Monday, December 27, 2010


I'd never quite managed to make my mind up about Stephen Fry - one of our 'national treasures' so to speak - and so I recently embarked on his autobiography.
One can admire self-confidence; one is never too distressed to meet the self-assured but the self-absorbed form a whole different category.
There are those who are witty and self-effacing - there are others who are witty and smug.
There are those who have opinions which are at variance with your own - and there are the unmitigatedly opinionated.
Then of course, there are the supremely arrogant. His lack of meaningful remorse for his youthful crimes can be quite disturbing - he treats them with a kind of detached amusement.
Clever man he may be; gifted writer he may be; talented actor he certainly is.
(Indeed, full credit must be given to any person who can turn Prince Michael of Kent into a verb! I kid you not.)
But all said and done, I am glad that there aren't too many of his ilk.
Please readers, remember to pray for this man whose detestation of the Gospel seems to border paranoia.

Reform UK Have Done The Job.

In the local elections, Reform UK has inflicted inestimable damage onto the Tories. Well done guys! The Tories MUST learn that if they are n...