That represents £33,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.'
This is just about the worst in the entire world!
A simple question. If Gordon I'm-fiscally-prudent-no-more-boom-and-bust Brown has lived up to his name - then why have we fared worse than so many other nations?
When will we ever learn? Socialist governments do this every time! They remove incentives to small and medium businesses; they tax as if it doesn't hurt and they spend money as if it grows on trees.
Labour voters must begin to see that wacky giveaways of cash by governments will always have a massive sting in the tail.
You only have to stop and think and compare to your own household budget to recognise the folly.
I would also quite like to know if the printing of money has started - tha
t is all we need to turn us into a banana republic.

A Loonytuneswatch coconut is hereby awarded to - wait for it -
the entire Labour Party!