"Police will be given wider stop and search powers as part of a crackdown on gun and knife crime."
Until these people are locked up for very long periods - you almost have to ask yourself: "Why bother?"
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Holocaust denial is made respectable by PC addicts.
RIP Jeremy.

Uncompromising, isn't it? No room for trendy alternatives. We really are not promised tomorrow.
So. Either He was right or He was wrong.
If He was right, then to ignore this statement is the most grave error we can ever make in our entire lives.
Not to investigate so giant a claim, validated by countless millions over ages, is the supreme act of folly.
The Wisconsin Reforms

Maybe you can accept that in the first instance but what about the large percentage who simply carry on? What of those in their late 20s who have never had any job? What of those who simply use benefits to supplement their illegal earnings in the black economy? Those who use benefits to supplement a persistent, unacceptable lifestyle as part of the criminal underclass?
What of that significant percentage who, although demonstrably not genuine claimants and never have been, are 'on sick' because it has suited the last two governments to conceal unemployment figures in this way?
Well, there is an alternative but one which requires 'bravery' by the government in power. Welcome to the Wisconsin Reforms and their unqualified success. Please read the link!
Read it all yet? - Good. There IS a solution but you just KNOW that it will not be implemented. Guess which side of the political divide would fight these measures tooth & nail!
LINK: http://www.heritage.org/Research/Welfare/PR030497.cfm
Schapiro - again.

"The true object of propaganda is not - to convince or persuade, but rather to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought reveals itself as a jarring dissonance." Leonard Schapiro.
We have had liberal left politicians in power now for many decades, with only the minor blip where Thatcherism made a slight indentation in the side of the socialist monolith.
Any idea from the right of centre or traditional right is subject to what Schapiro identified and instantly discarded - and without debate.
The intellectual right where it overlaps with the true centre-right [ long absent in the British political mainstream ] has a considerable amount to offer but is denied the 'oxygen of publicity' and its ideas are not allowed into debate.
[I am NOT referring in any manner to the extreme right.]
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Crime = warzone.

