Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The Songbird Survival Trust is on the side of birds; songbirds to be precise.
With the 'no cull' attitudes to corvidae from the RSPB, it is much harder to see how that body is actually on the side of our pretty, feathered friends at all.
The proliferation of crows and in particular, magpies, is wrecking our bird populations and in my postcode has almost removed songbirds altogether.
May I therefore ask readers to offer support to the organisation which is sensibly pushing for a major cull.
The absurdly tender-hearted who equate such measures to genocide really must try to get a grip on reality.

How to increase and build on racist successes.

Six out of 8 photos on Crimewatch's 'Most Wanted' last night were of people from ethnic minorities and/or recent immigrants.
That phenomenal percentage of 75% has been common over many years on that programme.
The numbers of immigrants who are criminal is clearly disproportionate to their numbers.
I make no point out of this other than to highlight a fact which other media and politicians are not prepared to raise.
Refusing to acknowledge facts is likely to result in increased levels of racism.
Concealment does not fool the populace - it just breeds bitterness and resentment.
It is very tempting too for Christians to try to play down the issue - it is a mistake!
PS. If you know the whereabouts of any of this unholy octet - please call the Police!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Lib Dem policies.

The next time somebody tells you that they are going to vote Lib Dem, ask them to tell you three of their policies.
A surprising number of their voters haven't got a clue about what they actually believe and many would be shocked if they found out!

This is the party of the marxist-leaning social worker, the ivory tower university lecturer and the quangocrat.
Tragically, they win many votes from those who genuinely think that 'They are the middle ground between Labour & Conservatives'. They are not!
They are the most leftwing of the three major parties; they are sold-out europhiles; weak on crime and immigration and the most politically correct of the major parties.
If that's what you want - feel free - vote for the so-and-sos!

All protest votes should now go to UKIP as a default position in a General Election.

The writer.

So, then. Where do I stand politically?
It is a fair question from readers of this Blog and is not so easily answered.

Primarily, I oppose leftwing politics, whether old-style or new liberal. But can a person be defined by what they are not?

At one time, I would have been seen as a rather orthodox Conservative - and I have not changed too greatly from that position - but the Conservative Party certainly has!
I am a democrat - perhaps rightly called a Christian Democrat - although hardly in the vein found in a number of European countries currently.

I am a radical non-extremist and believe firmly that social changes should never be matters of whim or experiment or guesswork. Indeed, I believe firmly in 'If it ain't broke - don't try to fix it!'
In many ways I should be seen as a Gladstonian Liberal, I suppose.
I have libertarian tendencies but would also try to draw moral lines in the sand.
I believe in local democracy and oppose political centralisation. I am a strong pragmatist.
I do not believe in waste, unnecessary pollutants and the mindless destruction of our rural heritage which gives me something of a green tinge.
I believe in the Rule of Law and sensible and traditional civil rights which prevent the possibility of governmental excesses.
I am a monarchist - albeit a rather lukewarm supporter.
I am a patriot but one who accepts that my country can be wrong. I have no imperialistic leanings.
I despise 'rule by bureaucrat' and believe in the UK as an autonomous nation. I emphatically do not believe in serving up our birthright to other powers.
Underpinning all of this is my evangelical starting point.

The Prodigal Son.

Turning to the Parable of the Prodigal Son, there are parts which can be neglected.
The story is usually used to illustrate the forgiveness on offer by the Father - and rightly so.

[We must try get past the question of "Who was not pleased to see the prodigal's return?" - The fatted calf.]

Never forget however, that the attitude of the brother is key. The poor attitudes that we embrace in life are represented in him. We are adjured to emulate the father and not the mardy brother.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


'Do you realise how dangerous Blu-Tack is? I must admit that I didn't! That is I didn't know of its dangers, until I read in a survey of teachers that some unnamed teacher .... at an unnamed school told staff and children to wear goggles when handling Blu-Tack. Why are people like this allowed anywhere near children?'

A LoonyyTuneswatch coconut is hereby awarded to these doyens of common sense
- should they dare to make themselves known!

Wrested from 'Nanny Knows Best' - with thanks.

