Friday, December 31, 2010

Yorks Post.

As 2010 ends amid the coldest winter on record, we must draw a line under our energy policy and start again. We know the world was warmer in the Minoan, Roman and Medieval periods. We also know carbon dioxide historically follows warm periods.
Even the IPCC admits there has been no global warming since 1995. We have seen falsified statistics at the University of East Anglia and in New Zealand (Kiwigate, largely unreported in Europe).

We also know of the 'mini ice-age' in the early 19th century which gives all statistics limited to the last 150 years an unreliable slant.There is not a 'scientific consensus' on man-made global warming, the Manhattan Declaration and the group letter by German scientists to Angela Merkel. For those with eyes to see we also know that for the last month those absurd windmills have not been turning.
Let's demand a freeze on current energy policy, all subsidies and a detailed response from the coalition on the recent efficiency of so-called sustainable energy.
We stand on the abyss of an energy disaster, thousands will die and industry will find energy too expensive. Return energy policy from the failed EU and put it in the hands of an independent commission before it's too late.

Godfrey Bloom, UKIP MEP, for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.

Just who are 'they'?

So often you hear ordinary folk complain about what 'they' have done to our nation. Who precisely are the mysterious 'they'?
I may be able to help in explaining to an extent but regrettably, the explanation will perforce be incomplete as it is an extremely complex area. Here's a shot at it.

Firstly, let us take the intellectuals. These are the detached, over-educated, feet-off-the-ground individuals who hover inside and all around the ruling elite. Often but not exclusively, Cambridge educated.
Secondly, there are the guilt-ridden upper classes and hand-wringing upper middle classes who cannot bear the thought that they may have had some advantages in their education or upbringing. Consequently, once lodged in full guilt mode, they move into panic mode in a vain attempt to right the wrong wrongs: that is 'wrongs' which they have perceived incorrectly to be the root of something which may not even have been a problem in the first place.
Thirdly, we have the ivory tower dwellers who overlap nicely with the first two groups.
Fourthly, we have the terminally naive. These are the ones who have fallen into the trap of believing that leftwing politics picked up at university have some relevance in the real world.
Fifthly, we have the cocooned, those who find a niche in society where the reality of their leftist upbringing or education is never challenged by real life. Such people can be found throughout government-run organisations, QUANGOS, The Civil Service et al. Sixthly, we have certain people who, even at the sharp end are incapable of being unblinkered. These are the 'throw money at every problem types'. These may be found in the realms of social work, the Probation Service and astonishingly - even in teaching
Next we have the career politicians - those straight out of university and straight into politics.
In eighth place come the 'liberal christians': folks who cannot see the wood for the trees.
Next we have the university lefties who have moved into the media - and have taken it over!
In tenth place come the 'luvvies' from the world of TV, theatre, writing and the Arts.

Consider these ten groups. How many of your neighbours are represented? How many of your friends, colleagues and workmates fit into these categories?
Not that many - I would wager.
In other words, their influence is way beyond their numbers.
Scary innit?
The worst of all is that however much these groups are unrepresentative, they have the arrogance to 'always know what is best for us!' They are the personification of arrogance and their influence seems unending!

They are WRONG!

For the best part of 60 years, the 'do-gooding' left have tried to undermine social punishments.
They do not care that criminals can escape without receipt of their just deserts as they are singularly incapable of grasping the fundamental distinction between retribution and revenge.
Bad as this is, it is far from the worst of their thinking.
When all the different facets and aims of punishments are considered they major purely on 'rehabilitation' as the only valid objective.
It is at this point where their arguments are at their weakest. An absurd assumption is made on which all else is based - and as this is fatuous to the Nth degree - all else fails.
The belief is that 'inside every criminal toerag, there is a worthy citizen struggling to get out!'
I have stated this before and it is an objective fact -
This simply excludes the vast majority of the criminal classes.
For this reason alone - the 'do-gooders' must always be in the wrong.


Dear Christian.
Are you afraid of death? - If so, there is something profoundly amiss with your theology and/or experience!
(I think you can be reasonably be permitted to be a tad wary of the process - but not too much, of course!)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to be terminally sad - Part 7.

Be capable of uttering the following words in all seriousness ....
"My star sign is ...."

Prayer for Nigeria.

