Sunday, May 24, 2009

What is really important?

As I prepare for Wembley and to find out by the end of the day whether my cherished football team are in The Championship next season or are languishing amongst the also rans of League One, I stop to try to take stock of what really matters in life - and it sure ain't football.

I think of a number of bereaved friends; those suffering from severe or chronic illnesses; the desperate need to turn politics around; our dealings with our fellow man; world poverty; our own health - whether mental or physical and all of those tragic people who are heading to a Godless eternity.

Yet sports and other passtimes have the effect of letting us pretend that something, which in the great scheme of things is not really all that vital, has an importance. It helps us to turn off for a while.
I think that deep down we all know that that importance is shallow and ultimately meaningless and yet it can help to divert us on occasion from the tedium and the negatives of life.

So. If I come back later disappointed - at least I shall know that Shankley's claim that football was more important than life and death was wrong.
Should we win - I shall be immensely cheered for a while but will never forget that the things of earth are but temporary shadows and in the final analysis, only heavenly values truly matter.

25th of May. Indeed, yesterday was a good day but there are plenty more in any given year!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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