The former has been brainwashed into a failed ideology and is determined to impose this onto society whether or not the people want it and whether or not it will drag society down with it. The needs of individuals are not high on this person's agenda. Policy not people!
These may, I suppose, be described as the utopian left and are simply dangerous.
The second group are the essentially 'nice' people who pick on socialism or liberal left politics in general because 'they sound nice' and this may transcend class, gender, background, intelligence and certainly - basic common sense. They have a positive view of mankind; see the best in everybody; are undiscriminating and woefully optimistic.
This group is also dangerous but in a more subtle way and they would be astounded to hear themselves described in such a manner. 'Otherworldly' would frequently describe them well.
Neither has any overlap with Christianity as the first group would undoubtedly agree but the second would perhaps be surprised to hear.
Generally, the first group would recognise what the second is but the reverse would not necessarily apply.
Overlaps between these two groups can and do occur - but are not perhaps as common as you might think!