Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Undermining Christianity by the left.
The media, politicians, the entertainment industry, the Arts and all left-leaning political organisations have done exactly the same - almost to the point of it seeming that they have merely followed the good commissar's instructions to the letter.
The wider article here from Peter Hitchens is incredibly informative and I readily commend this link to you.
Read more:
Military cutback disaster.

Brian Gerrish.

Saturday, February 27, 2010
No atheists at the top of ...
Lower, ever lower. Bring in the scapegoats!

Friday, February 26, 2010
EU Commissioner.
I do hope they got him out or else it was a waste of a first class stamp!

In an extraordinary declaration, gaffe-prone Phil Woolas accepted the influx of migrants under Labour has taken a toll on local communities and services.
Confronted by an unemployed man on a BBC2 Newsnight special, he said: 'We recognise that. My own family... children have suffered from that.'
Labour's shame!

Officials approved a record 203,865 citizenship applications, 58 per cent more than in 2008.
Another 190,000 immigrants were given the right to settle in the UK in 2009 – a rise of 30 per cent on the year before.'
'Why do you show me this?
A million! Start, eyes!
What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?
Another yet! A further million! I'll see no more.'
(Apologies to Will Shakespeare for slight liberties taken!)
Read more:
Not an ideal solution: not my choice but ... hmmm.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Is it British justice?

The child was in mid tantrum and had already caused injuries to the staff.
Even so, the DJ has warned that custody is possible.
I have my own feelings on the merits of this case which I shall not dwell on at this point.
Had this lady faced trial before a jury, I have little doubt that she would have been acquitted. Clearly, this was seen as fit for a Magistrates trial rather than Crown Court but these are my concerns:
1) Would the defence have opted not to go to trial in Crown had it been known in advance that this would go before a District Judge instead of a Bench of three JPs?
2) Is it right and proper that both guilt and sentence in a British Court should be determined by a single individual? - Where else does this occur in our Criminal Justice System?
I have worked alongside DJs and have found them to be impressive people for the most part but I have never believed that their role in the system is one that can be justified with these unprecedented powers.
I am sure that these are seldom abused but that is not really the point.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Get right with God!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Car parking.

Not a penny of mine.
Senior bishops in the Lords have told The Times that they will support an amendment to the Equality Bill next month that will lift the ban on civil partnership ceremonies in religious premises.'
It may not be much but I shall work hard to ensure that not as much as a single penny of mine will ever find itself in the coffers of The C of E from today.
Decent treatment of homosexuals throughout society is right and proper by Christians but this kind of heresy is intolerable.
These wicked politicians who should never be given your vote again!

The Government said the public disagreed with immigration because of 'racism' and ministers were told to try to alter public attitudes.
The thinking on immigration among Labour leaders was set down in 2000 in a document prepared for the Cabinet Office and the Home Office, but the key passages were suppressed before it was published.
The paper was finally disclosed under freedom of information rules yesterday. It showed that ministers were advised that only the ill-educated and those who had never met a migrant were opposed to immigration.
They were also told that large-scale immigration would bring increases in crime, but they concealed these concerns from the public.
Sections of the paper, which underpinned Labour policies that admitted between two and three million immigrants to Britain in less than a decade, have already been made public.
These have showed that Labour aimed to use immigration not only for economic reasons but also to change the social make-up of the country.'
Hung Parliament: it just doesn't make a ha'porth of difference!

Support for Cameron's Conservative party has crumbled to its lowest point for nearly two years, according to the latest monthly Guardian/ICM poll, leaving Britain on course for a hung parliament at the coming general election.
Just so long as it is mainly the LibLabCon in control - the differences will be almost indistinguishable!
VOTE UKIP. It may take decades - but the country NEEDS a breakthrough away from the current, unmovable, political elite!
Prayer works: why are some people surprised?

So he asked churchgoers to pool their efforts in calling for back-up - from God.
Three years after encouraging Christians from local churches to say prayers to help policemen, detection rates have soared, road accidents have fallen and Mr Bartlett is convinced it is evidence of divine intervention.
Inspector Roger Bartlett (left) pictured with street pastors in Exeter: The policeman asked churchgoers to pool their efforts in calling on a higher power
The clear-up rate for crimes in his force area of Barnstaple was 26 per cent, one of the lowest in the Devon and Cornwall area.
But since he asked for the prayers things have changed. Every quarter, the number of crimes solved has risen, so that at its current figure - more than 40 per cent - it is one of the highest in the country. ]
Mr Bartlett, 49, who is part of the leadership of the Christian Policing Team in his area, also asked worshippers to pray for a reduction in the number of serious or fatal road accidents - and they fell from 97 in 2007/8 to 32 in 2008/9.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dave Spikey.

Forget the Roy Chubby Brown types - whom I really do not care for - the leftie crew are considerably worse.
Just caught another arrogant, opinionated, oily, so-called comedian who deserves to be scorned because of his left-leaning, worthless opinions on spirituality.
Dave Spikey - take a bow.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Psalm 7:9. My prayer.
Refreshing political honesty.

