Two years ago, a representative of CitiBank fraudulently 'sold' my wife and me two credit cards. This involved some financial loss to us and a broken promise on the 'rewards' which would accrue.
Citibank refused to take any responsibility and when called by me promised to pass this to their fraud section 'which would contact us'.
They then wrote down 'no further action' and we were clearly NOT contacted.
We took this to the Financial Ombudsman who took 20 months to conclude that Citibank had acted correctly.
This was because they had these matters written down - and we had not.
So if employees/representatives lie but put something different down on paper - YOU LOSE.
If a representative interprets small print in a way which is fraudulent - as you did not have a voice recorder with you at the time - YOU LOSE.
This shames CitiBank and the Financial Ombudsman comes out of this with egg on the face too.
You may need at some point to use the FO - but you do not ever need to use Citibank. May I humbly suggest that you never do!
Incidentally - any compensation gained from this would have gone to charity.