Where crime is concerned, we ARE in a war. The problem is we have all got so used to the ongoing attrition that we hardly care or notice any more and the ones who lead us know that there is a war but do not want to win it in any case!
Choice: our way of doing it or the Singapore way.
The people should be given the chance to vote for the one system or the other - it is hard to see where there is any middle ground. You want to win - or you don't.
My Zurich Boycott.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=510834&in_page_id=1770
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I am sure that it will have been calculated in the same ridiculous way used to 'prove' that it costs £2,000 per week to hold a criminal in prison.
[I have known JPs who have let this silly nonsense influence them when sentencing.]
How these absurd figures are arrived at is to take the entire prisons' budget and all ancillary costs then divide them by the number of prisoners. So technically, you arrive at a figure which may be 'correct' but is utterly misleading!
So sending Aggie Scraggs down for 6 months will NOT cost the exchequer an extra £24,000 and certainly not £48,000! {Allowing that she will be released automatically after 3 months, of course!} The amount is much closer to 'negligible' than £24k.
As for the Police opening an existing cell door, ushering somebody in and then giving them a supper and breakfast - well, what do you think? - About four quid?
Governments do NOT report any other costs in this manner. It is designed to turn people against the idea of locking anybody up on grounds of cost. Cunning!
A well written letter on Teletext recently made out a reasonable, albeit limited case for youth crime stemming from a sense of hopelessness amongst the youth of our generation.
To a degree, there is certainly truth in this. So many young people today must feel truly miserable and ill-equipped for life.
Jobs which used to require 'O'Levels - banking is a good case in point - may now require one of the newly- diluted degrees as an alternative. The basic jobs for the ill-educated but socially-minded will have disappeared into the hands of immigrant workers; their chances of getting onto the housing ladder because of bad government, divorce and the aforementioned astronomical levels of immigration have all but disappeared.
All of this is true but the writer failed to see that immorality, 'summat for nowt philosphies', godlessness, lack of discipline in homes, schools and courts as well as throughout society all make their deadly contribution.
People - especially the young - are generally no longer held responsible for their own actions. Those who shunned the chances that school gave them should still be rewarded - apparently.Youth has become an excuse.
The workshy are cossetted and protected from dismissal. Licentious and permissive behaviour are encouraged by the liberal left and its negative effects will always be multiplied in youngsters of this type.
Society will only work when safety nets for the feckless are totally removed.
Lack of discipline for the young is not the kindness that so many believe it to be - no - it is the single greatest disservice that can ever be perpetrated against a youngster.
That in these circumstances, so many take the 'easy' route into crime and drug abuse is no great surprise.
The penalties MUST be sufficient to deter this casual slide into underclass amorality.
It is a shame that our first target must be to treat the symptoms rather than the cause but the symptoms must be dealt with and only then can we turn to addressing the reasons for the behaviour which will take several generations to eradicate.
And just which social group has been responsible for all of this mess ......? - 'The usual suspects' - please take one step forward!
To a degree, there is certainly truth in this. So many young people today must feel truly miserable and ill-equipped for life.
Jobs which used to require 'O'Levels - banking is a good case in point - may now require one of the newly- diluted degrees as an alternative. The basic jobs for the ill-educated but socially-minded will have disappeared into the hands of immigrant workers; their chances of getting onto the housing ladder because of bad government, divorce and the aforementioned astronomical levels of immigration have all but disappeared.
All of this is true but the writer failed to see that immorality, 'summat for nowt philosphies', godlessness, lack of discipline in homes, schools and courts as well as throughout society all make their deadly contribution.
People - especially the young - are generally no longer held responsible for their own actions. Those who shunned the chances that school gave them should still be rewarded - apparently.Youth has become an excuse.
The workshy are cossetted and protected from dismissal. Licentious and permissive behaviour are encouraged by the liberal left and its negative effects will always be multiplied in youngsters of this type.
Society will only work when safety nets for the feckless are totally removed.
Lack of discipline for the young is not the kindness that so many believe it to be - no - it is the single greatest disservice that can ever be perpetrated against a youngster.
That in these circumstances, so many take the 'easy' route into crime and drug abuse is no great surprise.
The penalties MUST be sufficient to deter this casual slide into underclass amorality.
It is a shame that our first target must be to treat the symptoms rather than the cause but the symptoms must be dealt with and only then can we turn to addressing the reasons for the behaviour which will take several generations to eradicate.
And just which social group has been responsible for all of this mess ......? - 'The usual suspects' - please take one step forward!

Heath once referred to "the unacceptable face of capitalism" - well - it's back!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=510719&in_page_id=1770
Thinking the thinkable!

This brave new world imploded with the sacking of Frank Field, the welfare minister who was appointed to think the unthinkable and then discovered that indeed it could not be thought - particularly by Chancellor Brown, who slammed the door shut on Field's proposals and his ministerial career.
Ever since that time, welfare thinking has gone precisely nowhere."
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/columnists/columnists.html?in_article_id=510768&in_page_id=1772&in_author_id=256&in_check=N
Monday, January 28, 2008
You only get one!

One day you see how old you have become and realise that you have missed the boat; life has passed you by and you will not get a second chance.
In all matters bar one, this is no more than a mere waste. In the spiritual realms however, this is an eternal tragedy. Jesus promises "Seek and you will find." Matt 7:7. This is trustworthy and I know of nobody who has investigated the claims of the Christ openly and honestly who has failed to find Him; discover the reality. God is not an opinion!
As the old time preachers used to dare to say "We are not promised tomorrow!"
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Something fishy about this ancestor.

