They do not care that criminals can escape without receipt of their just deserts as they are singularly incapable of grasping the fundamental distinction between retribution and revenge.
Bad as this is, it is far from the worst of their thinking.
When all the different facets and aims of punishments are considered they major purely on 'rehabilitation' as the only valid objective.
It is at this point where their arguments are at their weakest. An absurd assumption is made on which all else is based - and as this is fatuous to the Nth degree - all else fails.
The belief is that 'inside every criminal toerag, there is a worthy citizen struggling to get out!'
I have stated this before and it is an objective fact - NOBODY IS EVER REFORMED WHO DOES NOT WISH TO BE REFORMED.
This simply excludes the vast majority of the criminal classes.
For this reason alone - the 'do-gooders' must always be in the wrong.