Monday, May 04, 2009

Don't be nice.

In her intro to the live song 'Proud Mary', Tina Turner announces 'I don't do nice'. - Good. It is not often a positive.
Sadly however, many do.
So just who are the liberal left who have caused almost all of the damage done to this nation in the last 40 years? -
I believe that I can answer the question or at the very least can make a worthy suggestion.

They divide roughly into two distinct and separate groups. The first is that which is based on impossible idealism and this will be inflicted onto the population at large irrespective of the damage done and how unreal the targets are. These are the genuinely awful.

The second group is those who are terminally 'nice'.
This group is made up of kind, warm, generous, honest people who are often referred to by people in general as 'bleeding hearts' or 'do-gooders'. [Do remember that the latter expression is laden with heavy irony!]

This is the group which customarily opposes the killing of vermin such as foxes, corvidae, pigeons and even rats. They are soft-centred and always see the best in others - even when that quality is entirely absent. They defend criminals as being 'misunderstood'; they would offer aid to Zimbabwe in the lame and forlorn hope that this would not find its way into Mugabe's pocket.
This group feels more sorry for people who have engineered their own downfall than the victims such people have created.

They automatically have enhanced sympathy for muslims, blacks and Asians than for Christians, whites and the indigenous peoples. Strangely, people of other religions such as Sikh and Hindu are barely considered.

The 'nice' are a truly strange mix and many can be found working selflessly for numerous good [and not so good] causes. They frequently swell the ranks of liberal christianity.

Bottom line - they are nice yes, but more important than that - they are dangerous!
Give me 'muscular Christianity' every time.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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