LAGOS, Nigeria — 'Tensions continued to mount in the Christian community in Maiduguri, capital of Borno state in northern Nigeria, following the killing of a Baptist pastor and five other Christians on Christmas Eve.'

Christian Examiner.

So much for tory promises! Despair beckons!

'Immigration to Britain is ‘unlikely’ to fall significantly next year because of the parlous state of the Eurozone, a leading think-tank warns today.
Plans to impose a cap and gradually bring down migration levels will falter because there is nothing the Government can do to stop workers from the EU coming to Britain, it says.
The Institute for Public Policy Research adds that the effect will be amplified as restrictions on some eastern European workers end next year.'

Read more:

Alaric and friends.

At the end of the 4th Century, Goths who were fleeing from the brutality of the Huns were given permission by Rome to cross the Danube and enter the territories where the Pax Romana could protect them.
They were expected to supply troops for Roman legions and were told that they would receive food and eventually land. When the Romans were slow to keep promises and things did not work out quite as they had hoped, the Goths rampaged through what is now Bulgaria looting, plundering and putting to the sword countless, innocent towns and villages.
They then turned on the Romans themselves and beat them in battle at Adrianople in 378 - even killing the Roman Emperor in the process!
By 410 AD they had utterly sacked Rome under their inspirational leader, Alaric.
It matters not why the Romans invited the Goths into their territory - suffice it to say, that they ended up wishing that they hadn't!
When the Serbs allowed Albanians to walk into what is now Kosovo at the beginning of the 20th century - I wonder if they envisaged that all this land would be claimed from them by these immigrants in the 21st?

I wonder how well we are doing today as a nation in learning the lessons of History.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


No man's fool.

“We’ve got to toughen up with criminals,” he said in 1993. “As a judge, I was quite tough and believed that wicked people should be clobbered. Prison, in my view, does deter, punish and contain.”

“The only sentence people really take notice of is loss of liberty.”
Labour-supporting, Yorkshire Judge, James Pickles, RIP.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


New York Times:

"The British way of dealing with snow and ice is panic, followed by chaos, followed by recrimination."

A Common Misunderstanding.

When many people refer to 'their faith', they are actually referring to a mixture of faith and unbelief. (I have even heard Bishops make this error!)
If God is an opinion - then this is not faith. 'Faith' is actually a certainty.
'Lack of faith' has nothing to do with 'belief in God' in these circumstances but, is rather, about the outworking of faith.

For example, I know God exists from personal experience BUT do I have sufficient 'faith' to believe that 'He will move this particular mountain'?
We can refer to the former as 'saving faith'.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Daniel Hannan

Daniel Hannan, much-loved on this Blog, is a writer and journalist, and has been Conservative MEP for South East England since 1999. He speaks French and Spanish and loves Europe, but believes that the European Union is making its constituent nations poorer, less democratic and less free.
He claims that:
The King James's Bible is perhaps the greatest work of translation ever.

Nice one!

EDL - tut, tut!

'Almost 80 far-Right extremists are trying to claim for whiplash injuries after a coach crash – when there were only 25 people on board the vehicle and just 57 seats.
Supporters of the English Defence League have been accused of attempted insurance fraud after dozens sought compensation for neck injuries.
The claims were lodged after the coach carrying members to a rally was in a collision in which it sustained minor damage.'

I feel that LoonyTunesWatch coconuts for all concerned should be the order of the day!

Start of the fight back?

'An Anglican bishop and Britain’s former top judge yesterday launched an impassioned defence of the rights of Christians in an increasingly secular society.
The Bishop of Winchester, the Rt Rev Michael Scott-Joynt, said judges wrongly discriminate against people of faith because they are ignorant of religious beliefs.
He said failure to support the beliefs of Christians and other religious people could drive them from their jobs and blamed the Human Rights Act for allowing them to be victimised.
The bishop was backed by ex-Lord Chief Justice Lord Woolf, who said the courts had gone ‘too far’ in restricting the rights of Christians in the workplace. He said it was ‘about time the tide turned’.



