Saturday, February 28, 2009


For generations, 'Darwin's finches' have been used as an example of 'evolution by natural selection' and this idea has been unashamedly launched at literally millions of schoolchildren as 'an established proof' of the 'truth of evolution'.
What utter piffle!
For a start, the only 'changes' are within the genetic parameters of the finches - in the same way that a dog may be either a Doberman or a Chihuahua and can still interbreed - but both remain unequivocally, DOGS!
Secondly - and of vital importance - there is NO new genetic information.
Thus, one of the trumpeted pillars of the evolutionary hypothesis is actually nothing of the sort.
Take a look at the link below to find out all the other factors involved - most of which will embarrass even the diehard evolutionists.
Natural selection is a scientific certainty but is emphatically NOT a vehicle for evolution and never could be!


The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...