Friday, August 24, 2007


"By this love you have for one another shall all men know you are my disciples."

"Love your neighbour as yourself."

The Scriptures certainly indicate the kind of attitudes Christianity should have towards people - including those different from ourselves.

So, at first sight, tolerance is a major Christian virtue.

The problem is that tolerance is not a virtue in itself but rather a double-edged sword. We are not expected to tolerate that which is intolerable.

'Tolerance as an all-embracing virtue' is an invention of the liberal left; a corruption of Christianity.

Are we to tolerate forced marriages or female circumcision? Should we tolerate the subjugation of women beacause it forms the part of another culture? The examples are endless.

The liberal left, in order to 'fight discrimination' ,has become incapable of being discriminating.

These are the same people who accuse Christians of being 'judgemental' if they stand up for Scriptural truths. Not a particularly clever means of attack, it is one which has enjoyed disproportionate amounts of success, largely because of that fifth column in Christianity called the liberal church.

Dan The Man.

Daniel Hannan . 'Without a Tory-Reform pact, we’re sunk – but egos are almost certain to get in the way.' DT. Blogger: Hannan is wro...