I'd never quite managed to make my mind up about Stephen Fry - one of our 'national treasures' so to speak - and so I recently embarked on his autobiography.
One can admire self-confidence; one is never too distressed to meet the self-assured but the self-absorbed form a whole different category.
There are those who are witty and self-effacing - there are others who are witty and smug.
There are those who have opinions which are at variance with your own - and there are the unmitigatedly opinionated.
Then of course, there are the supremely arrogant. His lack of meaningful remorse for his youthful crimes can be quite disturbing - he treats them with a kind of detached amusement.
Clever man he may be; gifted writer he may be; talented actor he certainly is.
(Indeed, full credit must be given to any person who can turn Prince Michael of Kent into a verb! I kid you not.)
But all said and done, I am glad that there aren't too many of his ilk.
Please readers, remember to pray for this man whose detestation of the Gospel seems to border paranoia.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

My greatest claim to fame? - And his?

Around the 1970s, Denis Neale was British Table Tennis Champion on no fewer than six occasions.
We locked horns just once in a mighty rumble over a single match with the scoreline of 21 - 3.

Wellesley wisdom.

"What would I like the sermon to be about, vicar?

- Er, I would like it to be about ten minutes!"

Sadly, true?

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."

Winston Spencer Churchill.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Never forgotten.

Norah Violet Arnott, 15th March 1921 - 16th May 2010.
Donald Arnott, 2nd December 1924 - 4th November 2004.

The other side of ...

May God richly bless Simon Cowell for his extensive work on behalf of the CHASE children's hospice in Guildford.

Isaiah 9:6

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

Friday, December 24, 2010

How to be terminally sad - Part 6.

Utter either of these two sentences or variations thereof:
"I'm off out to get completely blitzed."
"Guess how much ale I shifted last night!"
(Photo: one of my own favourite tipples - to be drunk with wisdom and care!)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Operation Nehemiah.

New report catalogues anti-Christian discrimination in Europe and U.S.
A new report from an Austrian-based NGO strongly confirms the stance of Operation Nehemiah. It catalogues wide-ranging examples of anti-Christian discrimination in Europe and the US over the last five years.
The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians highlights such instances as hate crimes against Christians and church buildings, the limiting of freedom of conscience, expression and religion, and interference with employment, education and parental rights. It also notes how Christianity has been marginalised by defamation and insult, negative stereotyping and the suppression or removal of religious symbols.

Remember when we were 'a free country'.

'A Christian health worker is facing the sack for giving a colleague a booklet about the potential dangers of abortion.
Margaret Forrester was ‘bullied’ and ‘treated like a criminal’ after she handed the pro-life leaflet to a family planning worker at an NHS centre.
Miss Forrester, 39, said she offered the booklet during a private conversation, because she felt the NHS did not give enough information about the potential risks.

In a not dissimilar vein, Mole-in-the-Know has details of a Sheffield social worker - some years ago now - who was persecuted for a) Being at the time a candidate for UKIP and
b) Faced the sack for 'proselytising his Christian faith' to a client when all he had done was to answer a question from that same client!


It is not just what you can say but what you are permitted to think!

'Abuse of position' is now so narrowly defined.

Read more:

Stephen Glover says ...

'That we have a Government obsessed with the idea of change there can be no doubt. But do all these reforms actually constitute a coherent radical agenda, or are they often somewhat disconnected examples of change for change’s sake, generating more heat than light?'

After all my years teaching in state schools, if you'd asked me what the greatest single problem teachers faced was - you would probably not have been close.

'Change for change’s sake' was the unmitigated disaster in the system.
The so-called 'modernisers' worked to an agenda of 'change = improvement'. (Not wivart finkin' it don't!)
Too many other areas controlled by government were forced to work against 'changes' in order to try to make a rickety, often impossible system work!

Telegraph headline.

Cameron and Osborne... you can't trust them, say Lib Dems

Yes. I know just how they feel. I feel exactly the same about: the Tories - also, Labour, Greens, BNP - and especially, the LIB DEMS!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pray for our persecuted brothers in Vietnam.

Dec 15 2010
'Mennonite pastor Nguyen Hong Quang was beaten unconscious by Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon in real money!) officials today (December 14) as they bulldozed his Bible school.
Pastor Quang, one of the so-called 'Mennonite Six' jailed in 2004, is currently being held at a undisclosed location after being beaten with batons 'until he fainted', according to Release sources. Pastor Quang and five members of his congregation were detained for allegedly 'resisting arrest' six years ago.'

Source: Release International.

Zebras lead the way.

