Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Littlejohn's 'take' on Gordon Brown.

"He [Brown] signed away Britain's sovereignty to Europe, blatantly breaking a promise to hold a referendum he knew he'd lose, and lied through his newly-capped teeth about the consequences of his actions. He didn't even have the guts to attend the formal signing ceremony.
Even when he had the opportunity to secure a democratic mandate, he chickened out because he didn't trust the people to give the right answer. He was frightened he might lose the job he has always considered to be his birthright.

Britain is now governed by a series of placemen, quangos, bureaucracies and unaccountable officials who pay little heed to the will of the people. Most of our laws are made in Brussels by people we didn't elect and can't eject.
We don't have plebiscites, we have spurious 'consultations' which are then ignored.

In America, Brown would be lucky to get elected as a dog catcher. Here, he gets to be Prime Minister."

Assisted Dying.

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