A Green paragon.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit currently co-president of the group European Greens–European Free Alliance in the European Parliament has in the past been accused of paedophile behaviour.
I could not possibly comment but will merely draw readers' attention to this in his own 1975 book Le Grand Bazar from whence arose the accusations:

"On several occasions certain kids would open my fly and start to stroke me. I reacted differently according to circumstances, but their desire posed a problem for me. I asked them: 'Why don't you play together? Why have you chosen me, and not the other kids?' But if they insisted, I caressed them still."

Herr Bendit, formerly known under the soubriquet of Danny the Red was also a noted marxist.



It is more than difficult to believe that anybody else without the benefit of being able to employ millionaire lawyers would have gained acquittal on child abuse charges where the evidence was damning.
Coming from a cult background - and as late as November, flirting with Islam - Michael Jackson died unexpectedly.
The old preachers used the phrase week on week, "You are not promised tomorrow".

At first glance - and it is certainly not for us to judge this with individuals - it appears that Jacko may well have died whilst still in need of finding the salvation that God the Son died to win for us.
That is probably the real tragedy of the star's death.

Dan Hannan.

The excellent Daniel Hannan MEP has claimed that 'Lord Mandelson is destroying Labour for the sake of the EU.'
Sorry Dan. This is not news!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bias at the BBC.

"The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It's a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias",
Andrew Marr
Daily Mail, Oct 21st, 2006.

"It's not a conspiracy. It's visceral. They think they are on the middle ground",
Jeff Randall, former BBC Business Editor,

in The Observer, Jan 15th, 2006.

How are they so sure?

Labour has repeatedly, like a mantra, stated that the BNP successes earlier in the month resulted from low election turnouts.
How do they know that a larger turnout would not have produced even more BNP votes?

Real origins of climate change.

'Framed by a circle of clouds, this is a stunning illustration of Nature's powerful force. A plume of smoke, ash and steam soars five miles into the sky from an erupting volcano - and a very minor one. The extraordinary image was captured by the crew of the International Space Station 220 miles above a remote Russian island in the North Pacific.' I saw a well argued statistic several years ago which suggested that the pollution from all the vehicles in the world amounts to just 0.6% of all the rubbish spewed into the atmosphere.

[Some extremely dubious guesstimates, from some extremely dodgy sources, claim a full 30% which has the appearance of extreme exaggeration. It is my belief that these figures simply did not take into account the effect of volcanos as these are erratic by nature.]
Look at this picture and that lower claim seems considerably more believable!

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1195215/Stunning-pictures-hole-clouds-astronauts-witness-volcano-eruption-International-Space-Station.html

Oops. Wrong again!

'Dinosaurs may not have been as monstrously big as scientists and Hollywood film directors would have us believe. Scientists now believe the original method used to calculate dinosaur mass was flawed. As a result of the mistake, some dinosaurs may have been oversized, it is claimed.
'Palaeontologists have for 25 years used a published statistical model to estimate body weight of giant dinosaurs and other extraordinarily large animals in extinct lineages,' said lead researcher Dr Gary Packard from Colorado State University in the US.
'By re-examining data in the original reference sample, we show that the statistical model is seriously flawed and that the giant dinosaurs probably were only about half as heavy as is generally believed.'

Evolutionary paleontologists are always to be implicitly trusted. I get fed up with it all but must admit to a certain schadenfreude every time one of their houses of cards crumples and disintegrates - which occurs repeatedly!

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1194519/Tiny-rannosaurus-Rex-dinosaurs-big-Hollywood-films-suggest.html

Friday, June 26, 2009

Please pass it on!

To my regular readers - a request. This Blog promotes a basic Christian faith and attacks: folly; liberal Christianity; cults; poor science; dishonesty; political correctness; leftwing ideals; political extremes; the European Union and the 'cosy consensus' to name but a few.

May I please request that you copy and paste this item and E Mail it to three or four friends or relatives who might appreciate the tone of this daily tirade.

Passing it on by telephone, letter, telegram or carrier pigeon would also be appreciated!


I was one of three teachers last night in discussion about coursework in GCSE exams and the reaction was heavily negative.
This is unsurprising when you realise just how much dishonesty, Internet cheating and parental assistance goes into the submitted work.
We are told that in future, coursework will have to be done in school - and - wait for it - supervised!
The trouble is that students will be allowed to bring in their NOTES - so just what will have been gained?
With the exception of subjects such as Art and various craft areas, coursework is not even theoretically advisable.
I did a four year university course in Spanish. Years One and Four were examined, Years Two and Three were continuous assessment. When facing exams I had to do all the work and thoroughly. When assessed, all I had to do was to major on the items I was tested on and could safely ignore the rest.
When examined, I had to revise like crazy; when assessed, I had nothing to do at the end of the year.