One of the more recent examples is Tiktaalik roseae which is hailed by many as being as important as archaeopteryx. Er, yes.
This Blog has already shown how impressive THAT would be!
Yes, Tiktaalik is the link between fish and land vertebrates! Wow.
That is of course until Dr Jonathan Sarfati, the scientific, New Zealander, superstar weighs the evidence rather than the excited claim and pretty much destroys it!
[It is just so cruel. These evolutionary geologists keep getting all thrilled about a new discovery and people like him come along and upset their applecart!]
I can follow the scientific arguments here well enough but am insufficiently qualified to be able to summarise them fairly so, if you want detail - please use the link below.
[It barely resembles anybody in our family.]
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Apostles' Creed - a reminder!
1. I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:
2. And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell:
5. The third day he rose again from the dead:
6. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
7. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:
8. I believe in the Holy Ghost:
9. I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints:
10. The forgiveness of sins:
1l. The resurrection of the body:
12. And the life everlasting. Amen.
2. And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell:
5. The third day he rose again from the dead:
6. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
7. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:
8. I believe in the Holy Ghost:
9. I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints:
10. The forgiveness of sins:
1l. The resurrection of the body:
12. And the life everlasting. Amen.
Singapore shows how!

The reduction of cannabis to a Class C drug has been the unmitigated disaster which all normal people had predicted.
Sentencing for possession of any class of drug is now typically dealt with by the imposition of an insignificant fine.
It is now time for us to deal with the illegal possession of drugs in the way that Singapore would - prison - combined in every case with VERY tough rehabilitation programmes upon release.
We might also benefit from Singaporean attitudes on how to deal with dealers - but only if we are taking the problem seriously, of course.
Drug abuse levels in zero tolerance Singapore? - To our eyes, unbelievably low.
Naturally, having a successful system where drugs are not permitted to wreck your nation brings a constant stream of bile and vitrepuse from our old friends at Amnesty (International.)
[Naturally, we are not permitted to act as Singapore has because of our membership of the EU, The Council of Ministers and for being a willing subscriber to the joke decisions of the European Courts System.]
LINKS: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=510103&in_page_id=1770
Well. Do you approve?

Four out of five "open" days held by Avon Fire Service were restricted to women and ethnic minorities.
Critics last night accused the West Country brigade of discrimination. An MP said the move would fuel resentment and undermine race relations."
What could I possibly say? - other than this is happening across many jobs across the entire nation!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=510418&in_page_id=1770
Anti- family stereotyping.
I have noticed in media debates that anti-family campaigners are quick to select families which are married couples and blatantly use them as examples for having ill-served their offspring. No matter that EVERY survey on how well offspring do, the children of married couples always tend to come out on top!
Stop and think about this for a moment. If you were to use such tactics - let's say you commented on crime levels amongst Rumanian immigrants [ which ARE very high ]- the same people would scream at you that you were 'using stereotypes' and would probably scream 'racist' at you!
I believe the expression is called 'stifling debate'. It is also known as a double standard.
Stop and think about this for a moment. If you were to use such tactics - let's say you commented on crime levels amongst Rumanian immigrants [ which ARE very high ]- the same people would scream at you that you were 'using stereotypes' and would probably scream 'racist' at you!
I believe the expression is called 'stifling debate'. It is also known as a double standard.
The Christian Institute.
If you ever wonder why I spend so much of my life trying to fire people up and keep them informed of just what precisely is going on, look at these headlines from The Christian Institute - gathered over just one week!
Free speech amendment to 'gay hate' law tabled in Lords
Green light for 16 new large casinos
Peers vote to sideline role of fathers for IVF children
Single-income married couples hit by taxman
New briefing on proposed 'homophobic hatred' law
Check the links.
Just one week's garbage from the liberal left which has to be opposed, challenged and fought against.
God bless all who do!
Free speech amendment to 'gay hate' law tabled in Lords
Green light for 16 new large casinos
Peers vote to sideline role of fathers for IVF children
Single-income married couples hit by taxman
New briefing on proposed 'homophobic hatred' law
Check the links.
Just one week's garbage from the liberal left which has to be opposed, challenged and fought against.
God bless all who do!
Home Secretary - unfit for purpose.

She caused astonishment as she claimed that the Government's "official advice" is not to walk in unfamiliar areas at night.
On the day she boasted of "excellent results" in the latest crime figures, she appeared to admit that the streets are too dangerous for ordinary people to walk in places they do not know!
Half bird? - Oh, really!

