Thursday, May 21, 2009

Free will.

I have been meditating around the question of free will in recent days and the first point is that Man would not be Man without free will; he would be an automaton or superior kind of android.
Bible teaching is clear that Man abused his free will and this caused the Fall which allowed evil into the world. Clearly the individual must take ultimate responsibility for his own actions but that does not prevent his actions adversely affecting those around him in the meantime.
It is fundamental that the problems arose for all from disobedience to God.
All of this is basic and so I have tried to think around what things I would change in the world if I had a magic wand and could make four or five mega changes to the world.
It is strangely difficult as there are so many areas where you feel that you may be crossing the Will of God with such interference.
Certainly, the abolition of war is one area that could be considered but it is possible to consider circumstances where war is the lesser evil.
What about illness? How righteous would it be to abolish disease and thereby remove something which is so often a direct consequence of sinful behaviour? Could you discriminate?
I do not know the answers to these points and is Man meant to sort out hunger himself?
Hmm. Tricky.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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