They were expected to supply troops for Roman legions and were told that they would receive food and eventually land. When the Romans were slow to keep promises and things did not work out quite as they had hoped, the Goths rampaged through what is now Bulgaria looting, plundering and putting to the sword countless, innocent towns and villages.
They then turned on the Romans themselves and beat them in battle at Adrianople in 378 - even killing the Roman Emperor in the process!
By 410 AD they had utterly sacked Rome under their inspirational leader, Alaric.
It matters not why the Romans invited the Goths into their territory - suffice it to say, that they ended up wishing that they hadn't!
When the Serbs allowed Albanians to walk into what is now Kosovo at the beginning of the 20th century - I wonder if they envisaged that all this land would be claimed from them by these immigrants in the 21st?
I wonder how well we are doing today as a nation in learning the lessons of History.