Inherent injustice in a society must not be allowed to continue as it causes bitter resentments in the face of the abuses and realisations amongst taxpayers - who do not begrudge a single penny to the genuine - that they have to fund the scrotes too.
Mention anything in public on these lines and you will be subjected to a barrage of abuse and shrill shieks fom the left stating oh-so-logically that 'you want to mount an attack on the working classes'.
Ironically, it is the classic Labour voters who hate this most as they are the most aware of it. Ironically, it is the more distanced middle class left who 'do not get it'. Why this never manages to sever the links between the true 'working class' and Labour - I have never been able to fathom.
It is difficult to see how this can be resolved without setting out clear lines in the sand and, in a time of significant unemployment, where the jobs would come from.
We know where the jobs should have come from. Gordon Brown created many jobs with 90% going to recent immigrants.
What a mess these buffoons of the left leave in their wake. Do NOT believe that Cameron & co will do anything about this:
a) They will not stop the immigration we can stop.
b) They will not tell the EU where to go.
c) They do not have the guts and
d) if they had, the Lib Dems would stop them!
A great many people today are desperate to get back into work and yet many would shun the opportunity as if assailed by onset of the black death.
The Victorians believed in the concept of the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' poor.
The Victorians believed in the concept of the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' poor.
Is that not precisely what we have in our midst today?