"Evolutionists have claimed ad nauseam that the fossil creature Archaeopteryx is the link between reptiles and birds.
In Eichstätt, Germany, in 1984 there was a major meeting of scientists who specialize in bird evolution, the International Archaeopteryx Conference. They disagreed on just about anything that was covered there on this creature, but there was very broad agreement on the belief that Archaeopteryx was a true avian.
To a man, they all agreed that it was a TRUE bird and released an uncomfortable statement reiterating their belief in evolution too.
Hmmm. Yet another 'proof' taught in schools as fact bites the dust! Just how many times does science have to get it wrong before intelligent people will begin demanding full corroborative evidence before swallowing guesswork, hook, line and sinker?
Did school or university ever teach you about the hoatsín, a bird from Guatemala which exists today, has claws on the end of the wings and would fossilise into something rather similar to Archaeopteryx?
I wonder why not?
Have a look at this link by Dr Carl Wieland:
Inappropriate secrecy in public office?

I think we should be told.
Is Mr Brown a mason? -
I think we should be told.
When I was a JP we had to declare any membership of secret societies.
LINK: http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/search?q=freemason
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Geologic Column.

An overwhelming majority of the earth's rock formations do NOT fit the profile. Did they mention that small fact when you were educated?
The total absence of transitional forms in the fossil record lends little support to this failed but extensively promulgated hypothesis.
Polystrate fossils - well covered on this Blog - and human artefacts throughout the record, wreck this line of thinking entirely.
So. Why please, is this guesswork still taught as established fact in schools and universities?
Please check the link below which is most helpful in grasping what is really happening.
LINK: http://www.creationevidence.org/scientific_evid/evidencefor/evidencefor.html
Peter Hain.
I really cannot rejoice that the appalling Peter Hain has been disenthroned. It is not that I am unhappy that he is departed - far from it - it is just that I am sufficiently experienced and cynical to recognise that this leaves an opening for one more heinous, political wannabee to be thrust into the limelight.
Diverse or perverse?

The good reverend was totally unable to understand why the police were questioning him about his ethnic origins on the phone and quite reasonably refused to cooperate. He was not exactly dead chuffed either when required to give his age!
'Diversity' has struck again.
Either there was a burglary or there was not. Why should there be such petty prying into a victim of crime? Of course, this information could then have been passed onto the legions of bureaucrats desperate to get at such titbits to justify their hardworking but essentially useless existence.
The 'diversity police' appear to have taken over the real police!
Just a quick thought.
The European Union possesses no link between taxation, representation and expenditure.
Worried? - No? - You should be. It is a dangerously volatile (non) mixture! It is where wars, revolutions and despotism can all frequently find shared roots.
Worried? - No? - You should be. It is a dangerously volatile (non) mixture! It is where wars, revolutions and despotism can all frequently find shared roots.
Flooding never heard of prior to June.

In 1960 much greater flooding took place throughout the country AND they had floods in both the October and the December.
To echo the caption on a rather famous tee shirt. FLOODING HAPPENS!
All weathers kick in at some point - even in a country which has a cool temperate climate.
LINK: http://www.exetermemories.co.uk/EM/exeter_floods.html
A rose by any other name.

Millstones come to mind!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_id=510028&in_page_id=1879
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill: Defeat in Lords.
The Lords have decided to:
legalise the creation of animal-human hybrid embryos,
remove the ‘need for a father’ in IVF treatment,
permit embryos to be selected to become ‘saviour siblings’ and the remaining embryos to be discarded.
Happy? - If you are then sit around and do nothing.
Disgusted? - Lobby your MP.
legalise the creation of animal-human hybrid embryos,
remove the ‘need for a father’ in IVF treatment,
permit embryos to be selected to become ‘saviour siblings’ and the remaining embryos to be discarded.
Happy? - If you are then sit around and do nothing.
Disgusted? - Lobby your MP.
"....and Man Created God in His Own Image.".

The problem is that the idea contains a sprinkling of truth - in one part of the Church, at least.
If we consider liberal christians, this is precisely what they do do. The egregious Professor Richard Dawkins - for whose salvation I continue praying daily - is quick to point out how many 'christians' indulge in what he calls 'cherrypicking'.
For once that sad man is perfectly correct.
Liberal Christians are extremely selective about what 'they choose to believe'.
If a pure, scriptural truth is not liked because it offends liberal left sensibilities - it will be summarily abandoned.
'God is only right when intelligent enough to have attitudes which happen to coincide with the views of the liberal church.'
Why do they bother at all, I ask myself.
So. Has life improved?