When I worked at Llanwern steelworks in South Wales in the Sixties and Seventies, I saw how simpleminded union bigots ruled the site.'
Freebie booze ups for them: our alcohol subject to tax hikes!

Tories attempt to bribe voters.
The fact that the tories are losing votes is pretty understandable when you see how appalling they have become BUT who else are people entrusting their votes to? - Labour? Lib Dems? Greens? BNP?
I am bemused.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Benefits mess.

Now that is one thing - and clearly open to abuse.
Apparently, there is absolutely no incentive whatsoever to do any more work than a half week and what is more, those who can find a 'seasonal' job are only working this amount for a proportion of the year!
Mole-in-the-know has spoken directly to a driver who is 'working the system' in this manner.
Friday, February 19, 2010
'Overweight and unhealthy.'
Vote Tory? - I'd rather roll around naked on the floor of a pigsty!

The explosive six-page document proposes the use of subterfuge to end the white, male and middle-class image of the Conservative Party.
It emerged on the eve of another grassroots revolt over the modernisation of the party.
Action Plan for Candidate Selection in Safe Seats is a fascinating insight into how modernisers have planned a gradual Tory party takeover.'
At that point you can be quite certain that this is code for 'Absolutely nothing of relevance will occur.'
I just wish that all newspaper editors were a little less naive - or perhaps a little more straight with us!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Another martyr in Eritrea.

Hana Hagos Asgedom, 41, reportedly died at the Alla Military Camp near Decamhare town shortly after she was beaten with an iron rod for resisting the order. Mission Network News reports that a Christian would have interpreted this order as a sexual advance. The official cause of Hana's death was a heart attack.
The true extent of her suffering has become clearer. Hana, a member of Asabe Rhema Church, was held for three years at Wi'a Military Camp, near the Red Sea port of Massawa. Last year, she was moved to Alla, where she was forced to choose between renouncing her faith and being held in solitary confinement. Hana chose the latter.
She died on January 24, the eleventh Christian known to have died in custody in Eritrea since October 2006. It is feared many more such deaths may have gone undocumented'.
(Sources: Mission Network News, Open Doors)
An uncomfortable truth from the National General Secretary of UKIP.

Q: When is power most needed?
A: During periods of extreme cold, or extreme hot, weather.
Q: Do wind farms work all year round?
A: No, they only work when it's windy.
Q: When is it NOT windy?
A: During periods of extreme cold, or extreme hot, weather.
So the government is spending massive amounts of money on a power source which doesn't work when we need it the most! On the 7th January - during the cold spell - the government's own figures show that our wind farms operated at just 5% efficiency! After this debacle it seems that the government is still committed to more wind power. Is there any other source of power that produces power at precisely the times when it isn't required?
The UK Independence Party believes that protecting our environment - and ensuring that Britain is a place that people want to live - is vital. However, we reject the claims from the 'green' lobby that obsession with the single measure of carbon dioxide emissions is the best way to proceed. We should be working to limit emissions of course, but there are ways of achieving this (for example, tax incentives for the least polluting vehicles) that do not require people to feel as though they are being victimised by central government.
Article taken from UKIP website, Sheffield.
Blasphemy in the Tory ranks.

In a provocative speech that risked offending some Christians, Nick Herbert also said homosexuality may be 'given by God'.
Good grief! Just how offensive could you possibly get?
I never understand where these people get their ideas about God from. Has nobody ever considered studying His Word to find out HIS opinions on such things?
It's only taxpayers' money.
The projects paid for by the Government’s Climate Challenge Fund did next to nothing to change public opinion, a Whitehall report found.'
Read more:
Honesty at last?

Taxpayers have spent nearly £650,000 so far on such Cabinet meetings around the country.
The main trips outside London have taken place in seats that Labour is under threat of losing at the General Election.'
Not only part of a rotten,venal system - but stupid enough not to keep quiet about it!
Read more:

It is quite an eye-opener to human nature.
Many of the posters express heartfelt views and more than a few speak fairly and honestly, of course.
But to be honest, as an insight into the human psyche, it is second to none. It is astonishing how so many people - all of whom support the team which is objectively the most successful in the country at the moment (Think about it!) - are at each others throats.
It seems that the relative anonymity of a website unleashes torrents of nastiness and I do not just refer to banter. It is quite disturbing in many ways.
Secondly, 'the scapegoat factor' is a significant part of this unpleasantness. Amongst the players, there always has to be scapegoats. Even a five star performance from a disliked player will elicit abuse. Allowances are never made, the manager 'never knows what he is doing'; the Chairman is 'tight'; 'the club lacks ambition' blah, blah.
I just wonder how many of the writers would like to be pilloried in their workplace in like manner?
Jesus was right. Let's hear a round of applause for THE GOLDEN RULE!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Spitting in the face of the public.

