Sunday, May 03, 2009

Delara Darabi

The trouble with liberal left organisations like Amnesty International is that they have cried wolf on so many occasions and have automatically and indiscriminately supported the 'rights' of extremely wicked people again and again.
So when an execution comes along which is genuinely disturbing - who other than their standard, liberal left supporters will pay them any heed?

The case of Delara Darabi, executed in Iran this week, is one such example. The circumstances of the execution were distasteful and the genuine doubts as to her guilt leave a most unpleasant taste in the mouth and perhaps typify the nature of the current Iranian regime.

Amnesty however, decides to major on the non fact that she was executed at 23 for a crime when she was 'a child' of 17. Child?

I wonder just how many Amnesty supporters have advocated 'votes for 16 year olds'?

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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