Saturday, December 11, 2010


I have just been watching the programme called The Secret Life Of Chaos on BBC 4.
Chaos Theory is being used to try to undermine 'philosophy and religion'.
The argument of the programme is that the basic components of an embryo begin identical to each other but then arrange themselves into an order - (morphogenesis) - each part adopting a different function.
The essence of the programme is to claim a mathematical basis behind 'the chemistry of nature'.
Just one small and insignificant question:
"If order can emerge from chaos and this is as a result of mathematics, from whence came the imposition of the mathematical order in the first place?"
It is not reasonable to believe that 'mathematical order' makes itself from chaos, so what was the origin of this?
The presenter could not stop himself from using words such as 'creation' and 'miraculous'.
The 'predictability' of 'unpredictability' or vice verca, maybe?
(And all down to butterfly wings.)

The problem for scientists of course, is that NOT ALL factors are known. (This is why computer models - already flawed by subjectivity - have no chance of working regularly.)
The more the argument leans towards 'mathematical order', the more its rejection of a First Cause becomes an absurdity.
The incredible order of the world we inhabit has become even more inexplicable.
The 'butterfly effect' removes the predictability. SO. Just how does each, allegedly darwinian step towards order occur? Every phase - and there may literally be millions of steps - has to complete the BUILT IN pattern. How can there be 'a pattern' against such a backcloth?
Complex systems can be derived from 'simple rules' - so what?

'Similarities' only show the methodology employed.
All this hypothesising falls into the same old traps.

Say that 'evolution' comes up with a new feeler on the middle of human foreheads which 'improves the breed'. Let us also (generously) say that there are just 1,000 steps and stages to the completed item. Well, at EVERY stage the part-feeler MUST be functional in order not to be wiped out by natural selection. This clearly means that the eventual development of the feeler is pre-planned as it cannot reach completion without. This 'occurs' over literally billions of examples and changes. It is a logical absurdity.
Furthermore, the temptation to use the word 'evolution' as 'the force' behind this was not avoided. Consequently, you are putting onto evolution the same planning and powers which actually belong to God - you have merely re-packaged them.
God is back. Vainglorious attempts to force a belief in evolution deserve to fail - and utterly. Evolution is described as 'mindless' yet 'organised'.

Need I say more?

I shall not bother to watch any more programmes in the series after this poor effort.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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