Sunday, August 12, 2007


I am afraid that it has been a really poor season for butterflies. We annoy the neighbours by having enormous amounts of buddleia in our front garden to help feed a wide variety. This year - all to no avail.
If you really want to hack off an evolutionist, you must ask them to explain the evolutionary process whereby an egg becomes a caterpillar, then a pupa and then undergoes a metamorphosis into a butterfly or moth.
Believe me - the colour they go is worth a king's ransom. There is no logical sequence whereby this might have occurred via natural selection - just one more amongst myriads of unexplainables for the dedicated evolutionist to get his/her knickers in a twist about.

Source: "Inexplicable insect metamorphosis." by Daniel Devine.Creation magazine Volume 29, Number 3, Page 31.

Dan The Man.

Daniel Hannan . 'Without a Tory-Reform pact, we’re sunk – but egos are almost certain to get in the way.' DT. Blogger: Hannan is wro...