Friday, February 19, 2010

Vote Tory? - I'd rather roll around naked on the floor of a pigsty!

'A confidential blueprint for David Cameron's controversial bid to impose more women, gays and ethnic candidates on reluctant party activists has come to light.
The explosive six-page document proposes the use of subterfuge to end the white, male and middle-class image of the Conservative Party.
It emerged on the eve of another grassroots revolt over the modernisation of the party.
Action Plan for Candidate Selection in Safe Seats is a fascinating insight into how modernisers have planned a gradual Tory party takeover.

I have a number of friends who vote Conservative and truly believe that this is the way to put this country back on track. Read the above and see if you could possibly agree with them! There is only ONE criterion that can be supported - TAKE THE BEST. Anything else is PC manipulation.
The Conservatives are not one whit better than Lib Dems, Labour & Greens.
As stated in a letter to the Yorks Post last week:
"UKIP are only ordinary but that is streets ahead of the rest!"

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