Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hats off to Mr Dell!

Letter sent yesterday to Hans Gert Pottering. President of the European Parliament.


I refer to your description of the protest which took place in the "European Parliament" on 12th December 2007.

"This was an infringement of freedom of speech and a breach of parliament's rules of procedure" - Hans-Gert Pöttering .

Coming from someone like yourself who has been instrumental in forcing the Treaty of Lisbon upon the citizens of Europe without consultation and without their consent is hypocritical in the extreme. These Members were EXCERCISING THEIR RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I understand that you are seeking to "fine" those MEPs who took part in the demonstration, for "behaving in an unacceptable manner".

The only thing "Unacceptable is the way that the citizens of Europe have been treated by your Unelected and unaccountable Junta who wish to impose a system of government upon sovereign nations without the consent of the people..

If the behaviour of these MEPs was so unacceptable, why were the cameras in the auditorium turned off? Why did ushers try to seize cameras from MEP's assistants? and why was there no coverage of the incident in the media? Free Speech? Not in the European Union.

Two Nations, France and The Netherlands rejected the Treaty/Constitution in 2005, but your ruling clique and their national governments have ignored Democracy in those countries.

I demand a referendum in ALL countries before my own system of democracy is replaced by the EU's SOVIET style government.

Those demonstrating on 12th December were acting as my representatives. Any attempt to discipline those involved will simply reinforce what we already know about your corrupt and undemocratic institution.

If you wish to avoid further demonstrations of this kind, perhaps you should campaign and encourage the leaders of ALL nations in the EU to honour their obligation to ASK THE PEOPLE before giving away their ability to govern themselves to an unelected oligarchy.

The People will only have respect for your institution when it shows respect for them.

Robert D Dell

British Subject.

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