Monday, December 27, 2010


I'd never quite managed to make my mind up about Stephen Fry - one of our 'national treasures' so to speak - and so I recently embarked on his autobiography.
One can admire self-confidence; one is never too distressed to meet the self-assured but the self-absorbed form a whole different category.
There are those who are witty and self-effacing - there are others who are witty and smug.
There are those who have opinions which are at variance with your own - and there are the unmitigatedly opinionated.
Then of course, there are the supremely arrogant. His lack of meaningful remorse for his youthful crimes can be quite disturbing - he treats them with a kind of detached amusement.
Clever man he may be; gifted writer he may be; talented actor he certainly is.
(Indeed, full credit must be given to any person who can turn Prince Michael of Kent into a verb! I kid you not.)
But all said and done, I am glad that there aren't too many of his ilk.
Please readers, remember to pray for this man whose detestation of the Gospel seems to border paranoia.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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