Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spitting in the face of the public.

Although polls where people make their own decisions whether or not to participate are amongst the least accurate of all, and especially so within newspapers of a specific political hue, they do have a value if posed by a neutral body and are not obviously open to manipulation.
In this case, it is AOL who have had a self-selecting poll on whether the UK should join the euro.
As it stands, with more than 11,000 votes in - the answer is a resounding 89% against.
In the meantime, our europhile politicians go marching blithely onwards as if voters do not matter at all.
They are quite right. We ALLOW our politicians to do this to us. We should refuse to vote for any party which spits in the face of public opinion! When we continue to do so - we are simply consolidating the non-democratic system we have earned for ourselves.

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