Almost all of the above have now been replaced with 'the new morality' which means that you must be 'anti -ists of various hues', 'green' - whether sensible ideas are employed or not and latterly of course, you must become a born again believer in man being the author of the alleged 'climate change'.
Our society has become more fragmented through abandonment of traditions and by wholesale shifts in cultural emphasis.
Certainly, medical matters have improved which is a plus right up to the point when they won't let you die when your time has clearly arrived.
Technology has been a wonder - and for the most part a joy - but as with all things is a double-edged weapon. The very same Internet which brings you this noble piece is also a vehicle which has facilitated the spread of paedophile behaviour.We are all wealthier than ever before and blessed with greater choices but we extract far more from the planet.
Many systems have improved with very little on the downside.
But democracy has been eroded; faith undermined; morality cast out of the window; selfish creeds welcomed; governments have ceded the running of our nation to foreign governments and much, much more.
So has it all improved in my lifetime?
I would say that it is about one third better - mainly centred on the materialistic things.
The two thirds which are worse tend to mirror the deterioration in human behaviour.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My leftwing indoctrination.

This was the rather strange venue where my 'A' Level English lessons took place.
Two of the staff were extreme leftwingers and made no attempt to hide this fact. Literature discussions were angled round to leftwing viewpoints; we were fed leftwing propaganda; the idea of patriotism was derided; the monarchy was subjected to intense criticism and we were encouraged to mock any institution - simply on the basis that 'it was there'.
This intensified for my wife who endured similar experiences at The University of Sheffield.
We survived these onslaughts unscarred - many do not!
This politicising and propagandising of education has been ingrained into the system since the end of the 60s and may explain to a large degree, the proliferation of people who adopt liberal left attitudes but who possess no more than soundbite arguments with which to defend them and seem to have little sense of reality.
Certainly, many of these go on to gain a 'dose of reality' and come to their senses once planted firmly in the real world but many of the victims never see that world as they become bureaucrats, politicians, quangoists, university teachers or join the 'meddling professions'.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Send to a friend.
Please E Mail to a friend who might appreciate the site.
I recommend that you don't send to liberal left friends or liberal Christians unless you want the friendship to terminate!
I recommend that you don't send to liberal left friends or liberal Christians unless you want the friendship to terminate!
Inflation con continues.

Well. Do you still believe these Labour liars that inflation is hovering in VERY low single figures?
Latest official figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that the Consumer Price Index which measures UK inflation fell from 1.9% in July to 1.8% in August. Unbelievable!
LINK: http://www.smallbizpod.co.uk/news/2007/current-inflation-rate-down/
Anti marriage.

And, compared to European Union states, the average family is paying 25 per cent more tax.
The study, carried out for Care, a Christian charity that tackles poverty, concludes that single people with no children do far better than families."
Labour against marriage? - Oh yes, but the Lib Dems do not favour biasing the tax system to encourage marriage and it was Major's government which started the rot!
The reduction of respect for the institution of marriage in this country, being much greater than in other W. European nations, plays a significant part in a wide variety of our social problems.
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=509438&in_page_id=1770
Monday, January 21, 2008

