Thursday, May 28, 2009

Manchester United.

Unlike many, I am not rejoicing in Manchester United's failure against Barcelona.
Nonetheless, the Manchester United/Premier League phenomenon profoundly upsets me.

I object to players being paid more in a week than many fans earn in three or four years.

I object to teams teeming with foreign players - two or three maybe, would be acceptable!
I object to the player power which arose from The European Court's ridiculous Bosman Ruling. The knock on effects to smaller clubs have been horrendous.
I object to the people who associate themselves with giant clubs with which they have no connections whatsoever by geography, family or tradition.
I object to the principle in football of 'buying' success.
I object to the control that SKY TV has over sporting events.
I object to the costs of going to a football match - they are obscene and directly linked to the appalling wages.
For me however, the worst thing is seeing youngsters in Sheffield, Scunthorpe, Barnsley et al decked out in Man Utd kits because parents have fallen into 'glory seeker mode'. It is actually offensive, poor parenting and teaches children a message that disloyalty to your local area is acceptable.
To the fans who live in Manchester and to all the genuine expats - sorry you lost!
To the others ......shrug!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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