Friday, February 06, 2009

The anti Christian EU.

Once again the European Union can be trusted to demontrate its untrustworthiness.
Christians are being bullied and are being instructed as to what we may believe and what we may not!
There is a new proposed European Directive which is rapidly in the process of going through the various stages of the European Parliament. This proposed Anti-Discrimination Directive prohibits discrimination and harassment on the grounds of disability, age, sexual orientation and religion or belief.
Sound okay, does it?
There are lessons to be derived from the EU’s Employment Discrimination Directive. It might be thought that the Directive would enhance religious liberty. However, the implementation of the 2000 Employment Discrimination Directive has given cause for concern. As a result of the Directive, a Bishop of the English national Church was successfully sued by a homosexual after not being given a position as a youth minister. A British Christian charity was successfully sued for refusing to promote an atheist support worker.

Removal of Rights of Conscience?
The new Directive could remove rights of conscience for those whose religious beliefs prevent them endorsing certain homosexual and religious practices. A Christian architect should not be required to design a mosque. A Christian publication should not be required to advertise material promoting homosexual activity.

And much, much more!


This blog is guaranteed to be 100%, 24 carat, anti-EU.

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