Work of The Holy Spirit.

Paralysed 23 years:

Allons enfants de la patrie .....

The official language for the 2012 London Olympics will be French, this taking precedence over English in announcements and on billboards. (YP.)

Graverobbing by any other name?


No. I thought the answer would probably be in the negative.
SO. What are your views on archaelogists disturbing graves which are rather older?
Why is one action morally superior to the other?
(Photo: The Enderby Dig.)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where do you find the most immoderate language in the media?

"David Cameron slunk out of Brussels early yesterday."

"David Cameron vanishes as big freeze plunges Britain into chaos ...
... crisis. The PM was holed up in No 10."

Blog readers will know that I have little respect for Mr Cameron - but just look at the choice of language in The Daily Mirror!

Revolting! And this kind of thing is incessant. I could just about take this approach if it were also evenhanded and gave Labour the same treatment - but it doesn't.
All rags show their biases but surely The Mirror is the worst by a country mile. Even the rightly maligned Sun does not have the underlying, pure nastiness of The Mirror.

Vince Cable: "I may bring down government."

To think that I once thought that this odious, supremely arrogant individual possessed integrity.

Come on, Les - stick to your own rules: NEVER TRUST A LEFTIE!

PS. Nice sting, Telegraph!

My only comment on 'Wikileaks.'

Tory-u-like on the Nativity!

Grant us equality.

“Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves.”

Ulysses S. Grant.

Contentious? - No....

I do not mean to be either provocative or contentious in asking this question but would ask readers to consider what the answer might be.
"When we consider the clear dangers presented to Western nations by those countries which have been 'radically islamised' - either in part or in whole - would there be a different response on a global scale from the LibLabCons and their crony equivalents on a worldwide scale if the word 'rightwing' were to be substituted for 'Islam'?
I honestly do not know - but I do entertain grievous suspicions.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Beggars: what should Christians do?

Surely, Christians MUST give to street beggars. Christ would have required it of us all. Wouldn't He?
Well - er - yes - er - no. Tricky.
I am sure that He would have desired compassion but would not have wanted us to fund the drugs culture.
You might want to try what I have done when faced with a placard claiming 'hunger' - I have given food!
You might be astonished how ungrateful recipients are!
Well done Thames Research. Well done Brighton where campaigns pointing out that giving money to beggars makes situations worse have seen reductions in street begging of 91%.
PS. I don't buy a certain street magazine for similar reasons.
If I feel that I am being mean I'll simply donate to a charity which knows what it's doing instead! (Try the Cathedral Archer Project, Sheffield, for instance.)

How to be terminally sad: Part 5.

I must firstly declare that although I do not use Facebook, I have nothing whatsoever against it.
However, there are those currently who seem to be 'building a life' around this website. As many of these are youngsters, it must be a matter of disquiet that they want to 'live life at a distance'.
For the housebound, the ill and those who live in outlying locations - it is a real God-send.
For the average user - it keeps contacts with so many friends - tremendous.
BUT like so many things in life today - what is good in small parts - can be a disaster when an addiction.

Saints and sinners receive the same outcome.

I think that ways of sorting out the incredible mess in the benefits system, where the deserving and the feckless alike receive exactly the same treatment and remuneration will one day have to be tackled.
Inherent injustice in a society must not be allowed to continue as it causes bitter resentments in the face of the abuses and realisations amongst taxpayers - who do not begrudge a single penny to the genuine - that they have to fund the scrotes too.
Mention anything in public on these lines and you will be subjected to a barrage of abuse and shrill shieks fom the left stating oh-so-logically that 'you want to mount an attack on the working classes'.
Ironically, it is the classic Labour voters who hate this most as they are the most aware of it. Ironically, it is the more distanced middle class left who 'do not get it'. Why this never manages to sever the links between the true 'working class' and Labour - I have never been able to fathom.
It is difficult to see how this can be resolved without setting out clear lines in the sand and, in a time of significant unemployment, where the jobs would come from.
We know where the jobs should have come from. Gordon Brown created many jobs with 90% going to recent immigrants.
What a mess these buffoons of the left leave in their wake. Do NOT believe that Cameron & co will do anything about this:
a) They will not stop the immigration we can stop.
b) They will not tell the EU where to go.
c) They do not have the guts and
d) if they had, the Lib Dems would stop them!
A great many people today are desperate to get back into work and yet many would shun the opportunity as if assailed by onset of the black death.
The Victorians believed in the concept of the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' poor.
Is that not precisely what we have in our midst today?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Priests.