As a teacher of RS, I am delighted to report that this iniquitous way of testing pupils has been scrapped in my subject, at least.
I am also chuffed that me being used as an unpaid worker for the exam boards for a week every year has gone with it!

Wilkerson right or wrong?

In 1973, Dave Wilkerson claimed to have received a vision regarding the future of the United States and subsequently gave a sermon on the vision and published a book called The Vision. Wilkerson believed that God had revealed to him a great calamity which was going to befall America due to increase in sins such as homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, and greed.
Some of the details of this 1973 vision were:
"Worldwide recession caused by economic confusion"
"At most a few more fat flourishing years, and then an economic recession that's going to affect the life style of every wage-earner in the world. The world economists are going to be at loss to explain what's happening. It's going to start in Europe, spread to Japan and finally to the United States."
There will be a move toward a worldwide, unified monetary system. The US dollar will be hit bad and it will take years for it to recover.
The only real security will be in real estate (until a somewhat later stage, at which point this apparent security will also disappear).
"Nature having labor pains"
Environmentalists will come under heavy criticism.
There will be major earthquakes.
There will be a major famine.
Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will increase in frequency.
"A new kind of cosmic storm appearing as a raging fire in the sky leaving a kind of vapor trail."[
"A flood of filth and a baptism of dirt in America"
Topless women will appear on television, followed by full nudity.
Adult, X rated movies will be shown on cable television. Young people will gather at homes to watch this kind of material in groups.
Sex and the occult will be mixed.
There will be an acceptance of homosexuality, and the church will even say that it is a God-given gift.
"Rebellion in the home"
"I see the new number one youth problem in America and the world as hatred towards parents."
"A persecution madness against truly Spirit filled Christians who love Jesus Christ"
There will arise a world church consisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, using Christ in name only.
There will be a hate Christ movement.
There will be a spiritual awakening behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.
There will be another wave of riots.
There will be a fall in moral conduct.
There will be a new drug that will be popular with teenagers that will break down resistance and will encourage sexual activity.
Homosexual and lesbian ministers will be ordained and this will be heralded as a new breed of pioneer.
There will be nude dancing in church, but this will never be widespread.
There will be occult practices in churches.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In the words of John McEnroe .....

'A prototype cow which burps less is being bred in a breakthrough that could reduce a big source of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.'

Are they serious? How many flatulent bovines does it take to equal one minor volcano every decade or so, I wonder?
Science gone bonkers!
Stephen Moore, a professor at the University of Alberta in Canada - I reckon that you merit a LoonytunesWatch coconut!

Have we been sold another 'scientific' pup?

'Those of us carrying around a few extra pounds should take heart - the slightly overweight seem to live longer than those of 'healthy' weight. Contrary to the much publicised message that you must be slim to be healthy, a study also found that those classed as obese fare no worse than those of normal weight. Researchers said it was clear that a person's weight was not the be all and end all of good health. Researcher Mark Feeny, of Kaiser Permanente Northwest Centre for Health Research in Oregon, said: 'It's not surprising that extreme underweight and extreme obesity increase the risk of dying but it is surprising that carrying a little extra weight may give people a longevity advantage.' During the period studied, the underweight were 70 per cent more likely to have died than those of normal weight, followed by the extremely obese. However, the obese lived roughly as long as those of normal weight.'

This is interesting. It has been my life experience that the vast majority of people I have known who have had heart attacks have been very slight in build - followed not too closely by those who are significantly overweight.

This is not an excuse for an overweight me! I am trying seriously to shed thirty pounds or so! Congratulations to Slimmers World - I am actually able to follow their regime as I am seldom hungry on it and will soon be entering my second month.

Gloucester crime levels plummet.

'A county's crime rate fell to a 20-year low after a notorious criminal family was jailed, police revealed yesterday. The Johnson family was a ruthless gang of travellers who carried out countless crimes over two decades, from cash machine raids to sheet metal thefts'

Naturally, we are NOT permitted to extrapolate from this in any way.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195205/Conviction-travelling-family-reduces-crime-rate-county-20-year-low.html

Mother Mary.

