Saturday, May 02, 2009

UKIP: the route to power.

1] Neutralise EU propaganda.
2] Make people understand that the EU is not just a niggle - it underpins everything else.
3] Let the quality of the UKIP manifesto be seen.
4] Take full advantage of PR to become the biggest party in Brussels.
5] Win a goodly number of council wards.
6] By-election successes.
7] A small caucus at Westminster.
8] Following election to become HM's Opposition.
9] Government.
10] Remove UK from EU.

If voters get angry enough to leave their apathy behind - it could happen.
The worst scenario is that the apathy and lack of interest, the vested interests and 'clone voting' continue as they have done for decades.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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