With singers, The Priests, having commercial success, the fruits of fame, interviews - and not to mention the odd Irish accent - do forgive me when I confess that my mind immediately starts thinking of the irreverent TV series, Father Ted.
Ted's earthly ambitions seem to match the success of this trio - who are undoubtedly all rather better individuals than the spoof characters in the series.

But the image does linger, nonetheless!

Just a thought.

'Worry is a lack of trust in God.'

100 die annually.

100 people are killed annually by mentally disturbed individuals who should not have been on the streets in the first place. This is because our folly-ridden politicians introduced their cost-cutting 'care in the community' policies under the last tory government - and after 13 years of New Labour - nothing had really changed.
I can seldom better Peter Hitchens - so I won't try:

Bordello Brussels.

'Three serving EU Commission officials have been allowed to keep their jobs after they were discovered to be profiting from prostitution.'
And our three largest political parties in the UK have all fully sold out to this wretched organisation?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Really bad weather,

I just had to bring you the news. We are in the middle of some really bad weather!
(Well if the media can fill up their space with non-stories - this Blog must not be seen as lagging behind.)


WORLD TO END MAY 2011 claims an organisation called eBibleFellowship. From their tract titled Judgment Day we learn that; “On May 21st, Judgment Day will begin."
Well. If they are wanting to become a cult - this is always a superb first step!
Jesus told us that "No man knows the hour." - Yet these folks seem to have found a way to circumvent this!

I do think that a LoonyTunesWatch coconut is appropriate here.

Beeb bias.

Only a few months after admitting that the corporation had been guilty of a ‘massive’ left-wing bias, BBC Director General Mark Thompson said: ‘The BBC doesn’t always get it right. I think there are some areas, immigration, business and Europe where the BBC has historically been rather weak and rather nervous about letting that entire debate happen.'

His words hardly come as news to this Blog! So Mark me old pal - what are you doing to stop the ingrained rot?


New Hydra Energetic anti-fatigue (???) moisturiser.
Please select your own LoonyTunesWatch coconut if you spend your money on this item, gents!

Ladies. You are the target audience. Us fellers are NOT desperate to get our hands on things like this on Christmas morning.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Justice and integrity - Cameron-style!

Asylum seeker who left girl, 12, to die after hit-and-run can stay in UK.... thanks to the Human Rights Act David Cameron had promised her father he'd scrap! (Mail.)

Don't listen to the left here.

When I travelled to Asia last spring, our guides throughout communist China and Vietnam were almost certainly 'party apparatchiks'.
Unhesitatingly, they told us about 'rising house prices' which made things unaffordable for many. When asked, they were happy to throw at us all the costs incurred for education, medical treatments and medicines too.
Listening to the loud-mouthed left in this country - you would be forgiven for thinking that in 'a socialist paradise' - such things were FREE.
There was only one place on our travels where the 'social' side seemed dazzling - that was in 'wicked', ultra capitalist Singapore!
Funny old life - innit?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Psalm 127:1.

'Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain.'

P.S. I don't think it's talking about houses!

Madelaine McCann.

Promises were made that the parents of Madelaine McCann would take polygraph tests.
Have they been taken and if not why not?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Unsurprising polls.

'The Liberal Democrats have dropped to just 11% with Ipsos Mori, their lowest rating with the pollster for 19 years, according to the latest poll, given to the Guardian.
Among those certain to vote, Labour is on 39%, unchanged on last month, the Conservatives are up two on 38%, and the Liberal Democrats are down three to 11%, their lowest since January 1991.'
(The Guardian.)

Tactically of course, this means that The Liberal Democrats are simply unable to pull out of the coalition. Should they do so, or switch loyalty to Labour, they might well be facing total annihilation in the next General Election - consequently, they will dare take no risk of fomenting one. (But then, we are talking about politicians and I suppose that stupider things have been done.) By waiting - perhaps things might improve.

Eagerly Awaited.

  Government told to prioritise biological sex, not gender identity. Staff writer 21 Mar, 2025  (Photo: Getty/iStock) A review into the reco...