Thursday, August 09, 2007

Frozen food.

For many years, with a heavy mortgage, young children, with an extremely limited pension facing us and having to put a considerable percentage of monies aside as provision for retirement, our family's disposable income was often very low. For years my wife worked as a Head Teacher unpaid and later for just a few pounds a week. We have not had a respectable income for the more than 17 years.
In order to renew a car or take an occasional holiday it has been necessary to budget, make-do-and-mend and do without many things.
Our mortgage is now paid off. Our savings are in a house in Spain and for the first time in my life, I have no financial worries. [No doubt Gordon Brown-think will require taxation to severely punish me for decades of living carefully. It is annoying. ]
The point of this article however, is to speak about Dalewood Frozen Foods - a small store in Sheffield 9 - one of the very poorest parts of Sheffield, and indeed northern England. It has now been departed for well over six years but when we were struggling financially, it was a real God send.
It was a small frozen food shop which sold high quality, branded goods, typically at a quarter the price of the same in Morrisons which was then located 150 yards away.
The packaging was damaged, other than that - all was perfect. I would often half fill a freezer for a fiver.
What a social triumph to have such an outfit in an area where so many people had so few funds. Indeed! Except that almost all went to Morrisons as a preference to buy perfect packaging and for the dubious delights of having a one stop shop. My financial salvation was never crowded. It eventually closed down due to lack of interest.

If poverty were genuine, there would have been a chain of such shops across the UK.
Can anybody imagine a similar fate for such a shop having occurred in the 1930s?

Reform UK Have Done The Job.

In the local elections, Reform UK has inflicted inestimable damage onto the Tories. Well done guys! The Tories MUST learn that if they are n...