Friday, May 15, 2009

A Labour MP answers a constituent.

" ..... On having a referendum, we had a referendum many years ago and there was overwhelming support for joining a Common Market. Fundamentally, the EU Treaty is not a Constitution, and I really think that a referendum would be a distraction, especially at the moment when we need to focus on much bigger things like the global (and local) economy. Again, I think that being part of Europe is a massive advantage in doing so."

So disingenuous and mendacious that I am struggling not to swear! The referendum was won based on the lies of Heath and to a lesser extent Wilson. Heath was later asked if he had known the truth about the federalist nature of what is now the EU and said: "Know? - Of course I bloody did!"
The EU Treaty is not a constitution - true - it is only 97% of a constitution.


"I think" - not supported with any facts gets no marks on any GCSE paper!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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