Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Legislation used to persecute Christians.

'The Christian owners of a seaside guesthouse are being sued in a landmark case - for refusing to allow a gay couple to share a double bed.
Devout Peter and Hazelmary Bull refused to let civil partners Martyn Hall and Steven Preddy use a double room because it would be ‘an affront to their faith’.
They operate a strict policy which only allows married heterosexual couples to share rooms at their B&B in Cornwall.
The gay couple claim the snub was a ‘direct discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation’.
They are using 2007 Equality Act Regulations to claim up to £5,000 in damages at a landmark case that begins at Bristol County Court next Monday.'

What an appalling world we live in. Sickening!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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