Periodically, the so-called 'wet backs' from Mexico are granted amnesties to legitimise their status.
This is profoundly wrong both ethically and in the practice. Nobody should ever benefit from illegal behaviour!
There are rumblings from our gutless government to suggest that a wholesale amnesty would 'have many benefits'.
The problem is that you send a message of invitation to other would-be illegals who have not yet made up their minds. The government is already legitimising countless illegals on a case by case basis which is manifestly absurd.
In Madrid and Barcelona, during the 70s and 80s, many people came from the countryside and built themselves shanty towns on the outskirts. The local Ayuntamientos then legitimised the behaviour of those living in these hovels - or chabolas - by offering them council accommodation. The problem promptly multiplied many times over.
Can we please learn this rather obvious lesson?
[I think I know the answer to my own question!]
Photo: Chabolas.
A muslim checkout worker at Marks & Spencer refused to handle a Bible, claiming it was "unclean". The company says it was "a misunderstanding". So that's all right, then.
Can you imagine what would have happened if a Christian checkout worker had called the Koran "unclean"?
LINK: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/31491/Outcry-as-Muslim-M-S-worker-refuses-to-s...
Can you imagine what would have happened if a Christian checkout worker had called the Koran "unclean"?
LINK: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/31491/Outcry-as-Muslim-M-S-worker-refuses-to-s...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Climate change?
If any out there believe that 'climate change' can be man-made, it might be worth your while looking at this website which takes the logical position that it is a rather large star called the sun which appears to be the main culprit - if that is indeed the word.
LINK: http://www.friendsofscience.org/
LINK: http://www.friendsofscience.org/
Harry Potter.

The attack comes after the Potter series was also slammed by Pope Benedict XVI who said the seven books contained "subtle seductions that undermined children's religious development by blurring the line between good and evil."
Nice one there, Benedict!
Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Why so? Are not the EU and its member countries supposed to be democratic? Does not democracy allow all the rights to free speech?
I hold no brief for rightwingers as my attacks on them on this Blog are easily found.
The main reason the Blog has the title it does is because the left are infinitely more dangerous as they are the ones who are currently holding the reins of power in politics, education and so much of the media.Their soundbite propaganda is working!
DO remember that in the first 85 years of the 20th century leftists and marxists were responsible for 164 million deaths [Le Figaro] which even puts the horrors of the Nazis into the shade.
Seriously, why are there not similar outbursts when leftists speak? The left today has become more anti-semitic than even the hard right. [I note Ken Livingstone's behaviour with more than a little suspicion.]
LINK: http://euobserver.com/9/25485/?rk=1
LINK: http://euobserver.com/9/25485/?rk=1
Knife crime.

Why should this be?
Clearly it is Maggie Thatcher's doing from way back in the 1980s AND has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the absence of discipline and the proliferation of unrealistic court disposals which have multiplied under this government.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Evil unpunished.

He has been jailed 'indefinitely' but as this would infringe his [sub]human rights under Euro legislation, it is inevitable that a release timetable is already being planned.
Two minor points here:
He has been in serious trouble since the age of six and Liberal Democrats and many Labour supporters are falling over themselves to raise the age of criminal responsibility. I despair in the face of such folly.
Secondly, Nicholas Hague had just been released from jail for helping KICK A MAN TO DEATH!
His sentence had been 18 months for manslaughter in September 2005. So not only was the sentence 25 years too short in the first place, he was still released early!
When can we begin to have some justice in our society?
Truly, this man should never see freedom again before his 70th birthday - I predict that he will be out kicking and stamping in under three years.
NHS in the best hands?

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/thehealthnews.html?in_article_id=508926&in_page_id=1797
Fast or slow - same conclusion.

Socialism is just a form of marxism which takes longer to achieve.
Let us examine the differences, then:
Marxism/socialism is a system where the state is always deemed to know best; tries to maximise centralist control; will brook no dissent; operates thought control; manipulates language; rewrites history; reduces personal freedoms and treats its people like either children or cattle whilst lining the nests of the Orwellian 'pigs in high places'.
Okay then. Tell me again, what were those differences between New Labour and Old Labour?
Friday, January 18, 2008

When you sign onto the site, do not forget that you may use the SEARCH on the top left of the opening page to seek out relevant past articles - hopefully with attached sources.
Mr Hain.
A call for sanity - from a judge!

