Margaret Forrester was ‘bullied’ and ‘treated like a criminal’ after she handed the pro-life leaflet to a family planning worker at an NHS centre.
Miss Forrester, 39, said she offered the booklet during a private conversation, because she felt the NHS did not give enough information about the potential risks.
In a not dissimilar vein, Mole-in-the-Know has details of a Sheffield social worker - some years ago now - who was persecuted for a) Being at the time a candidate for UKIP and
b) Faced the sack for 'proselytising his Christian faith' to a client whe

It is not just what you can say but what you are permitted to think!
'Abuse of position' is now so narrowly defined.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1340913/Christian-NHS-worker-sacked-handing-books-risks-abortion.html#ixzz18ulO3vtK