Saturday, February 07, 2009

What is the point?

Last night, I had a lengthy and rather sad conversation with somebody who has worked over 30 years in a Sheffield factory which produces - or at least, used to produce tools of genuine Sheffield steel.
He spoke of countless skills and trades, some of which I was familiar with and some not.
They have all gone! The factory is now just a glorified warehouse which sends out imported, Chinese tools.
He pointed out that the place needs a certain management level in order to run and now only requires basic employees who do not even need to be semi skilled.
Clearly, the minimum wage made such sites incapable of competing in manufacturing with exporters from low wage economies; immigration has meant that a massive percentage of the work force now come from E. Europe thus displacing English workers; the educational levels required to work there are basic in the extreme.
Against this backcloth, he asked me why on earth successive governments are trying to give us 'a better educated workforce'.
There is little value in this and this Blog has often questioned why the government is so anxious to shoehorn ever more 'dumbed down' students onto ever more, futile degree courses.
We all recognise the true thinking, of course, governments are trying to get young people off the unemployment figures for as long as six years!
When I teach Careers, my advice to youngsters who are capable of getting to university is to think very hard first. These courses are so costly and tragically often do not lead to jobs.
I tell them that if they are in love with their subject - then fine. If they need the degree for a specialised career - then so be it!
In all other cases, university should be avoided.
Going 'to improve my employment chances' is no longer viable thinking. This is a quarter of a century old attitude and must go!
University numbers must fall - and dramatically.
If a youngster can get into a job area with training attached, post 'A' levels, for a majority, this is the best way forward.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...