Thursday, May 14, 2009


I respect the people who practise Islam even though I disagree with them. On this Blog, I have never attacked Islam although the violent jihadists have come under attack.
I am becoming increasingly concerned however, that in a nation which is mainly Christian/secular, concessions are being made to Islam almost as rapidly as the politicians and authorities are marginalising Christianity.

The Qur'an is now placed in a symbolically higher place in courtrooms; Sharia Law has been made part of the legal system through Muslim Arbitration Tribunals; the EU Directive on Religion & Belief adopted in 2003 is forcing religious groups to appoint people of other religions inappropriately.

Now, the BBC has made a Muslim Head of Religious Broadcasting.
Just imagine the appointing of a Christian to such a post in Saudi, Pakistan or Afghanistan if you wish to grasp how absurd matters have become!
Respecting people as Muslims is one thing but their current treatment is just one more example of political correctness-creep where minorities are given rights over and above the rest of us.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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