Monday, May 26, 2008

The EU adds to world poverty.


Posted by SG on May 25, 2008 . [THANKYOU.]

The West’s hypocrisy is a major crime against Africa
Story by MUTUMA MATHIU Publication Date: 5/25/2008
Rich countries want to go to food heaven, but they don’t want to die.
The European Union, for example, would like Africa to regard it as a friend out to help it crawl out of endemic poverty, violence and death.
But the policies of the European Union, particularly in agriculture, can only be described as economics of mass destruction.
What do you think is the single biggest item in the EU budget? Defence? Environment? -
It is farm subsidies.
They take 40 per cent of the EU budget, the small matter of some 40 billion euros, or Sh4 trillion, a year.
They pay their farmers to produce mountains of butter and lakes of milk, as one BBC report put it, then dump the whole lot on the international market and make it very close to impossible for farmers in the poor countries to put a square meal on the table.
He is correct.

Article 87 of the Consolidated Treaty was blamed by Oxfam some four/five years ago for being behind the worsening conditions in many countries as this concentrated in ensuring that poorer nations could not export their produce to us if it was something already produced in the EU.
This meant that competition was lost, their nations remained poor and our consumers got 'subsidised' produce from within the EU which was more expensive than on world markets.
Add the EU's nonsensical bio-fuel policies into the equation and we are truly doing evil to the poorest in theworld.



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