Monday, August 27, 2007

The Persecuted Church.

30 years ago, intellectuals, politicians, the media and those today we call politically correct, would attack the worst excesses of the Roman Catholic Church and possibly the extremes of the American Holy Rollers.
Today, people like Chris Hitchens and Dawkins - of whom there are considerable numbers with a media voice - attack Christianity from all angles.

Lefties screech 'islamophobia' and will not allow the tiniest of criticisms against that belief system without cries of 'racism' echoing from the highest rooftops yet contentedly stand by with a smug, self-satisfied smile whenever the Church is attacked in the vilest of ways.
It is only a matter of time before Dawkins gets his way and teaching your children about The Lord Jesus will be classed as abuse.
This is NOT exaggeration. The speed of the deterioration in society is rapid and I fear for the next decade as double standards increase.
The apathy of the Church and failure to recognise the 'signs of the times' is tragic.
Photo: Chris Hitchens.

Absolute Proof That We Have A Two-Tier 'Justice' System!