Friday, May 09, 2008

Yoooooo steeeewpeeed womun! [Ta René]

Oh dear! The lamentable Jacqui Smith - believe it or not, our Home Secretary - has told police to target yobs and to 'turn the tables on them'. [Sounding 'tough on crime,' sounding 'tough on the causes of crime!]
Just HOW stupid is she? [Pause for thought.]
Her government brought in Europe's so-called Human Rights legislation which makes this utterly impossible without the relevant police force being sued into the ground by some hoody-wearing toerag who is already ignoring his ridiculous ASBO because of the predicted, nay inevitable, changes in attitude to them.
I was there at the beginning. "ALL breaches WILL result in imprisonment!"
Last I heard, ALL now = 6% or less. [ And they wonder why they became a laughing stock!]


What can the Church learn from Jimmy Carter? Peter Crumpler    10 January 2025. After leaving the White House, Jimmy Carter and his wife Ros...