Sunday, February 07, 2010

God is Almighty.

Moving on from recent comments made by me to the effect that it is arrogant to 'cancel' God by absurd claims that 'the Nature of God proves His non-existence', let us consider a further act of arrogance.
I have heard too many people who are anti-God declare that it is somehow unfair that God should be allowed to make the rules and worse, that this is in fact 'arrogance' on God's part.
If God does exist it is hardly unreasonable to conclude that He must be omnipotent and is difficult to see how He could not be omniscient against this backcloth.
Only if I, or any other imperfect human should decide to 'make the rules', could this argument be valid, based as it is on our imperfections.

In the case of a perfect God - this simply could not apply. The logic is deeply flawed. The atheist must now try to prove that 'God is not perfect'.
Good luck - you'll need it!

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