Judge Ian Trigger spoke out amid a wave of anger over the murder of devoted family man Garry Newlove in a vicious gang attack.
He also attacked the policy of releasing violent offenders on bail - the case with the ringleader of the gang who kicked 47-year-old Mr Newlove to death outside his Warrington home. "
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=508877&in_page_id=1770
Challenge Christianists!
We need a new word in the English language. We need EVERY Christian to begin calling every piece of anti-Christian writing, broadcasting, speech and legislation CHRISTIANIST.
We have no real need in the language for silly words such as racist, ageist, sexist, islamist etc.
So why all these definitions originating from the liberal left when Christ told us that all we need to do is "Love our neighbour"?
These -ist words have been part of the grand plan to control us, our minds and what we say. They have precious little to do with the groups being protected. Well then.
They can have some back and see if they feel embarrassed, humiliated and belittled if they happen to say the wrong thing!
[Until we get the word established, may I suggest that we always hyphenate it in written form, thus ...Christian-ist.]
We have no real need in the language for silly words such as racist, ageist, sexist, islamist etc.
So why all these definitions originating from the liberal left when Christ told us that all we need to do is "Love our neighbour"?
These -ist words have been part of the grand plan to control us, our minds and what we say. They have precious little to do with the groups being protected. Well then.
They can have some back and see if they feel embarrassed, humiliated and belittled if they happen to say the wrong thing!
[Until we get the word established, may I suggest that we always hyphenate it in written form, thus ...Christian-ist.]
Could YOU make it up?

But he has been criticised after his first move to cut red tape was to set up another quango.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Housing - the facts!

"In total, five per cent of council and housing association homes are let to foreigners.
According to official figures, the average cost of providing new social housing is £133,941 per home.
The Government contributes an average £62,000 of taxpayers' cash and the rest comes from developers or social landlords.
The document, written by Joanne Roney of Sheffield City Council, said difficulties could arise if arrivals move into areas with little experience of immigrants. "
Immigrants occupy one in every 15 homes in England, according to an official report.
Foreign nationals live in almost 1.5million homes, of which 310,000 are council houses.
They have also purchased 570,000 houses and privately rent a further 600,000.
So, in total we have lost about 6.6% of our housing stock to this government's madness.
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=508657&in_page_id=1770
Point at the wrong target - AGAIN!

Precisely what evidence is there that binge drinking results from supermarket special offers as opposed to the government's failure to punish alcohol-related offences and their absurd free-for-all licensing hours revolution?
As with the climate change nonsense, they are sniffing the possibility of yet another tax hike.
Against rocketing inflation they want to add to the cost of living to a majority of people.
Lights and Bushels.

Jesus spoke about Christians not 'hiding their light under a bushel'. In this He was referring to the fact that you cannot be a 'secret Christian' and let us be honest, there are great numbers of people who refer to their 'faith as a private matter'.
Sorry. That is NOT an option.
Mark 8:38: "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
Hats off to Mr Dell!
Letter sent yesterday to Hans Gert Pottering. President of the European Parliament.
I refer to your description of the protest which took place in the "European Parliament" on 12th December 2007.
"This was an infringement of freedom of speech and a breach of parliament's rules of procedure" - Hans-Gert Pöttering .
Coming from someone like yourself who has been instrumental in forcing the Treaty of Lisbon upon the citizens of Europe without consultation and without their consent is hypocritical in the extreme. These Members were EXCERCISING THEIR RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
I understand that you are seeking to "fine" those MEPs who took part in the demonstration, for "behaving in an unacceptable manner".
The only thing "Unacceptable is the way that the citizens of Europe have been treated by your Unelected and unaccountable Junta who wish to impose a system of government upon sovereign nations without the consent of the people..
If the behaviour of these MEPs was so unacceptable, why were the cameras in the auditorium turned off? Why did ushers try to seize cameras from MEP's assistants? and why was there no coverage of the incident in the media? Free Speech? Not in the European Union.
Two Nations, France and The Netherlands rejected the Treaty/Constitution in 2005, but your ruling clique and their national governments have ignored Democracy in those countries.
I demand a referendum in ALL countries before my own system of democracy is replaced by the EU's SOVIET style government.
Those demonstrating on 12th December were acting as my representatives. Any attempt to discipline those involved will simply reinforce what we already know about your corrupt and undemocratic institution.
If you wish to avoid further demonstrations of this kind, perhaps you should campaign and encourage the leaders of ALL nations in the EU to honour their obligation to ASK THE PEOPLE before giving away their ability to govern themselves to an unelected oligarchy.
The People will only have respect for your institution when it shows respect for them.
Robert D Dell
British Subject.
I refer to your description of the protest which took place in the "European Parliament" on 12th December 2007.
"This was an infringement of freedom of speech and a breach of parliament's rules of procedure" - Hans-Gert Pöttering .
Coming from someone like yourself who has been instrumental in forcing the Treaty of Lisbon upon the citizens of Europe without consultation and without their consent is hypocritical in the extreme. These Members were EXCERCISING THEIR RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
I understand that you are seeking to "fine" those MEPs who took part in the demonstration, for "behaving in an unacceptable manner".
The only thing "Unacceptable is the way that the citizens of Europe have been treated by your Unelected and unaccountable Junta who wish to impose a system of government upon sovereign nations without the consent of the people..
If the behaviour of these MEPs was so unacceptable, why were the cameras in the auditorium turned off? Why did ushers try to seize cameras from MEP's assistants? and why was there no coverage of the incident in the media? Free Speech? Not in the European Union.
Two Nations, France and The Netherlands rejected the Treaty/Constitution in 2005, but your ruling clique and their national governments have ignored Democracy in those countries.
I demand a referendum in ALL countries before my own system of democracy is replaced by the EU's SOVIET style government.
Those demonstrating on 12th December were acting as my representatives. Any attempt to discipline those involved will simply reinforce what we already know about your corrupt and undemocratic institution.
If you wish to avoid further demonstrations of this kind, perhaps you should campaign and encourage the leaders of ALL nations in the EU to honour their obligation to ASK THE PEOPLE before giving away their ability to govern themselves to an unelected oligarchy.
The People will only have respect for your institution when it shows respect for them.
Robert D Dell
British Subject.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Trade unions - what are they for?