I had a conversation last night which reminded me just why I am a Protestant and could never join the Roman Church under any circumstances.
I might not fall out too greatly over transubstantiation, as although I believe this to be fundamentally wrong, it has at least arisen from a literalist interpretation of the Scriptures which I can respect.
Papal infallibility is a non starter; the 'creation of saints' is a non-runner - indeed I am a saint by biblical definition!
Interceding for the dead is wrong as is the over attention to relics and calling the priest 'Father' which is anti-scriptural.
But above all of these things, it is the mariolatry which offends me most.
The fictions about Mary abound.
She did not remain a virgin as at least 6 other childbirths prove and had she done so, her unconsummated marriage with Joseph would not have been a marriage at all - even in the eyes of the Roman Church!
She was not 'assumed into heaven', the Scriptures do not tell us to pray to dead people - quite the contrary - she 'does not intercede with her Son for us' - we as believers have a direct line to the Godhead and most emphatically she does NOT perform miracles or answer prayers!
Any miracles done in her name which receive a response - well - that response will have come from somewhere quite different altogether!
I am also offended by the expression 'Mary Mother of God' which gives an erroneous emphasis; is bordering blasphemy and misses the point. The fact that Jesus is God the Son and that she was His mother is the correct emphasis.

It could actually be true!

There's a sign in our local shop that says: 'Only 2 MPs at a time'

Double blank?

'Residents have threatened to boycott a Domino's Pizza - after it took pork off its menu and now only offers halal food. Customers in Blackburn are angry that the managers of the store - which is located in a heavily populated Asian area - made the move in a bid to attract more Muslim clients.'

Looks like I would now be boycotting Dominos also were it not for my current diet which prevents me from using them in any case.

Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195152/Anger-second-Dominos-pizza-store-takes-pork-menu-halal-only.html

A good point.

I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.

- Charles De Gaulle

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I wonder what is causing it all?

'Inspectors found that some primaries had suspended the same children more than ten times in a year. Schools reported youngsters biting, persistent disobedience, swearing, running away from staff, kicking or hitting staff, throwing chairs and climbing over the school fence.'
Funny how that never happened when I was at school - but obviously the fact that we would have been slippered or perhaps caned can have no bearing whatsoever on anything.
It must be something totally different. No. It really must be - coz if not it would mean that all the do-gooders have been 100% wrong - so it couldn't be that.
Hmm. Tricky.

Now, tongue firmly out of cheek - just how do the schools repair the damage done by appalling parenting?

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195094/Primary-schools-use-calming-tents-cut-expulsions-schools-told.html

A helpful word origin - maybe.

'Politics' - 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking creatures'.

The difference between then and now.

"The great social reformers of the Victorian era knew that the alleviation of poverty was a religious and moral crusade; today's equivalent activists have systematically refused to acknowledge that holding people responsible for the consequences of their own actions lies at the heart of any effective anti-poverty programme."

Melanie Phillips.

Probably true!

How many MPs does it take to change a lightbulb?

Two; One to submit the receipt, and one to try and figure out why John Lewis have actually delivered a 42-inch plasma TV.


'The Farm and Animal Welfare Council said that slitting animals’ throats for kosher and halal meat was likely to be painful because the animal is conscious for at least 20 seconds as they bleed to death.
In a report by Fawc and leading veterinary experts, it recommends the Government begin talks with Jewish and Muslim communities to ensure animals are stunned first.'

Just how can this surprise us? The restrictions on foxhunting were put in place at breakneck speed for an activity which was trivial in comparison to all this.
Oh dear. Sensitivities of minority groups have been more important than the brutalisation of animals.
This is easily resolved by imposing legislation WHICH WILL BE ENFORCED that kosher and halal animals must be pre-stunned.
It is my understanding that there is nothing in either the OT or the Koran which precludes this.
People would still have a choice.
The alternative would be that members of these groups could become vegetarian.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

True wisdom!

Politicians and nappies have one thing in common.
They should both be changed regularly - and for the same reason.

Yorkshire Post yesterday.

Lincoln's words of wisdom From: P Lambert, Ilkley.

