Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not a penny of mine.

'Gay couples could soon be allowed to “marry” in church after a decision by Anglican bishops and other clergy to support a relaxation of the ban.
Senior bishops in the Lords have told The Times that they will support an amendment to the Equality Bill next month that will lift the ban on civil partnership ceremonies in religious premises.'

It may not be much but I shall work hard to ensure that not as much as a single penny of mine will ever find itself in the coffers of The C of E from today.

Decent treatment of homosexuals throughout society is right and proper by Christians but this kind of heresy is intolerable.

Families Distraught For Ten Years+

  https://www.christiantoday.com/article/service.held.to.mark.10.years.since.kidnapping.of.chibok.schoolgirls/141630.htm Service held to mar...