Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Missing link - more hokum from Attenborough!

IDA HYPE FAILS TO IMPRESS, according to articles in Live Science, Science NOW and Access Research Network, The Guardian and Wall Street Journal.
The small primate fossil nicknamed Ida was launched into the public eye with a blaze of media hyperbole involving a Museum show presided over by Mayor Bloomberg of New York, a Google logo, a David Attenborough documentary, and a website named 'Revealing the Link'. But the media “made monkeys of themselves” and many palaeontologists were not impressed with the extravagant claims, which include being called the “eighth wonder of the world”, along with aggrandizing statements by the following: Jorn Hurum, Norwegian fossil scientist, University of Oslo Natural History Museum: "This is the first link to all humans ... truly a fossil that links world heritage."
My thanks to Creation Research.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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