Dear Friends,
Wow! 19% and if the bandwagon keeps on a-rollin', both Labour and Tories are catchable in the EU elections!http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2430063.ece
And WHAT a UKIP broadcast from Nigel Farage last night and just before Question Time too! This after a weak-kneed, instantly forgettable Green effort a day or two ago and a BNP broadcast which was lamentably feeble from the start and then had a councillor mumbling and stumbling for at least half the broadcast. Main parties are clearly avoiding all the issues on the EU - it is certainly not conspiracy theory to point out that this silence is a tacit agreement between the europhile parties.
The broadcast:
Wow! 19% and if the bandwagon keeps on a-rollin', both Labour and Tories are catchable in the EU elections!http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2430063.ece
And WHAT a UKIP broadcast from Nigel Farage last night and just before Question Time too! This after a weak-kneed, instantly forgettable Green effort a day or two ago and a BNP broadcast which was lamentably feeble from the start and then had a councillor mumbling and stumbling for at least half the broadcast. Main parties are clearly avoiding all the issues on the EU - it is certainly not conspiracy theory to point out that this silence is a tacit agreement between the europhile parties.
The broadcast:
[You need to join up this link as it is so long I have cut it into 3 segments.]
Please copy and pass this article onto everybody you know and invite them to do the same!
There is a glimmer of hope that we could be seeing the start of an opportunity to change the face of British politics for ever. These moments are exceedingly rare and the window is only slightly ajar. Please help us grasp this chance under Proportional Representation.
Political momentum disappears so very quickly.
The SUN later published the figure at 15% BUT it is not the same figure. The 19% is more accurate as it reflects the views of those most likely to vote.