Although only [ ? ] 270,000 work permits have been granted to non-EU nationals in the last three years, almost 900,000 of the numbers have been issued.
Just 755 work permits were issued to those from Ghana between January 2004 and April 2007. But 21,300 got NI numbers. ?????
So just why are virtually all the trade unions enshrouded in silence whilst their own members are being: a] Forced out of jobs b] Seeing their wages undercut by immigrants and c] Put into a position where longterm unemployment for their memberships is threatened?
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?
BUT: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=508935&in_page_id=1770
Fear of crime.

Cunning, isn't it? When you stop and think - what a marvellous way to con the public that crime is NOT spiralling out of control!
What it means is that WE are wrong to be in fear of crime. No matter that crime has increased by 1,100% in my lifetime - that is barely relevant.
Rather than tackle the crime, it is our perceptions which will need to be undermined and sadly, there are always some who fall prey to these wicked soundbites - and not always those you would consider to be amongst the most gullible.
Who is responsible? - The usual suspects!

I for one shall NOT stop supporting them! I had already stopped when they lost the ability to tell the difference between the legitimate chastisement of children and abuse.
They have long been on my list of charities to avoid because of liberal left attitudes.
Two-faced Jacqui Smith.

A memo from the enforcement director at the Border and Immigration Agency, leaked to the Mail, tells a different story.
In it, Jonathan Lindley gives secret instructions to the agency's six regional directors to halt deportation proceedings against foreign students who overstay their visas and to concentrate instead on "high priority cases."
What could I possibly say?

Well done!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?
The Bishop of Oxford - again!

If there is ever an anti-Christian bandwagon for him to leap on - he seems to find it unerringly.
There is major concern from many residents in Oxford, who have not only had a large and unwanted mosque foisted on them by sellout local politicians but now face the prospect of their [?] Council permitting three daily muslim calls to prayer to be broadcast by loudspeakers, each lasting a full two minutes.
The idea has gained support from the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, who last week said those in opposition to the idea should "relax" and "enjoy community diversity".
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bail lunacy KILLS.

The woman was his mother-in-law and we can only assume that he was the man who had calculatedly murdered his wife.
This man was ON BAIL!
You only have to watch Crimewatch to see how many of their presented 'bail bandits' are accused of the most heinous of crimes.
When you do not have enough prison places and you have a liberal left attitude to criminals - such things are inevitable.
It is far more important to look after the interests of the accused and offenders than the rights of you and me!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=507964&in_page_id=1770&ct=5
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