I THINK our politicians would do well to study a speech by Abraham Lincoln: "You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong."You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred."You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." Written and spoken in the 19th century – much is still appropriate.
Why are so many of the truly great politicians from the past?

My lips are sealed.

This leaflet is apparently offensive and desperately needed Police intervention!

'A five-strong team of police officers investigated a church's literature because someone said a leaflet inviting the public to an Easter service was 'offensive. Two mounted policemen were later joined by three armour-clad officers who jumped out of a police van to examine the Easter invitation leaflet.After the police found no evidence that the leaflet was offensive, the individual making the complaint changed his claim.He told police he found it offensive that an evangelical church was allowed to advertise itself on the high street in a region which had a sizeable gay community.'

Thanks for the information to The Christian Institute.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A light moment.

Two convicts in a prison cell and one says to the other: 'I hear you’re getting out next week. Are you going straight or back into politics?'


Faith is NOT something which turns on and off. Hence the oft presented statement about some Christian 'who has lost his/her faith' is an absolute non-starter.
In such circumstances all we are talking about is a mere opinion swapped for a different one. That has had little to do with faith.

Faith is NOT straining in a manner similar to constipation in order to get your belief system 'right' or straining in a similar manner to have a prayer answered.

'Saving faith' is an entirely different matter. This is a decision to repent and follow Christ which brings about your eternal salvation. [Arguments rage amongst believers as to whether somebody can then reject this position or not.]

Getting to a position of salvation is one thing, having the faith needed to be able to 'live the life' and 'have prayers answered' is quite something else.

Consider the story of the man with the demon possessed son. Jesus was angered when he doubted whether or not Jesus could heal the boy.
The father sensibly said. "I do believe - help me overcome my unbelief." This is the place where so many Christians find themselves on a daily basis. They know they have the salvation in place but find it difficult to 'live the life' successfully. This applies to ALL believers, I reckon.

Consider Hebrews 11 v 1: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
This does not happen automatically but requires a 'close walk with God'. That needs work: study of His Word; prayer; praise; worship; obedience; thanks; LISTENING!
There has to be an ongoing attempt to 'clean up our act' and full repentance when we slip - as we inevitably do!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Richard Corbett MEP.

Some two years ago, destroyed in debate in front of sixth formers in Harrogate, Richard Corbett MEP used an argument he must have known to be false and dishonest at the time.
This argument was fully and utterly destroyed by his opponent and was to do with exaggerating EU trade by calculatedly including containers passing through Rotterdam as if they were relevant.
Last summer, I was in an audience at a European Day staged at Sheffield Cathedral where the mendacious Mr Corbett used precisely the SAME argument again.
Confirmation that he was being deceitful and that he would knowingly promote the European Union by dishonest means if necessary.
It was my very great pleasure to be at the count in Leeds a fortnight ago and see this odious individual lose his EU seat - the only good thing about the BNP success.
Photo: Mr Corbett selling more UK interests down the river.

Media conspiracy of silence.

One of my spies has reported back to me in a little more detail about the nasty attacks on Rumanians in N. Ireland.
S/he has scoured the media and found that one essential element in the story has not been reported at all - something which would have put the matters fully into context.

S/he is angry and resentful that: A] The public are to be subjected to a coverup - clearly from on high. B] That the Press is clearly not free and C] Important information which helps people come to fully informed decisions has been suppressed.
I shall not tell readers what the issue has been - I wonder if you might guess?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A thought.

My Dad was a man of some wisdom.
Speaking of homosexuals he once commented:
"They cannot breed so they have to recruit."
It does rather explain the current frenzy to 'educate' ever younger children about alternative ( but nonetheless still entirely valid, mainstream) lifestyles, does it not?

Nick Griffin: finally a response.

Mr Griffin was fuming about the egging - apparently, they didn't separate the whites out first.

After the underwhelming success of the first joke on this Blog, I decided to try another!

The Beeb?

I received this yesterday and thought I'd pass it on:

Hi Everyone

Check out this link below! Chris Moyles on Radio 1 talking about seeing the BBC service from Kingsgate Community Church, Peterborough. Kingsgate is led by David Smith who has been one of the speakers at the 'Life in the Spirit' conference. I really rate his Bible teaching and the tremendous work they are doing in Peterborough.

