Detectives from Europe will be able to carry out investigations and even make arrests on British soil as part of specialist squads designed to combat international crime ......
But critics are angry that the decision removes Britain's veto over any future changes to Europol's powers .......
Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: "This is the latest shocking failure to stand up for the British national interest in Brussels ........"
Well David. Sticking disingenuously to the party line, eh? You KNEW - just as everybody in your duplicitous party has always known - that it would come to this. You may be deceitful but you aren't gullible.
I had always put you down as one of the better tories' - I was clearly wrong!
For those readers who haven't grasped the point, Europol are answerable to NOBODY, not even the parliament which created this monster.
They are not legally, be it criminally or civilly, liable for any actions - or atrocities - which they may happen to commit!
No police should ever be granted such powers as those powers WILL eventually be abused.
But this is an EU mastiff. They are fairly certain that once pointed, it will not come back to bite them.
They are here now. As free people - our freedoms have just been massively eroded and 99% of the population do not get how or why - in fact most of these simply do not care!