any individual.
From a spiritual point of view, they are a disaster. The Christian should be producing the 'fruits of the spirit' and not these valueless tickets to hell.

Psalm 51 helps us. We should pray to have these things taken away from us and replaced.
"Create in me a clean heart, Oh Lord my God."


Monday, May 19, 2008

Labour nastiness/ class warfare.

It is only a short time ago I published an article about the sheer nastiness of the left - well they are at it again. This time it has been in Crewe and Nantwich where their negative campaigning
for that bye election has apparently backfired.
They have systematically mocked and derided Edward Timpson, the tory candidate, by presenting him 'as a toff'.
If he has bad personal habits - fine! If he has a criminal record - fine! But to try to win an election by criticising somebody because they happen to live in a sizeable house is beneath contempt.
Perhaps somebody could explain to me why this example of 'the politics of envy' is any better than the 'racism' which has these odious people on their high horses at the merest, and often totally undiscernible, hint?
Vile! At least the local electorate have indicated that this appalling campaign may come back to haunt these appalling people.


The DWP has given figures to Panorama showing that what is referred to as "our sicknote culture" costs the nation at least £16 billion annually.

It is estimated that two thirds of the people drawing these benefits are 'fit to work'.

Both Major and Blair/Brown were happy to oversee the DOUBLING of people on sickness benefits in order to cynically conceal - no apologies for split infinitives - high unemployment figures.

So. What is to be done about it? When? By whom? And how do they propose to weed out the perverse from the genuine without laying unnecessary stress on the legitimate claimants?

[May I remind readers that we "have to" import immigrant labour to do the jobs our own
people will not do!]


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Slugs & snails.

Last year, partly because of the excellent conditions for their growth, gardeners had to put up with a major infestation of slugs & snails.
The absence of thrushes made this considerably worse as thrushes feed heavily on these pests.

It is now exactly two years since I last saw a songthrush in this postcode.

Most tits and finches have gone, wrens are around in small numbers and robins are rare.

[For reasons I cannot work out, pied wagtails have done rather well.]
The single largest factor for the decline in songbirds here is the proliferation of magpies. There were virtually none in 1975 when we arrived in Sheffield Handsworth, and now there are many hundreds - possibly more. One day I saw NINETEEN in a coven on the roof opposite!
As these vicious predators can take a hundred nestlings/ eggs each per season - it is not too difficult to work out what has happened in an urban area where cat numbers have fallen and crop spraying is irrelevant. If anything the environment has actually improved.
I resigned from the RSPB over this issue many years ago.
Birdlovers! May I encourage you to support the Songbird Survival Trust - they are realistic and support the much needed cull of magpies.
There is no room for silly sentiment when dealing with nature.