In this case, it is AOL who have had a self-selecting poll on whether the UK should join the euro.
As it stands, with more than 11,000 votes in - the answer is a resounding 89% against.
In the meantime, our europhile politicians go marching blithely onwards as if voters do not matter at all.
They are quite right. We ALLOW our politicians to do this to us. We should refuse to vote for any party which spits in the face of public opinion! When we continue to do so - we are simply consolidating the non-democratic system we have earned for ourselves.
Pig lungs.

According to the (macro) evolutionists, we humans descended from chimps/monkeys/apes/bonobos – n'est-ce pas?
So how come all the scientific advances in transplants seem to use pig organs?? - Er .... yeah!
Nice one Dave!
Please tell me if .....

Once again, in the last few days we are being assailed with wild feminist claims that women earn less than men.
Have they brokered in 'the interrupted career patterns' to which I have occasionally referred?
As a side issue, I wonder if they have considered the 'cherrypicking' of jobs done by women.
Looking outside my window as our bins are emptied this morning, I am reminded that it is a long time since I last saw a woman 'working the bins'.
Me? I believe in equality - you can stuff your special pleading!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Even Robert Peel wasn't always right ...
Fatal Flaw.

The word 'probably' means that they have stated that the existence of God is unlikely - but nonetheless possible! Doesn't that resonate better with agnostics?)
Secondly, if as implied, Christians aren't enjoying life - then surely they are doing something wrong!
Thirdly, I suspect that they are equating 'sin' with 'enjoyment'. As the atheist has no concept of 'personal sin' and consequences - perhaps they may be forgiven for what is their simple ignorance.
Even so. Three blunders in eleven words is not particularly good going - is it?
Yet more 'warmist' evidence is faked!

In its most recent report, the panel said there was no doubt that temperatures are rising and that man is largely to blame.
But some researchers, including a former IPCC report author, say that widespread and systematic tampering of the data mean the case for global warming has been grossly overstated.
Hot debate: ice caps such as this one in Greenland are melting at an alarming rate but the evidence that the world is warming continues to attract doubt
The claim will further erode trust in the panel, which has been caught making unfounded claims several times in recent weeks.
These include using a student's essay and an article from a climbing magazine to make claims about reductions in ice on mountains around the world in a report used by governments around the world to set environmental policy.'
QUESTION: If the evidence for man-made global warming is so conclusive - why is there so much fabricated evidence out there?
Labour's Local Housing Allowance.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Was it all a taxation scam from the start?

Read more:
Are you a 'warmist'? - Read it and weep!

The data is crucial to the famous ‘hockey stick graph’ used by climate change advocates to support the theory.
Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.
And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.
The admissions will be seized on by sceptics as fresh evidence that there are serious flaws at the heart of the science of climate change and the orthodoxy that recent rises in temperature are largely man-made.
Professor Jones has been in the spotlight since he stepped down as director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit after the leaking of emails that sceptics claim show scientists were manipulating data.
The raw data, collected from hundreds of weather stations around the world and analysed by his unit, has been used for years to bolster efforts by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to press governments to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

Now the atheist is taking a massive risk on his/her unproved assumption (better called a guess, I suppose) that there is no God.
By and large, the word 'agnostic' denotes somebody who has gone through life not having bothered to research the truth. Again - what a mighty risk!
Then we have the real fools - those who claim to believe in God but simply ignore His instructions; ignore the Scriptures; ignore the warnings; ignore the freely offered salvation of God the Son.
Surely, everybody owes it to themselves to research very seriously what this is all about. What if people like me are right? What if my claims to know Jesus are not spurious? What if you are facing the prospect of hell?
Some will say "But I am sure that a ' good God' would never condemn anybody to hell." They are right. Those who ignore the Cross condemn themselves. "God is not willing that any should perish." II Peter 3:9.
So back to the main point - surely the ageing process on its own should be enough to prompt people to seek the Truth. Clearly, it isn't! Odd when the only certainty of life beyond the fact of taxation is that our lives are going to end.
So, then what?
Matthew 7:7. "Seek and you will find."
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Civil Service cuts.

Friday, February 12, 2010
Labour cares - but not much!

John Healey's remarks were slammed as 'grossly insensitive' as figures revealed that the number of evictions is at its highest level for 14 years.'
Read more: The story of a second miracle.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
And they call it a JUSTICE system?

David Fullard, 47, was prosecuted for attacking the two strangers who forced their way into his home and threatened to rape his partner and kill his two teenage children.
He insisted he was a desperate man acting legally in self-defence and struck out once with the ornamental sword, because it was the only weapon to hand.'
Just because it's on paper don't make it so!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
How old are you?

To God Be The Glory.

Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
Watch the film How the Gospel Transforms Lives Today Discover how Spring Harvest Host, Damilola Makinde, was inspired by the life-enhancin...