Be encouraged - God is still on the nation's radar!


To brighten up your day - radio 1 talks up God, worth catching.

Friday, June 19, 2009

At last a joke. - Or is it?

Why did the MP cross the road?

To claim his Second Home Allowance.

The Cosy Consensus.

'The cosy consensus' describes that anti-democratic overlap between the three largest political parties in the UK.
It is that area of politics where these three have arrived at a tacit agreement to keep a particular social grievance out of the mainstream and to permit the system to continue largely unaltered. The problem must never be highlighted, publicised, debated or even mentioned. It will be noticeably absent from all manifestos.
This includes: our membership of the European Union; the fact that the punishment very seldom fits the crime in our courts; the casual ignoring of the problems caused by teenage pregnancies; rampant and silly bureaucracy; the failure to control our borders; ongoing loss of national rights to self determination; failures to tackle widespread benefit fraud and much, much more.
Where problems run truly deep, largely resulting from the failure of earlier liberal left idealism, they place these 'off the agenda' whilst the public splutter in impotent fury.

Active BNP recruitment continues - no lessons learned!

'Gypsies and travellers should be given priority in NHS hospitals and GP surgeries, doctors have been told.
They will be fast-tracked for doctors, nurses and even some dentist appointments above all other patients.
GPs have also been told to see any travellers who simply walk in without an appointment, even if all consultation times for the day are full.
Wait for it: GPs have been told to see any travellers who simply walk in - even if all consultation times for the day are full. They will also be fast-tracked for nurses and dental appointments
They will also be given longer consultations than other patients. Five or ten minutes is the average but travellers will be given 20 minutes and allowed to bring relatives into the consulting rooms.
Staff will be given 'mandatory cultural awareness' training so they can fully understand what it is like to be a traveller or gipsy.
It raises the prospect that other patients will suffer worse healthcare and have to wait even longer to see their GP.
The guidelines have been introduced because, under race laws, gipsies and travellers are defined as minority ethnic groups and the NHS is obliged to consider their special needs and circumstances.'

People see this and become furious. Let us forget the abundance of negatives which gypsies generally bring to local neighbourhoods - I am yet to hear of any positives - these are small beer when compared to the rank unfairness built into this plan.

The vast majority of the population cannot abide: 'special cases', 'positive discrimination', so-called 'levelling the playing field', 'redressing (perceived) unfairnesses in the system' and all the rest of the politically correct claptrap.
If voting BNP is what it takes to allow ordinary folks express their utter disgust at the contempt shown - let us not be too surprised by the recent successes of that party.
Votes for the BNP represent the very deepest of anger. When people have no voice amongst the 'chattering classes' - they respond in the best way they know how by making the ultimate two-fingered gesture.
Shame! They could have protested without going to the extremes of Greens or BNP.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Catch 'em young, eh?

Monday, 8 June 2009
Parents in Kent have complained that their children were left “worried” and “confused” by a school assembly about homosexuality.
Teachers at Bromstone Primary in Broadstairs played a song by openly homosexual singer Elton John and then explained what the term ‘homosexual’ means. The children were shown pictures of homosexual couples.
The parents said they had not been consulted before the assembly and were treated as ‘homophobic’ when they raised concerns.
Gemma Martin, whose four and seven-year-old children attend the school, said some children were now worried “about being friends with each other”.

Not prosecuting people for homosexual acts is inevitable in any democratic society and as a near libertarian, I take the view that homosexuals have as much right to reject God's teachings as the rest of us have.
Like all others however, they must be prepared to accept the ultimate consequences of their unrepented sin.

That our society should foist homosexual ideas and propaganda onto infants is nothing less than an abomination.


No comment but every picture tells a story, don't it?

'The well-known symbol of the Red Cross is an insulting reminder of the Crusades and should be replaced with a crystal, claims a Foreign Office minister.
Chris Bryant MP argued that the religious connotations of the symbol could undermine the work of the Red Cross.'


Back to prayer.

Further to what I wrote on the last posting on prayer, I recently did an RS lesson with a fairly bright bunch of 14 year olds.
Between us all, we found FIFTEEN reasons why people pray.

Just as a matter of interest dear Christian readers - how many reasons could you come up with?

Irony, surely?

Gordon Brown is advising Iran to listen to 'the grievances of its people'.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...