Monday, May 18, 2009

One more proof of the truth.

Read The Old Testament and one thing strikes you immediately is that it hides nothing.
Look at all the old time 'heroes' and what you see is ordinary people, many who did great things but they all had feet of clay: Adam, Cain, Jacob, Moses, Abraham, Saul, David inter al

Look at the New Testament and what do you find? - The disciples are all profoundly flawed. Jesus could hardly have picked a bigger bunch of losers to change the world: Doubting Thomas, boastful Simon Peter, 'Give-us -the-best-place-in-heaven' James and John. Then look in Mark's Gospel alone at the number of times Jesus had told the losers what would happen in Jerusalem - and they were ready to pack it all in between the crucifixion and the resurrection!

Truth looks just like that!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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